GenClient.showCodeBug("Check code here because JFD had to disable some vital code to keep Eclipse's code checker happy.");
final MenuBar menuBar = new MenuBar();
final MenuBar menuBar_file = new MenuBar(true);
final MenuBar menuBar_iCing = new MenuBar(true);
Command commandCriteria = new Command() {
public void execute() {
Command commandFile = new Command() {
public void execute() {
// Command commandLog = new Command() {
// public void execute() {
// loadLogView();
// }
// };
Command commandCingLog = new Command() {
public void execute() {
// Command commandExit = new Command() {
// public void execute() {
// loadLoginView();
// }
// };
// Command commandPref = new Command() {
// public void execute() {
// loadPrefView();
// }
// };
// Command commandWelcome = new Command() {
// public void execute() {
// loadWelcomeView();
// }
// };
Command commandOptions = new Command() {
public void execute() {
Command commandRun = new Command() {
public void execute() {
Command commandReport = new Command() {
public void execute() {
Command commandAbout = new Command() {
public void execute() {
(new About()).show();
Command commandPurgeProject = new Command() {
public void execute() {
// loadLogView();
Command commandHelp = new Command() {
public void execute() {
About h = new About();
h.setHTML(c.About()); // TODO: seems without effect.
h.details.setHTML(h.details.getHTML() + "<BR>" + c.for_help());;
menuBar_iCing.addItem(c.About() + " iCing", commandAbout);
// menuBar_iCing.addItem(c.Preferences(), commandPref);
menuBar.addItem(c.iCing(), menuBar_iCing);
menuBar.addItem(c.File(), menuBar_file);
menuBar_file.addItem(c.Upload(), commandFile);
menuBar_file.addItem(c.PurgeProject(), commandPurgeProject);
// menuBar_file.addItem(c.Exit(), commandExit);
final MenuBar menuBar_edit = new MenuBar(true);
// menuBar_edit.setVisible(false);// doesn't 'help'
menuBar.addItem(c.Edit(), menuBar_edit);
menuBar_edit.addItem(c.Criteria(), commandCriteria);
menuBar_edit.addItem(c.Options(), commandOptions);
menuBar.addItem(c.Run(), commandRun);
final MenuBar menuBar_view = new MenuBar(true);
menuBar.addItem(c.View(), menuBar_view);
menuBar_view.addItem(c.Report(), commandReport);
// menuItemReport.addStyleDependentName("disabled");
menuBar_view.addItem(c.Log() + " CING", commandCingLog);
// menuItemLogCing.addStyleDependentName("disabled");
// menuBar_view.addItem(c.Log() + " iCing", commandLog);
// MenuItem menuItem3D = menuBar.addItem(c.threeD(), (Command) null);
// menuItem3D.addStyleDependentName("disabled"); // try to improve
// styling.