* Generate xml elements of java action and attach them to xml doc
public void generateXML(Document doc, Element root, NodeWidget next) {
Element action = doc.createElement("action");
action.setAttribute("name", current.getName());
// create <java>
Element javaEle = doc.createElement("java");
// create <job-tracker>
javaEle.appendChild(generateElement(doc, "job-tracker", jt));
// create <name-node>
javaEle.appendChild(generateElement(doc, "name-node", nn));
// create <prepare>
prepareToXML(prepare, javaEle, doc);
// create <job-xml>
filterListToXML(others, javaEle, doc, "job-xml");
// create <configuration>
configToXML(configs, javaEle, doc);
// create <main-class>
javaEle.appendChild(generateElement(doc, "main-class", mainClass));
// create <java-opts>
filterListToXML(others, javaEle, doc, "java-opts");
// create <arg>
filterListToXML(others, javaEle, doc, "arg");
// create <file>
filterListToXML(others, javaEle, doc, "file");
// create <archive>
filterListToXML(others, javaEle, doc, "archive");
// create <capture-output>
if (rby.getValue()) {
Element outputele = doc.createElement("capture-output");
// create <ok>
action.appendChild(generateOKElement(doc, next));