// If the call threw an exception, just don't optimize
private void tryRemoveSwitch(JSwitchStatement x, Context ctx) {
JBlock body = x.getBody();
if (body.statements.size() == 0) {
// Empty switch; just run the switch condition.
} else if (body.statements.size() == 2) {
* If there are only two statements, we know it's a case statement and
* something with an effect.
* TODO: make this more sophisticated; what we should really care about
* is how many case statements it contains, not how many statements:
* switch(i) { default: a(); b(); c(); }
* becomes { a(); b(); c(); }
* switch(i) { case 1: a(); b(); c(); }
* becomes if (i == 1) { a(); b(); c(); }
* switch(i) { case 1: a(); b(); break; default: c(); d(); }
* becomes if (i == 1) { a(); b(); } else { c(); d(); }
JCaseStatement caseStatement = (JCaseStatement) body.statements.get(0);
JStatement statement = body.statements.get(1);
FindBreakContinueStatementsVisitor visitor = new FindBreakContinueStatementsVisitor();
if (visitor.hasBreakContinueStatements()) {
// Cannot optimize.
if (caseStatement.getExpr() != null) {
// Create an if statement equivalent to the single-case switch.
JBinaryOperation compareOperation = new JBinaryOperation(program,
x.getSourceInfo(), program.getTypePrimitiveBoolean(),
JBinaryOperator.EQ, x.getExpr(), caseStatement.getExpr());
JBlock block = new JBlock(program, x.getSourceInfo());
JIfStatement ifStatement = new JIfStatement(program,
x.getSourceInfo(), compareOperation, block, null);
} else {
// All we have is a default case; convert to a JBlock.
JBlock block = new JBlock(program, x.getSourceInfo());