private void visitCall(NodeTraversal t, Node n) {
checkCallConventions(t, n);
Node child = n.getFirstChild();
JSType childType = getJSType(child).restrictByNotNullOrUndefined();
if (!childType.canBeCalled()) {
report(t, n, NOT_CALLABLE, childType.toString());
ensureTyped(t, n);
// A couple of types can be called as if they were functions.
// If it is a function type, then validate parameters.
if (childType.isFunctionType()) {
FunctionType functionType = childType.toMaybeFunctionType();
// Non-native constructors should not be called directly
// unless they specify a return type
if (functionType.isConstructor() &&
!functionType.isNativeObjectType() &&
(functionType.getReturnType().isUnknownType() ||
functionType.getReturnType().isVoidType())) {
report(t, n, CONSTRUCTOR_NOT_CALLABLE, childType.toString());
// Functions with explicit 'this' types must be called in a GETPROP
// or GETELEM.
if (functionType.isOrdinaryFunction() &&