A module whose configuration information is hidden from its environment by default. Only bindings that are explicitly exposed will be available to other modules and to the users of the injector. This module may expose the bindings it creates and the bindings of the modules it installs.
A private module can be nested within a regular module or within another private module using {@link Binder#install install()}. Its bindings live in a new environment that inherits bindings, type converters, scopes, and interceptors from the surrounding ("parent") environment. When you nest multiple private modules, the result is a tree of environments where the injector's environment is the root.
Guice EDSL bindings can be exposed with {@link #expose(Class) expose()}. {@literal @}{@link com.google.inject.Provides Provides} bindings can be exposed with the {@literal @}{@link Exposed} annotation:
public class FooBarBazModule extends PrivateModule { protected void configurePrivateBindings() { bind(Foo.class).to(RealFoo.class); expose(Foo.class); install(new TransactionalBarModule()); expose(Bar.class).annotatedWith(Transactional.class); bind(SomeImplementationDetail.class); install(new MoreImplementationDetailsModule()); } {@literal @}Provides {@literal @}Exposed public Baz provideBaz() { return new SuperBaz(); } }
Private modules are implemented using {@link Injector#createChildInjector(Module[]) parentinjectors}. When it can satisfy their dependencies, just-in-time bindings will be created in the root environment. Such bindings are shared among all environments in the tree.
The scope of a binding is constrained to its environment. A singleton bound in a private module will be unique to its environment. But a binding for the same type in a different private module will yield a different instance.
A shared binding that injects the {@code Injector} gets the root injector, which only hasaccess to bindings in the root environment. An explicit binding that injects the {@code Injector}gets access to all bindings in the child environment.
To promote a just-in-time binding to an explicit binding, bind it:
@author jessewilson@google.com (Jesse Wilson)
@since 2.0