// no scale limitations
mapView.setMaxBounds(new Bbox(-1E20, -1E20, 2E20, 2E20));
CaptureHandler handler = new CaptureHandler();
HandlerRegistration registration = mapView.addMapViewChangedHandler(handler);
// force 1.0
mapView.setCurrentScale(1.0, MapView.ZoomOption.LEVEL_CLOSEST);
// zooms in to 1.0
handler.expect(new Bbox(400, 150, 200, 100), 1.0, true);
// force 2.0
mapView.setCurrentScale(2.0, MapView.ZoomOption.LEVEL_CLOSEST);
// zooms in to 2.0
handler.expect(new Bbox(450, 175, 100, 50), 2.0, false);
// force 0.01
mapView.setCurrentScale(0.01, MapView.ZoomOption.LEVEL_CLOSEST);
// zooms in to 0.01
handler.expect(new Bbox(-9500, -4800, 20000, 10000), 0.01, false);
// fitting
// force 1.0
mapView.setCurrentScale(1.0, MapView.ZoomOption.LEVEL_FIT);
// zooms in to 1.0
handler.expect(new Bbox(400, 150, 200, 100), 1.0, false);
// force 2.0
mapView.setCurrentScale(2.0, MapView.ZoomOption.LEVEL_FIT);
// zooms in to 2.0
handler.expect(new Bbox(450, 175, 100, 50), 2.0, false);
// force 0.01
mapView.setCurrentScale(0.01, MapView.ZoomOption.LEVEL_FIT);
// zooms in to 0.01
handler.expect(new Bbox(-9500, -4800, 20000, 10000), 0.01, false);
// test for 1 resolution
resolutions = new ArrayList<Double>();
resolutions.add(1 / 1.0);