
Examples of


    public void showEmptyTree() {

        if (this.emptyCategories == null) {
                AbsolutePanel p = new AbsolutePanel();
                 p.add( new HTML(constants.NoCategoriesCreatedYetTip()) );
                 Button b = new Button(constants.Refresh());
                 b.addClickListener( new ClickListener() {
                    public void onClick(Widget w) {
                 p.add( b );
                 p.setStyleName( "small-Text" ); //NON-NLS
                 this.emptyCategories = p;
                 this.panel.add( this.emptyCategories );
        emptyCategories.setVisible( true );
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        //Each Action is a row in a vertical panel
        final VerticalPanel actionsPanel = new VerticalPanel();

        //Wire-up DnD for Actions. All DnD related widgets must be contained in the AbsolutePanel
        AbsolutePanel actionsBoundaryPanel = new AbsolutePanel();
        PickupDragController actionsDragController = new PickupDragController( actionsBoundaryPanel,
                                                                               false );
        actionsDragController.setBehaviorConstrainedToBoundaryPanel( false );
        VerticalPanelDropController actionsDropController = new VerticalPanelDropController( actionsPanel );
        actionsDragController.registerDropController( actionsDropController );

        //Add DnD container to main Conditions container
        actionsBoundaryPanel.add( actionsPanel );
        this.actionsConfigWidget.add( actionsBoundaryPanel );

        //Add a DragHandler to handle the actions resulting from the drag operation
        actionsDragController.addDragHandler( new ActionDragHandler( actionsPanel,
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        //Each Pattern is a row in a vertical panel
        final VerticalPanel patternsPanel = new VerticalPanel();

        //Wire-up DnD for Patterns. All DnD related widgets must be contained in the AbsolutePanel
        AbsolutePanel patternsBoundaryPanel = new AbsolutePanel();
        PickupDragController patternsDragController = new PickupDragController( patternsBoundaryPanel,
                                                                                false );
        patternsDragController.setBehaviorConstrainedToBoundaryPanel( false );
        VerticalPanelDropController widgetDropController = new VerticalPanelDropController( patternsPanel );
        patternsDragController.registerDropController( widgetDropController );

        //Add DnD container to main Conditions container
        conditionsConfigWidget.add( patternsBoundaryPanel );
        patternsBoundaryPanel.add( patternsPanel );

        //Add a DragHandler to handle the actions resulting from the drag operation
        patternsDragController.addDragHandler( new PatternDragHandler( patternsPanel,
                                                                       dtable ) );

        List<CompositeColumn< ? >> columns = guidedDecisionTable.getConditions();
        boolean arePatternsDraggable = columns.size() > 1 && !isReadOnly;
        for ( CompositeColumn< ? > column : columns ) {
            if ( column instanceof Pattern52 ) {
                Pattern52 p = (Pattern52) column;
                VerticalPanel patternPanel = new VerticalPanel();
                VerticalPanel conditionsPanel = new VerticalPanel();
                HorizontalPanel patternHeaderPanel = new HorizontalPanel();
                patternHeaderPanel.setStylePrimaryName( );
                Label patternLabel = makePatternLabel( p );
                patternHeaderPanel.add( patternLabel );
                patternPanel.add( patternHeaderPanel );
                patternsPanel.add( patternPanel );

                //Wire-up DnD for Conditions. All DnD related widgets must be contained in the AbsolutePanel
                AbsolutePanel conditionsBoundaryPanel = new AbsolutePanel();
                PickupDragController conditionsDragController = new PickupDragController( conditionsBoundaryPanel,
                                                                                          false );
                conditionsDragController.setBehaviorConstrainedToBoundaryPanel( false );
                VerticalPanelDropController conditionsDropController = new VerticalPanelDropController( conditionsPanel );
                conditionsDragController.registerDropController( conditionsDropController );

                //Add DnD container to main Conditions container
                conditionsBoundaryPanel.add( conditionsPanel );
                patternPanel.add( conditionsBoundaryPanel );

                //Add a DragHandler to handle the actions resulting from the drag operation
                conditionsDragController.addDragHandler( new ConditionDragHandler( conditionsPanel,
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  protected LoadingPanel(Widget targetWidget) {
    super(false, false);

    this.targetWidget = (RootPanel.get() != targetWidget) ? targetWidget : null;
    glassPanelParent = (this.targetWidget != null) ? new AbsolutePanel() : null;


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   * @param cssName the style name added to the base name
   * @return a new wrapper element
  private AbsolutePanel createWrapper(String cssName) {
    final AbsolutePanel wrapper = new AbsolutePanel() {
      public void onBrowserEvent(Event event) {
    final Element wrapperElem = wrapper.getElement();
    DOM.setIntStyleAttribute(wrapperElem, "margin", 0);
    DOM.setIntStyleAttribute(wrapperElem, "border", 0);
    DOM.setIntStyleAttribute(wrapperElem, "padding", 0);
    return wrapper;
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  public void moveBy(int right, int down) {
    AbsolutePanel parent = (AbsolutePanel) getParent();
    Location location = new WidgetLocation(this, parent);
    int left = location.getLeft() + right;
    int top = location.getTop() + down;
    parent.setWidgetPosition(this, left, top);
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        //Each Action is a row in a vertical panel
        final VerticalPanel actionsPanel = new VerticalPanel();

        //Wire-up DnD for Actions. All DnD related widgets must be contained in the AbsolutePanel
        AbsolutePanel actionsBoundaryPanel = new AbsolutePanel();
        PickupDragController actionsDragController = new PickupDragController( actionsBoundaryPanel,
                                                                               false );
        actionsDragController.setBehaviorConstrainedToBoundaryPanel( false );
        VerticalPanelDropController actionsDropController = new VerticalPanelDropController( actionsPanel );
        actionsDragController.registerDropController( actionsDropController );

        //Add DnD container to main Conditions container
        actionsBoundaryPanel.add( actionsPanel );
        this.actionsConfigWidget.add( actionsBoundaryPanel );

        //Add a DragHandler to handle the actions resulting from the drag operation
        actionsDragController.addDragHandler( new ActionDragHandler( actionsPanel,
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        //Each Pattern is a row in a vertical panel
        final VerticalPanel patternsPanel = new VerticalPanel();

        //Wire-up DnD for Patterns. All DnD related widgets must be contained in the AbsolutePanel
        AbsolutePanel patternsBoundaryPanel = new AbsolutePanel();
        PickupDragController patternsDragController = new PickupDragController( patternsBoundaryPanel,
                                                                                false );
        patternsDragController.setBehaviorConstrainedToBoundaryPanel( false );
        VerticalPanelDropController widgetDropController = new VerticalPanelDropController( patternsPanel );
        patternsDragController.registerDropController( widgetDropController );

        //Add DnD container to main Conditions container
        conditionsConfigWidget.add( patternsBoundaryPanel );
        patternsBoundaryPanel.add( patternsPanel );

        //Add a DragHandler to handle the actions resulting from the drag operation
        patternsDragController.addDragHandler( new PatternDragHandler( patternsPanel,
                                                                       dtable ) );

        List<CompositeColumn< ? >> columns = guidedDecisionTable.getConditions();
        boolean arePatternsDraggable = columns.size() > 1 && !isReadOnly;
        for ( CompositeColumn< ? > column : columns ) {
            if ( column instanceof Pattern52 ) {
                Pattern52 p = (Pattern52) column;
                VerticalPanel patternPanel = new VerticalPanel();
                VerticalPanel conditionsPanel = new VerticalPanel();
                HorizontalPanel patternHeaderPanel = new HorizontalPanel();
                patternHeaderPanel.setStylePrimaryName( );
                Label patternLabel = makePatternLabel( p );
                patternHeaderPanel.add( patternLabel );
                patternPanel.add( patternHeaderPanel );
                patternsPanel.add( patternPanel );

                //Wire-up DnD for Conditions. All DnD related widgets must be contained in the AbsolutePanel
                AbsolutePanel conditionsBoundaryPanel = new AbsolutePanel();
                PickupDragController conditionsDragController = new PickupDragController( conditionsBoundaryPanel,
                                                                                          false );
                conditionsDragController.setBehaviorConstrainedToBoundaryPanel( false );
                VerticalPanelDropController conditionsDropController = new VerticalPanelDropController( conditionsPanel );
                conditionsDragController.registerDropController( conditionsDropController );

                //Add DnD container to main Conditions container
                conditionsBoundaryPanel.add( conditionsPanel );
                patternPanel.add( conditionsBoundaryPanel );

                //Add a DragHandler to handle the actions resulting from the drag operation
                conditionsDragController.addDragHandler( new ConditionDragHandler( conditionsPanel,
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        //Each Action is a row in a vertical panel
        final VerticalPanel actionsPanel = new VerticalPanel();

        //Wire-up DnD for Actions. All DnD related widgets must be contained in the AbsolutePanel
        AbsolutePanel actionsBoundaryPanel = new AbsolutePanel();
        PickupDragController actionsDragController = new PickupDragController( actionsBoundaryPanel,
                                                                               false );
        actionsDragController.setBehaviorConstrainedToBoundaryPanel( false );
        VerticalPanelDropController actionsDropController = new VerticalPanelDropController( actionsPanel );
        actionsDragController.registerDropController( actionsDropController );

        //Add DnD container to main Conditions container
        actionsBoundaryPanel.add( actionsPanel );
        this.actionsConfigWidget.add( actionsBoundaryPanel );

        //Add a DragHandler to handle the actions resulting from the drag operation
        actionsDragController.addDragHandler( new ActionDragHandler( actionsPanel,
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        //Each Pattern is a row in a vertical panel
        final VerticalPanel patternsPanel = new VerticalPanel();

        //Wire-up DnD for Patterns. All DnD related widgets must be contained in the AbsolutePanel
        AbsolutePanel patternsBoundaryPanel = new AbsolutePanel();
        PickupDragController patternsDragController = new PickupDragController( patternsBoundaryPanel,
                                                                                false );
        patternsDragController.setBehaviorConstrainedToBoundaryPanel( false );
        VerticalPanelDropController widgetDropController = new VerticalPanelDropController( patternsPanel );
        patternsDragController.registerDropController( widgetDropController );

        //Add DnD container to main Conditions container
        conditionsConfigWidget.add( patternsBoundaryPanel );
        patternsBoundaryPanel.add( patternsPanel );

        //Add a DragHandler to handle the actions resulting from the drag operation
        patternsDragController.addDragHandler( new PatternDragHandler( patternsPanel,
                                                                       dtable ) );

        List<CompositeColumn<? extends BaseColumn>> columns = model.getConditions();
        boolean arePatternsDraggable = columns.size() > 1 && !isReadOnly;
        for ( CompositeColumn<?> column : columns ) {
            if ( column instanceof Pattern52 ) {
                Pattern52 p = (Pattern52) column;
                VerticalPanel patternPanel = new VerticalPanel();
                VerticalPanel conditionsPanel = new VerticalPanel();
                HorizontalPanel patternHeaderPanel = new HorizontalPanel();
                patternHeaderPanel.setStylePrimaryName( GuidedDecisionTableResources.INSTANCE.css().patternSectionHeader() );
                Label patternLabel = makePatternLabel( p );
                patternHeaderPanel.add( patternLabel );
                patternPanel.add( patternHeaderPanel );
                patternsPanel.add( patternPanel );

                //Wire-up DnD for Conditions. All DnD related widgets must be contained in the AbsolutePanel
                AbsolutePanel conditionsBoundaryPanel = new AbsolutePanel();
                PickupDragController conditionsDragController = new PickupDragController( conditionsBoundaryPanel,
                                                                                          false );
                conditionsDragController.setBehaviorConstrainedToBoundaryPanel( false );
                VerticalPanelDropController conditionsDropController = new VerticalPanelDropController( conditionsPanel );
                conditionsDragController.registerDropController( conditionsDropController );

                //Add DnD container to main Conditions container
                conditionsBoundaryPanel.add( conditionsPanel );
                patternPanel.add( conditionsBoundaryPanel );

                //Add a DragHandler to handle the actions resulting from the drag operation
                conditionsDragController.addDragHandler( new ConditionDragHandler( conditionsPanel,
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