private Node transform(JsObjectLiteral x) {
Node n = IR.objectlit();
for (Object element : x.getPropertyInitializers()) {
JsPropertyInitializer propInit = (JsPropertyInitializer) element;
Node key;
if (propInit.getLabelExpr().getKind() == NodeKind.NUMBER) {
key = transformNumberAsString((JsNumberLiteral) propInit.getLabelExpr());
key.putBooleanProp(Node.QUOTED_PROP, true);
} else if (propInit.getLabelExpr().getKind() == NodeKind.NAME_REF) {
key = transformNameAsString(((JsNameRef) propInit.getLabelExpr()).getShortIdent(),
} else {
key = transform(propInit.getLabelExpr());
Preconditions.checkState(key.isString(), key);
// Set as quoted as the rhino version we use does not distinguish one from the other.
// Closure assumes unquoted property names are obfuscatable, but since there is no way to
// distinguish between them at this point they have to be assumed quoted, hence not
// obfuscatable.
// TODO(rluble): Make sure this is handled correctly once rhino is upgraded.
key.putBooleanProp(Node.QUOTED_PROP, true);
n.addChildToBack(IR.propdef(key, transform(propInit.getValueExpr())));
return applySourceInfo(n, x);