Helper class for laying out a container element and its children.
This class is typically used by higher-level widgets to implement layout on their behalf. It is intended to wrap an element (usually a <div>), and lay its children out in a predictable fashion, automatically accounting for changes to the parent's size, and for all elements' margins, borders, and padding.
To use this class, create a container element (again, usually a <div>) and pass it to {@link #Layout(Element)}. Rather than attaching child elements directly to the element managed by this {@link Layout}, use the {@link Layout#attachChild(Element)} method. This will attach the childelement and return a {@link Layout.Layer} object which is used to manage thechild.
A separate {@link Layout.Layer} instance is associated with each childelement. There is a set of methods available on this class to manipulate the child element's position and size. In order for changes to a layer to take effect, you must finally call one of {@link #layout()} or{@link #layout(int)}. This allows many changes to different layers to be applied efficiently, and to be animated.
On most browsers, this is implemented using absolute positioning. It also contains extra logic to make IE6 work properly.
NOTE: This class will only work in standards mode, which requires that the HTML page in which it is run have an explicit <!DOCTYPE> declaration.
NOTE: This class is still very new, and its interface may change without warning. Use at your own risk.