public Widget getWidget() {
return root;
public void run() {
RootPanel root = RootPanel.get();
// Add a large widget to the root to reflect a typical application.
FlowPanel largeWidget = null;
if (includeLargeWidget.getValue()) {
largeWidget = new FlowPanel();
TestWidgetBinder.Maker widgetMaker = new TestWidgetBinder.Maker();
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
int nanosCount = nanos.size();
double[] times = new double[nanosCount];
int column = grid.getColumnCount();
grid.resizeColumns(column + 1);
grid.setText(0, column, "Run " + (column - 3));
final int instances = getInstances();
boolean forward = false;
for (int i = 0; i < instances; ++i) {
forward = !forward;
for (int m = 0; m < nanosCount; m++) {
* Alternate the order that we invoke the makers to cancel out the
* performance impact of adding elements to the DOM, which would cause
* later tests to run more slowly than earlier tests.
NanoTest nano = nanos.get(forward ? m : (nanosCount - 1 - m));
// Execute the test.
log(i + ": " +;
double start = Duration.currentTimeMillis();
// Record the end time.
double thisTime = Duration.currentTimeMillis() - start;
times[m] += thisTime;
// Cleanup after the test.
// Record the times.
double allTimes = 0;
for (int m = 0; m < nanosCount; ++m) {
record(m + 1, times[m]);
allTimes += times[m];
grid.setText(grid.getRowCount() - 1, grid.getColumnCount() - 1, Util.format(allTimes));
// Cleanup the dom.
if (largeWidget != null) {