Date startTimeOfSave = new Date();
synchronized (this) {
for (long id : _projectsMetadata.keySet()) {
ProjectMetadata metadata = getProjectMetadata(id);
Project project = _projects.get(id); // don't call getProject() as that will load the project.
if (project != null) {
boolean hasUnsavedChanges =
metadata.getModified().getTime() >= project.getLastSave().getTime();
// We use >= instead of just > to avoid the case where a newly created project
// has the same modified and last save times, resulting in the project not getting
// saved at all.
if (hasUnsavedChanges) {
long msecsOverdue = startTimeOfSave.getTime() - project.getLastSave().getTime();
records.add(new SaveRecord(project, msecsOverdue));
} else if (!project.getProcessManager().hasPending()
&& startTimeOfSave.getTime() - project.getLastSave().getTime() > s_projectFlushDelay) {
* It's been a while since the project was last saved and it hasn't been
* modified. We can safely remove it from the cache to save some memory.