
Examples of

    for (int i = 0; i < toReturn.length; i++) {
      String fieldName = data.serializableFields.get(i);
      try {
        toReturn[i] = clazz.getDeclaredField(fieldName);
      } catch (SecurityException e) {
        throw new IncompatibleRemoteServiceException("Cannot access field "
            + fieldName, e);
      } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
        throw new IncompatibleRemoteServiceException("No field " + fieldName, e);

    synchronized (operableFieldMap) {
      operableFieldMap.put(clazz, toReturn);
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    results = eval(encoded);
    index = getLength(results);

    if (getVersion() != SERIALIZATION_STREAM_VERSION) {
      throw new IncompatibleRemoteServiceException("Expecting version "
          + SERIALIZATION_STREAM_VERSION + " from server, got " + getVersion()
          + ".");

    stringTable = readJavaScriptObject();
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      while (idx < encodedTokens.length()
          && Character.isDigit(encodedTokens.charAt(idx))) {
      if (idx == 0) {
        throw new IncompatibleRemoteServiceException(
            "Malformed or old RPC message received - expecting version "
      } else {
        int version = Integer.valueOf(encodedTokens.substring(0, idx));
        throw new IncompatibleRemoteServiceException("Expecting version "
            + SERIALIZATION_STREAM_VERSION + " from client, got " + version
            + ".");


    // Check the RPC version number sent by the client
    if (getVersion() != SERIALIZATION_STREAM_VERSION) {
      throw new IncompatibleRemoteServiceException("Expecting version "
          + SERIALIZATION_STREAM_VERSION + " from client, got " + getVersion()
          + ".");

    // Read the type name table
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      if (type != null) {
        if (!implementsInterface(type, serviceIntfName)) {
          // The service does not implement the requested interface
          throw new IncompatibleRemoteServiceException(
              "Blocked attempt to access interface '" + serviceIntfName
                  + "', which is not implemented by '" + printTypeName(type)
                  + "'; this is either misconfiguration or a hack attempt");

      SerializationPolicy serializationPolicy = streamReader.getSerializationPolicy();
      Class<?> serviceIntf;
      try {
        serviceIntf = getClassFromSerializedName(serviceIntfName, classLoader);
        if (!RemoteService.class.isAssignableFrom(serviceIntf)) {
          // The requested interface is not a RemoteService interface
          throw new IncompatibleRemoteServiceException(
              "Blocked attempt to access interface '"
                  + printTypeName(serviceIntf)
                  + "', which doesn't extend RemoteService; this is either misconfiguration or a hack attempt");
      } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
        throw new IncompatibleRemoteServiceException(
            "Could not locate requested interface '" + serviceIntfName
                + "' in default classloader", e);

      String serviceMethodName = streamReader.readString();

      int paramCount = streamReader.readInt();
      if (paramCount > streamReader.getNumberOfTokens()) {
        throw new IncompatibleRemoteServiceException(
            "Invalid number of parameters");
      Class<?>[] parameterTypes = new Class[paramCount];

      for (int i = 0; i < parameterTypes.length; i++) {
        String paramClassName = maybeDeobfuscate(streamReader,

        try {
          parameterTypes[i] = getClassFromSerializedName(paramClassName,
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
          throw new IncompatibleRemoteServiceException("Parameter " + i
              + " of is of an unknown type '" + paramClassName + "'", e);

      try {
        Method method = serviceIntf.getMethod(serviceMethodName, parameterTypes);

        Object[] parameterValues = new Object[parameterTypes.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < parameterValues.length; i++) {
          parameterValues[i] = streamReader.deserializeValue(parameterTypes[i]);

        return new RPCRequest(method, parameterValues, rpcToken,
            serializationPolicy, streamReader.getFlags());

      } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
        throw new IncompatibleRemoteServiceException(
            formatMethodNotFoundErrorMessage(serviceIntf, serviceMethodName,
    } catch (SerializationException ex) {
      throw new IncompatibleRemoteServiceException(ex.getMessage(), ex);
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      throws SerializationException {
    int index;
    if (streamReader.hasFlags(AbstractSerializationStream.FLAG_ELIDE_TYPE_NAMES)) {
      SerializationPolicy serializationPolicy = streamReader.getSerializationPolicy();
      if (!(serializationPolicy instanceof TypeNameObfuscator)) {
        throw new IncompatibleRemoteServiceException(
            "RPC request was encoded with obfuscated type names, "
                + "but the SerializationPolicy in use does not implement "
                + TypeNameObfuscator.class.getName());
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      while (idx < encodedTokens.length()
          && Character.isDigit(encodedTokens.charAt(idx))) {
      if (idx == 0) {
        throw new IncompatibleRemoteServiceException(
            "Malformed or old RPC message received - expecting version between "
                + SERIALIZATION_STREAM_MIN_VERSION + " and "
      } else {
        int version = Integer.valueOf(encodedTokens.substring(0, idx));
        throw new IncompatibleRemoteServiceException("Expecting version between "
            + SERIALIZATION_STREAM_VERSION + " from client, got " + version
            + ".");


    // Check the RPC version number sent by the client
        || getVersion() > SERIALIZATION_STREAM_VERSION) {
      throw new IncompatibleRemoteServiceException("Expecting version between "
          + SERIALIZATION_STREAM_VERSION + " from client, got " + getVersion()
          + ".");
    // Check the flags
    if (!areFlagsValid()) {
      throw new IncompatibleRemoteServiceException("Got an unknown flag from "
          + "client: " + getFlags());

    // Read the type name table
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      while (idx < encodedTokens.length()
          && Character.isDigit(encodedTokens.charAt(idx))) {
      if (idx == 0) {
        throw new IncompatibleRemoteServiceException(
            "Malformed or old RPC message received - expecting version between "
                + SERIALIZATION_STREAM_MIN_VERSION + " and "
      } else {
        int version = Integer.valueOf(encodedTokens.substring(0, idx));
        throw new IncompatibleRemoteServiceException("Expecting version between "
            + SERIALIZATION_STREAM_VERSION + " from client, got " + version
            + ".");


    // Check the RPC version number sent by the client
        || getVersion() > SERIALIZATION_STREAM_VERSION) {
      throw new IncompatibleRemoteServiceException("Expecting version between "
          + SERIALIZATION_STREAM_VERSION + " from client, got " + getVersion()
          + ".");
    // Check the flags
    if (!areFlagsValid()) {
      throw new IncompatibleRemoteServiceException("Got an unknown flag from "
          + "client: " + getFlags());

    // Read the type name table
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        caught = (Throwable) streamFactory.createStreamReader(encodedResponse).readObject();
      } else {
        caught = new InvocationException(encodedResponse);
    } catch ( e) {
      caught = new IncompatibleRemoteServiceException(
          "The response could not be deserialized", e);
    } catch (Throwable e) {
      caught = e;
    } finally {
      boolean toss = statsContext.isStatsAvailable()
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    for (int i = 0; i < toReturn.length; i++) {
      String fieldName = data.serializableFields.get(i);
      try {
        toReturn[i] = clazz.getDeclaredField(fieldName);
      } catch (SecurityException e) {
        throw new IncompatibleRemoteServiceException("Cannot access field "
            + fieldName, e);
      } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
        throw new IncompatibleRemoteServiceException("No field " + fieldName, e);

    synchronized (operableFieldMap) {
      operableFieldMap.put(clazz, toReturn);
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    public void endVisit(EnumValueCommand x, Context ctx) {
      String fieldName = clientOracle.getFieldId(x.getValue());
      if (fieldName == null) {
        throw new IncompatibleRemoteServiceException(
            "The client cannot accept " + x.getValue().name());
      String clinitName = clientOracle.getMethodId(
          x.getValue().getDeclaringClass(), "$clinit");
      assert clinitName != null;
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