* for any classloader to find it as a resource.
private static String deduceTemplateFile(MortalLogger logger,
JClassType interfaceType) throws UnableToCompleteException {
String templateName = null;
UiTemplate annotation = interfaceType.getAnnotation(UiTemplate.class);
if (annotation == null) {
// if the interface is defined as a nested class, use the name of the
// enclosing type
if (interfaceType.getEnclosingType() != null) {
interfaceType = interfaceType.getEnclosingType();
return slashify(interfaceType.getQualifiedBinaryName()) + TEMPLATE_SUFFIX;
} else {
templateName = annotation.value();
if (!templateName.endsWith(TEMPLATE_SUFFIX)) {
logger.die("Template file name must end with " + TEMPLATE_SUFFIX);