lexicalDescend(pc, child, shouldPopScope);
} else if (n instanceof TextNode) {
TextNode child = (TextNode)n;
Renderable textWidget;
//setup a lexical scope if we're going into a repeat widget (by reading the previous node)
final boolean shouldPopScope = lexicalClimb(pc, child);
// construct the text widget
try {
textWidget = registry.textWidget(cleanHtml(n), pc.lexicalScopes.peek());
// if there are no annotations, add the text widget to the chain
if (!child.hasAttr(ANNOTATION_KEY)) {
else {
// construct a new widget chain for this text node
WidgetChain childsChildren = Chains.proceeding().addWidget(textWidget);
// make a new widget for the annotation, making the text chain the child
String widgetName = child.attr(ANNOTATION_KEY).toLowerCase();
Renderable annotationWidget = registry.newWidget(widgetName, child.attr(ANNOTATION_CONTENT), childsChildren, pc.lexicalScopes.peek());
} catch (ExpressionCompileException e) {