
Examples of$Specialization

         * Make clinits chain to super class (JDT doesn't write code to do
         * this). Call super class $clinit; $clinit is always in position 0.
        if (currentClass.getSuperClass() != null) {
          JMethod myClinit = currentClass.getMethods().get(0);
          JMethod superClinit = currentClass.getSuperClass().getMethods().get(0);
          JMethodCall superClinitCall = new JMethodCall(
              myClinit.getSourceInfo(), null, superClinit);
          JMethodBody body = (JMethodBody) myClinit.getBody();
          body.getBlock().addStmt(0, superClinitCall.makeStatement());

        if (x.fields != null) {
          // Process fields
          for (int i = 0, n = x.fields.length; i < n; ++i) {
            FieldDeclaration fieldDeclaration = x.fields[i];
            if (fieldDeclaration.isStatic()) {
              // clinit
              currentMethod = currentClass.getMethods().get(0);
              currentMethodBody = (JMethodBody) currentMethod.getBody();
              currentMethodScope = x.staticInitializerScope;
            } else {
              // init
              currentMethod = currentClass.getMethods().get(1);
              currentMethodBody = (JMethodBody) currentMethod.getBody();
              currentMethodScope = x.initializerScope;

            if (fieldDeclaration instanceof Initializer) {
              assert (currentClass instanceof JClassType);
              processInitializer((Initializer) fieldDeclaration);
            } else {

        currentMethodScope = null;
        currentMethod = null;

        if (x.methods != null) {
          // Process methods
          for (int i = 0, n = x.methods.length; i < n; ++i) {
            if (x.methods[i].isConstructor()) {
              assert (currentClass instanceof JClassType);
              processConstructor((ConstructorDeclaration) x.methods[i]);
            } else if (x.methods[i].isClinit()) {
              // nothing to do
            } else {

        // Write the body of the getClass() override.
        if (currentClass instanceof JClassType
            && currentClass != program.getTypeJavaLangObject()
            && currentClass != program.getIndexedType("Array")) {
          JMethod method = currentClass.getMethods().get(2);
          assert ("getClass".equals(method.getName()));

          if (program.isJavaScriptObject(currentClass)
              && currentClass != program.getJavaScriptObject()) {
            // Just use JavaScriptObject's implementation for all subclasses.
          } else {
            implementMethod(method, program.getLiteralClass(currentClass));

        // Reimplement GWT.isClient() and GWT.isScript() to return true
        if (currentClass == program.getIndexedType("GWT")) {
          JMethod method = program.getIndexedMethod("GWT.isClient");
          implementMethod(method, program.getLiteralBoolean(true));

          method = program.getIndexedMethod("GWT.isScript");
          implementMethod(method, program.getLiteralBoolean(true));

        // Implement various methods on Class
        if (currentClass == program.getTypeJavaLangClass()) {
          JMethod method = program.getIndexedMethod("Class.desiredAssertionStatus");
          implementMethod(method, program.getLiteralBoolean(enableAsserts));

          if (disableClassMetadata) {
            JMethod isMetadataEnabledMethod = program.getIndexedMethod("Class.isClassMetadataEnabled");

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     * The order of emulation is: - assign all synthetic fields from synthetic
     * args - call our super constructor emulation method - call our instance
     * initializer emulation method - run user code - return this
    void processConstructor(ConstructorDeclaration x) {
      JMethod ctor = (JMethod) typeMap.get(x.binding);
      try {
        SourceInfo info = ctor.getSourceInfo();

        currentMethod = ctor;
        currentMethodBody = (JMethodBody) ctor.getBody();
        currentMethodScope = x.scope;

        JMethodCall superOrThisCall = null;
        ExplicitConstructorCall ctorCall = x.constructorCall;
        if (ctorCall != null) {
          superOrThisCall = (JMethodCall) dispatch("processExpression",

         * Determine if we have an explicit this call. The presence of an
         * explicit this call indicates we can skip certain initialization steps
         * (as the callee will perform those steps for us). These skippable
         * steps are 1) assigning synthetic args to fields and 2) running
         * initializers.
        boolean hasExplicitThis = (ctorCall != null)
            && !ctorCall.isSuperAccess();

        JClassType enclosingType = (JClassType) ctor.getEnclosingType();

        // Call clinit; $clinit is always in position 0.
        JMethod clinitMethod = enclosingType.getMethods().get(0);
        JMethodCall clinitCall = new JMethodCall(info, null, clinitMethod);
        JMethodBody body = (JMethodBody) ctor.getBody();
        JBlock block = body.getBlock();

         * All synthetic fields must be assigned, unless we have an explicit
         * this constructor call, in which case the callee will assign them for
         * us.
        if (!hasExplicitThis) {
          ReferenceBinding declaringClass = x.binding.declaringClass;
          if (declaringClass instanceof NestedTypeBinding) {
            Iterator<JParameter> paramIt = getSyntheticsIterator();
            NestedTypeBinding nestedBinding = (NestedTypeBinding) declaringClass;
            if (nestedBinding.enclosingInstances != null) {
              for (int i = 0; i < nestedBinding.enclosingInstances.length; ++i) {
                SyntheticArgumentBinding arg = nestedBinding.enclosingInstances[i];
                JParameter param =;
                if (arg.matchingField != null) {
                  JField field = (JField) typeMap.get(arg);
                      createVariableRef(info, field), createVariableRef(info,

            if (nestedBinding.outerLocalVariables != null) {
              for (int i = 0; i < nestedBinding.outerLocalVariables.length; ++i) {
                SyntheticArgumentBinding arg = nestedBinding.outerLocalVariables[i];
                JParameter param =;
                JField field = (JField) typeMap.get(arg);
                    createVariableRef(info, field), createVariableRef(info,

        // Enums: wire up synthetic name/ordinal params to the super method.
        if (enclosingType.isEnumOrSubclass() != null) {
          assert (superOrThisCall != null);
          JVariableRef enumNameRef = createVariableRef(
              superOrThisCall.getSourceInfo(), ctor.getParams().get(0));
          superOrThisCall.addArg(0, enumNameRef);
          JVariableRef enumOrdinalRef = createVariableRef(
              superOrThisCall.getSourceInfo(), ctor.getParams().get(1));
          superOrThisCall.addArg(1, enumOrdinalRef);

        // optional this or super constructor call
        if (superOrThisCall != null) {

        JExpression thisRef = createThisRef(info, enclosingType);

         * Call the synthetic instance initializer method, unless we have an
         * explicit this constructor call, in which case the callee will.
        if (!hasExplicitThis) {
          // $init is always in position 1 (clinit is in 0)
          JMethod initMethod = enclosingType.getMethods().get(1);
          JMethodCall initCall = new JMethodCall(info, thisRef, initMethod);

        // user code (finally!)
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        return program.getLiteralNull();
      JClassType newType = (JClassType) typeMap.get(typeBinding);
      MethodBinding b = x.binding;
      JMethod ctor = (JMethod) typeMap.get(b);
      JMethodCall call;
      JClassType javaLangString = program.getTypeJavaLangString();
      if (newType == javaLangString) {
         * MAGIC: java.lang.String is implemented as a JavaScript String
         * primitive with a modified prototype. This requires funky handling of
         * constructor calls. We find a method named _String() whose signature
         * matches the requested constructor
        int ctorArgc = ctor.getParams().size();
        JMethod targetMethod = null;
        outer : for (JMethod method : javaLangString.getMethods()) {
          if (method.getName().equals("_String")
              && method.getParams().size() == ctorArgc) {
            for (int i = 0; i < ctorArgc; ++i) {
              JParameter mparam = method.getParams().get(i);
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      return new JInstanceOf(info, testType, expr);

    JExpression processExpression(MessageSend x) {
      SourceInfo info = makeSourceInfo(x);
      JMethod method = (JMethod) typeMap.get(x.binding);

      JExpression qualifier;
      if (x.receiver instanceof ThisReference) {
        if (method.isStatic()) {
          // don't bother qualifying it, it's a no-op
          qualifier = null;
        } else if (x.receiver instanceof QualifiedThisReference) {
          // use the supplied qualifier
          qualifier = dispProcessExpression(x.receiver);
        } else {
           * In cases where JDT had to synthesize a this ref for us, it could
           * actually be the wrong type, if the target method is in an enclosing
           * class. We have to synthesize our own ref of the correct type.
          qualifier = createThisRef(info, method.getEnclosingType());
      } else {
        qualifier = dispProcessExpression(x.receiver);

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        return processExpression((AllocationExpression) x);

      SourceInfo info = makeSourceInfo(x);
      MethodBinding b = x.binding;
      JMethod ctor = (JMethod) typeMap.get(b);
      JClassType enclosingType = (JClassType) ctor.getEnclosingType();
      JNewInstance newInstance = new JNewInstance(info, enclosingType);
      JMethodCall call = new JMethodCall(info, newInstance, ctor);
      JExpression qualifier = dispProcessExpression(x.enclosingInstance);
      List<JExpression> qualList = new ArrayList<JExpression>();
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    void processMethod(AbstractMethodDeclaration x) {
      MethodBinding b = x.binding;
      JMethod method = (JMethod) typeMap.get(b);
      try {
        if (!b.isStatic() && (b.isImplementing() || b.isOverriding())) {
          tryFindUpRefs(method, b);

        if (x.isNative()) {
          processNativeMethod(x, (JsniMethodBody) method.getBody());

        currentMethod = method;
        currentMethodBody = (JMethodBody) method.getBody();
        currentMethodScope = x.scope;

        if (currentMethodBody != null) {
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    JMethodCall processSuperConstructorCall(ExplicitConstructorCall x) {
      SourceInfo info = makeSourceInfo(x);
      JMethod ctor = (JMethod) typeMap.get(x.binding);
      JExpression trueQualifier = createThisRef(info, currentClass);
      JMethodCall call = new JMethodCall(info, trueQualifier, ctor);

      addCallArgs(x.arguments, call, x.binding);
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      return call;

    JMethodCall processThisConstructorCall(ExplicitConstructorCall x) {
      SourceInfo info = makeSourceInfo(x);
      JMethod ctor = (JMethod) typeMap.get(x.binding);
      JExpression trueQualifier = createThisRef(info, currentClass);
      JMethodCall call = new JMethodCall(info, trueQualifier, ctor);

      assert (x.qualification == null);
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        SyntheticMethodBinding jdtBridgeMethod, JMethod implmeth) {
      SourceInfo info = program.createSourceInfoSynthetic(
          GenerateJavaAST.class, "bridge method");

      // create the method itself
      JMethod bridgeMethod = program.createMethod(info,
          jdtBridgeMethod.selector, clazz,
          (JType) typeMap.get(jdtBridgeMethod.returnType.erasure()), false,
          false, true, false, false);
      int paramIdx = 0;
      for (TypeBinding jdtParamType : jdtBridgeMethod.parameters) {
        String paramName = "p" + paramIdx++;
        JType paramType = (JType) typeMap.get(jdtParamType.erasure());
            GenerateJavaAST.class, "part of a bridge method"),
            paramName.toCharArray(), paramType, true, false, bridgeMethod);

      // create a call
      JMethodCall call = new JMethodCall(program.createSourceInfoSynthetic(
          GenerateJavaAST.class, "call to inherited method"),
              GenerateJavaAST.class, "part of a bridge method"), clazz),

      for (int i = 0; i < bridgeMethod.getParams().size(); i++) {
        JParameter param = bridgeMethod.getParams().get(i);
        JParameterRef paramRef = new JParameterRef(
                "part of a bridge method"), param);
        call.addArg(maybeCast(implmeth.getParams().get(i).getType(), paramRef));

      // wrap it in a return if necessary
      JStatement callOrReturn;
      if (bridgeMethod.getType() == program.getTypeVoid()) {
        callOrReturn = call.makeStatement();
      } else {
        callOrReturn = new JReturnStatement(program.createSourceInfoSynthetic(
            GenerateJavaAST.class, "part of a bridge method"), call);

      // create a body that is just that call
      JMethodBody body = (JMethodBody) bridgeMethod.getBody();

      // Add overrides.
      List<JMethod> overrides = new ArrayList<JMethod>();
      tryFindUpRefs(bridgeMethod, overrides);
      assert !overrides.isEmpty();
      for (JMethod over : overrides) {
         * TODO(scottb): with a diamond-shape inheritance hierarchy, it may be
         * possible to get dups in this way. Really, method.overrides should
         * probably just be an IdentitySet to avoid having to check contains in
         * various places. Left as a todo because I don't think dups is super
         * harmful.
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      // See if this class has any uprefs, unless this class is myself
      if (binding.declaringClass != searchThisType) {
        for (MethodBinding tryMethod : searchThisType.getMethods(binding.selector)) {
          if (binding.returnType.erasure() == tryMethod.returnType.erasure()
              && binding.areParameterErasuresEqual(tryMethod)) {
            JMethod upRef = (JMethod) typeMap.get(tryMethod);
            if (!method.getOverrides().contains(upRef)) {
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Related Classes of$Specialization

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