
Examples of

          try {
            // start at -1 to avoid counting our synthetic header
            // TODO: get the character position start correct
            JsStatements result = jsParser.parse(jsProgram.getScope(), sr, -1);
            JsExprStmt jsExprStmt = (JsExprStmt) result.get(0);
            JsFunction jsFunction = (JsFunction) jsExprStmt.getExpression();
            ((JsniMethod) newMethod).setFunc(jsFunction);
          } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new InternalCompilerException(
                "Internal error parsing JSNI in method '" + newMethod
                    + "' in type '" + enclosingType.getName() + "'", e);
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    void processNativeMethod(AbstractMethodDeclaration x,
        JsniMethod nativeMethod) {

      JsFunction func = nativeMethod.getFunc();
      if (func == null) {

      // resolve jsni refs
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      List<JsFunction> jsFuncs = popList(x.getMethods().size()); // methods
      List<JsNode> jsFields = popList(x.getFields().size()); // fields

      if (x.getClinitTarget() == x) {
        JsFunction superClinit = clinitMap.get(x.getSuperClass());
        JsFunction myClinit = jsFuncs.get(0);
        handleClinit(myClinit, superClinit);
        clinitMap.put(x, myClinit);
      } else {
        jsFuncs.set(0, null);

      List<JsStatement> globalStmts = jsProgram.getGlobalBlock().getStatements();

      // declare all methods into the global scope
      for (int i = 0; i < jsFuncs.size(); ++i) {
        JsFunction func = jsFuncs.get(i);

        // don't add polymorphic JsFuncs, inline decl into vtable assignment
        if (func != null && !polymorphicJsFunctions.contains(func)) {

      if (typeOracle.isInstantiatedType(x) && !program.isJavaScriptObject(x)) {
        generateClassSetup(x, globalStmts);

      // setup fields
      JsVars vars = new JsVars(x.getSourceInfo());
      for (int i = 0; i < jsFields.size(); ++i) {
        JsNode node = jsFields.get(i);
        if (node instanceof JsVar) {
          vars.add((JsVar) node);
        } else {
          assert (node instanceof JsStatement);
          JsStatement stmt = (JsStatement) node;
          typeForStatMap.put(stmt, x);

      if (!vars.isEmpty()) {

      for (JNode node : x.getArtificialRescues()) {
        if (node instanceof JMethod) {
          JsName jsName = names.get(node);
          if (jsName != null) {
            JsFunction func = (JsFunction) jsName.getStaticRef();
      // TODO(zundel): Check that each unique method has a unique
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      List<JsFunction> jsFuncs = popList(x.getMethods().size()); // methods
      List<JsVar> jsFields = popList(x.getFields().size()); // fields
      List<JsStatement> globalStmts = jsProgram.getGlobalBlock().getStatements();

      if (x.getClinitTarget() == x) {
        JsFunction clinitFunc = jsFuncs.get(0);
        handleClinit(clinitFunc, null);

      // setup fields
      JsVars vars = new JsVars(x.getSourceInfo());
      for (int i = 0; i < jsFields.size(); ++i) {
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      if (x.isAbstract()) {

      JsFunction jsFunc = (JsFunction) pop(); // body
      List<JsParameter> params = popList(x.getParams().size()); // params

      if (!x.isNative()) {
        // Setup params on the generated function. A native method already got
        // its jsParams set in BuildTypeMap.
        // TODO: Do we really need to do that in BuildTypeMap?
        List<JsParameter> jsParams = jsFunc.getParameters();
        for (int i = 0; i < params.size(); ++i) {
          JsParameter param = params.get(i);

      JsInvocation jsInvocation = maybeCreateClinitCall(x);
      if (jsInvocation != null) {
        jsFunc.getBody().getStatements().add(0, jsInvocation.makeStmt());

      if (x.isTrace()) {

      Integer entryIndex = entryMethodToIndex.get(x);
      if (entryIndex != null) {
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    public void endVisit(JMethodBody x, Context ctx) {

      JsBlock body = (JsBlock) pop();
      List<JsNameRef> locals = popList(x.getLocals().size()); // locals

      JsFunction jsFunc = methodBodyMap.get(x);
      jsFunc.setBody(body); // body

       * Emit a statement to declare the method's complete set of local
       * variables. JavaScript doesn't have the same concept of lexical scoping
       * as Java, so it's okay to just predeclare all local vars at the top of
       * the function, which saves us having to use the "var" keyword over and
       * over.
       * Note: it's fine to use the same JS ident to represent two different
       * Java locals of the same name since they could never conflict with each
       * other in Java. We use the alreadySeen set to make sure we don't declare
       * the same-named local var twice.
      JsVars vars = new JsVars(x.getSourceInfo());
      Set<String> alreadySeen = new HashSet<String>();
      for (int i = 0; i < locals.size(); ++i) {
        JsName name = names.get(x.getLocals().get(i));
        String ident = name.getIdent();
        if (!alreadySeen.contains(ident)) {
          vars.add(new JsVar(x.getSourceInfo(), name));

      if (!vars.isEmpty()) {
        jsFunc.getBody().getStatements().add(0, vars);

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      if (program.getRunAsyncs().size() > 0) {
        // Prevent onLoad from being pruned.
        JMethod onLoadMethod = program.getIndexedMethod("AsyncFragmentLoader.onLoad");
        JsName name = names.get(onLoadMethod);
        assert name != null;
        JsFunction func = (JsFunction) name.getStaticRef();
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      for (JsniMethodRef ref : x.getJsniMethodRefs()) {
        jsniMap.put(ref.getIdent(), ref.getTarget());

      final JsFunction jsFunc = x.getFunc();

      // replace all JSNI idents with a real JsName now that we know it
      new JsModVisitor() {

         * Marks a ctor that is a direct child of an invocation. Instead of
         * replacing the ctor with a tear-off, we replace the invocation with a
         * new operation.
        private JsNameRef dontReplaceCtor;

        public void endVisit(JsInvocation x, JsContext ctx) {
          // Replace invocation to ctor with a new op.
          if (x.getQualifier() instanceof JsNameRef) {
            JsNameRef ref = (JsNameRef) x.getQualifier();
            String ident = ref.getIdent();
            if (isJsniIdent(ident)) {
              JNode node = jsniMap.get(ident);
              assert node instanceof JConstructor;
              assert ref.getQualifier() == null;
              JsName jsName = names.get(node);
              assert (jsName != null);
              JsNew jsNew = new JsNew(x.getSourceInfo(), ref);

        public void endVisit(JsNameRef x, JsContext ctx) {
          String ident = x.getIdent();
          if (isJsniIdent(ident)) {
            JNode node = jsniMap.get(ident);
            assert (node != null);
            if (node instanceof JField) {
              JField field = (JField) node;
              JsName jsName = names.get(field);
              assert (jsName != null);

              // See if we need to add a clinit call to a static field ref
              JsInvocation clinitCall = maybeCreateClinitCall(field);
              if (clinitCall != null) {
                JsExpression commaExpr = createCommaExpression(clinitCall, x);
            } else if (node instanceof JConstructor) {
              if (x == dontReplaceCtor) {
                // Do nothing, parent will handle.
              } else {
                // Replace with a local closure function.
                // function(a,b,c){return new Obj(a,b,c);}
                JConstructor ctor = (JConstructor) node;
                JsName jsName = names.get(ctor);
                assert (jsName != null);
                SourceInfo info = x.getSourceInfo();
                JsFunction closureFunc = new JsFunction(info, jsFunc.getScope());
                for (JParameter p : ctor.getParams()) {
                  JsName name = closureFunc.getScope().declareName(p.getName());
                  closureFunc.getParameters().add(new JsParameter(info, name));
                JsNew jsNew = new JsNew(info, x);
                for (JsParameter p : closureFunc.getParameters()) {
                JsBlock block = new JsBlock(info);
                block.getStatements().add(new JsReturn(info, jsNew));
            } else {
              JMethod method = (JMethod) node;
              if (x.getQualifier() == null) {
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      SourceInfo sourceInfo = SourceOrigin.UNKNOWN;

      JsName entryName = topScope.declareName("$entry");
      JsVar entryVar = new JsVar(sourceInfo, entryName);
      JsInvocation registerEntryCall = new JsInvocation(sourceInfo);
      JsFunction registerEntryFunction = indexedFunctions.get("Impl.registerEntry");
      JsVars entryVars = new JsVars(sourceInfo);

      JsName gwtOnLoadName = topScope.declareName("gwtOnLoad");
      JsFunction gwtOnLoad = new JsFunction(sourceInfo, topScope, gwtOnLoadName, true);
      JsBlock body = new JsBlock(sourceInfo);
      JsScope fnScope = gwtOnLoad.getScope();
      List<JsParameter> params = gwtOnLoad.getParameters();
      JsName errFn = fnScope.declareName("errFn");
      JsName modName = fnScope.declareName("modName");
      JsName modBase = fnScope.declareName("modBase");
      JsName softPermutationId = fnScope.declareName("softPermutationId");
      params.add(new JsParameter(sourceInfo, errFn));
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             * B and A have no fields to initialize, there will be a call inserted in B's clinit
             * to invoke A's clinit. Likewise, if you have a static field initialized to
             * JavaScriptObject.createObject(), the clinit() will include this initializer code,
             * which we don't want.
            JsFunction func = new JsFunction(x.getSourceInfo(), topScope,
                topScope.declareName(mangleNameForGlobal(method)), true);
            func.setBody(new JsBlock(method.getBody().getSourceInfo()));
          } else {
          // add after var declaration, but before everything else
          JsFunction func = (JsFunction) pop();
          assert func.getName() != null;
          globalStmts.add(1, func.makeStmt());

        // insert fields into global var declaration
        for (JField field : x.getFields()) {
          assert field.isStatic() : "All fields on immortal types must be static.";
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