private void printLayoutError(ValueMap valueMap, TreeItem parent,
final ApplicationConnection ac) {
final String pid = valueMap.getString("id");
final Paintable paintable = ac.getPaintable(pid);
TreeItem errorNode = new TreeItem();
VerticalPanel errorDetails = new VerticalPanel();
errorDetails.add(new Label(Util.getSimpleName(paintable) + " id: "
+ pid));
if (valueMap.containsKey("heightMsg")) {
errorDetails.add(new Label("Height problem: "
+ valueMap.getString("heightMsg")));
if (valueMap.containsKey("widthMsg")) {
errorDetails.add(new Label("Width problem: "
+ valueMap.getString("widthMsg")));
final CheckBox emphasisInUi = new CheckBox("Emphasize component in UI");
emphasisInUi.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
if (paintable != null) {
Element element2 = ((Widget) paintable).getElement();
Widget.setStyleName(element2, "invalidlayout",
if (valueMap.containsKey("subErrors")) {
HTML l = new HTML(
"<em>Expand this node to show problems that may be dependent on this problem.</em>");
JsArray<ValueMap> suberrors = valueMap