// Place everything in a nice looking grid
Grid grid = new Grid(9, 3);
// The type of text to display
final HTML defaultTextLabel = new HTML("custom");
// Set the current slider position
grid.setWidget(0, 1, curBox);
grid.setHTML(0, 2, "The current value of the knob.");
grid.setWidget(0, 0, new Button("Set Current Value", new ClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
mainSliderBar.setCurrentValue(new Float(curBox.getText()).floatValue());
// Set the minimum value
final TextBox minBox = new TextBox();
grid.setWidget(1, 1, minBox);
grid.setHTML(1, 2, "The lower bounds (minimum) of the range.");
grid.setWidget(1, 0, new Button("Set Min Value", new ClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
mainSliderBar.setMinValue(new Float(minBox.getText()).floatValue());
// Set the maximum value
final TextBox maxBox = new TextBox();
grid.setWidget(2, 1, maxBox);
grid.setHTML(2, 2, "The upper bounds (maximum) of the range.");
grid.setWidget(2, 0, new Button("Set Max Value", new ClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
mainSliderBar.setMaxValue(new Float(maxBox.getText()).floatValue());
// Set the step size
final TextBox stepSizeBox = new TextBox();
grid.setWidget(3, 1, stepSizeBox);
grid.setHTML(3, 2, "The increments between each knob position.");
grid.setWidget(3, 0, new Button("Set Step Size", new ClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
mainSliderBar.setStepSize(new Float(stepSizeBox.getText()).floatValue());
// Set the number of tick marks
final TextBox numTicksBox = new TextBox();
grid.setWidget(4, 1, numTicksBox);
grid.setHTML(4, 2,
"The vertical black lines along the range of value. Note that the "
+ "number of ticks is actually one more than the number you "
+ "specify, so setting the number of ticks to one will display a "
+ "tick at each end of the slider.");
grid.setWidget(4, 0, new Button("Set Num Ticks", new ClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
mainSliderBar.setNumTicks(new Integer(numTicksBox.getText()).intValue());
// Set the number of labels
final TextBox numLabelsBox = new TextBox();
grid.setWidget(5, 1, numLabelsBox);
grid.setHTML(5, 2, "The labels above the ticks.");
grid.setWidget(5, 0, new Button("Set Num Labels", new ClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
mainSliderBar.setNumLabels(new Integer(numLabelsBox.getText()).intValue());
// Create a form to set width of element
final TextBox widthBox = new TextBox();
grid.setWidget(6, 1, widthBox);
grid.setHTML(6, 2, "Set the width of the slider. Use this to see how "
+ "resize checking detects the new dimensions and redraws the widget.");
grid.setWidget(6, 0, new Button("Set Width", new ClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
// Add the default text option
grid.setWidget(7, 1, defaultTextLabel);
grid.setHTML(7, 2, "Override the format of the labels with a custom"
+ "format.");
grid.setWidget(7, 0, new Button("Toggle Custom Text", new ClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
if (useCustomText) {
useCustomText = false;
} else {
useCustomText = true;
// Add static resize timer methods
final HTML resizeCheckLabel = new HTML("enabled");
grid.setWidget(8, 1, resizeCheckLabel);
grid.setHTML(8, 2, "When resize checking is enabled, a Timer will "
+ "periodically check if the Widget's dimensions have changed. If "
+ "they change, the widget will be redrawn.");
grid.setWidget(8, 0, new Button("Toggle Resize Checking",
new ClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
if (ResizableWidgetCollection.get().isResizeCheckingEnabled()) {