
Examples of$GeneratedClassnameFinder$AnonymousClassVisitor


    CompiledClass compiledClass = compilationState.getClassFileMap().get(

    CompilationUnit unit = (compiledClass == null)
        ? getUnitForClassName(lookupClassName) : compiledClass.getUnit();
    if (emmaAvailable) {
       * build the map for anonymous classes. Do so only if unit has anonymous
       * classes, jsni methods, is not super-source and the map has not been
       * built before.
      List<JsniMethod> jsniMethods = (unit == null) ? null
          : unit.getJsniMethods();
      if (unit != null && !unit.isSuperSource() && !unit.isGenerated()
          && unit.hasAnonymousClasses() && jsniMethods != null
          && jsniMethods.size() > 0 && !unit.createdClassMapping()) {
        if (!unit.constructAnonymousClassMappings(logger)) {
              "Our heuristic for mapping anonymous classes between compilers "
                  + "failed. Unsafe to continue because the wrong jsni code "
                  + "could end up running. className = " + className);
          return null;

    byte classBytes[] = null;
    if (compiledClass != null) {
      classBytes = compiledClass.getBytes();
      if (!compiledClass.getUnit().isSuperSource()) {
        classBytes = emmaStrategy.getEmmaClassBytes(classBytes,
            lookupClassName, compiledClass.getUnit().getLastModified());
      } else {
        logger.log(TreeLogger.SPAM, "no emma instrumentation for "
            + lookupClassName + " because it is from super-source");
    } else if (emmaAvailable) {
       * TypeOracle does not know about this class. Most probably, this class
       * was referenced in one of the classes loaded from disk. Check if we can
       * find it on disk. Typically this is a synthetic class added by the
       * compiler.
      if (typeHasCompilationUnit(lookupClassName)
          && isClassnameGenerated(className)) {
         * modification time = 0 ensures that whatever is on the disk is always
         * loaded.
        logger.log(TreeLogger.DEBUG, "EmmaStrategy: loading " + lookupClassName
            + " from disk even though TypeOracle does not know about it");
        classBytes = emmaStrategy.getEmmaClassBytes(null, lookupClassName, 0);
    if (classBytes != null && classRewriter != null) {
       * The injectJsniFor method defines the native methods in the browser. The
       * rewriter does the jsni injection.
      Map<String, String> anonymousClassMap = Collections.emptyMap();
      if (unit != null) {
        anonymousClassMap = unit.getAnonymousClassMap();
      byte[] newBytes = classRewriter.rewrite(className, classBytes,
      if (CLASS_DUMP) {
        if (!Arrays.equals(classBytes, newBytes)) {
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      * assignment is based around reflection on Class objects. Don't inject JSNI
      * when loading a JSO interface class; just wait until the implementation
      * class is loaded.
      if (!classRewriter.isJsoIntf(className)) {
        CompilationUnit unit = getUnitForClassName(canonicalizeClassName(className));
        if (unit != null) {

      if (localInjection) {
        try {
          * Can't use an iterator here because calling injectJsniFor may cause
          * additional entries to be added.
          while (toInject.size() > 0) {
            CompilationUnit unit = toInject.remove(0);
            if (!alreadyInjected.contains(unit)) {
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        classDump(className, newBytes);
      return newBytes;

    CompilationUnit unit = (compiledClass == null)
        ? getUnitForClassName(lookupClassName) : compiledClass.getUnit();
    if (emmaAvailable) {
       * build the map for anonymous classes. Do so only if unit has anonymous
       * classes, jsni methods, is not super-source and the map has not been
       * built before.
      List<JsniMethod> jsniMethods = (unit == null) ? null
          : unit.getJsniMethods();
      if (unit != null && !unit.isSuperSource() && !unit.isGenerated()
          && unit.hasAnonymousClasses() && jsniMethods != null
          && jsniMethods.size() > 0 && !unit.createdClassMapping()) {
        if (!unit.constructAnonymousClassMappings(logger)) {
              "Our heuristic for mapping anonymous classes between compilers "
                  + "failed. Unsafe to continue because the wrong jsni code "
                  + "could end up running. className = " + className);
          return null;

    byte classBytes[] = null;
    if (compiledClass != null) {
      classBytes = compiledClass.getBytes();
      if (!compiledClass.getUnit().isSuperSource()) {
        classBytes = emmaStrategy.getEmmaClassBytes(classBytes,
            lookupClassName, compiledClass.getUnit().getLastModified());
      } else {
        if (logger.isLoggable(TreeLogger.SPAM)) {
          logger.log(TreeLogger.SPAM, "no emma instrumentation for "
              + lookupClassName + " because it is from super-source");
    } else if (emmaAvailable) {
       * TypeOracle does not know about this class. Most probably, this class
       * was referenced in one of the classes loaded from disk. Check if we can
       * find it on disk. Typically this is a synthetic class added by the
       * compiler.
      if (typeHasCompilationUnit(lookupClassName)
          && CompilationUnit.isClassnameGenerated(className)) {
         * modification time = 0 ensures that whatever is on the disk is always
         * loaded.
        if (logger.isLoggable(TreeLogger.DEBUG)) {
          logger.log(TreeLogger.DEBUG, "EmmaStrategy: loading " + lookupClassName
              + " from disk even though TypeOracle does not know about it");
        classBytes = emmaStrategy.getEmmaClassBytes(null, lookupClassName, 0);
    if (classBytes != null && classRewriter != null) {
      Map<String, String> anonymousClassMap = Collections.emptyMap();
      if (unit != null) {
        anonymousClassMap = unit.getAnonymousClassMap();
      byte[] newBytes = classRewriter.rewrite(typeOracle, className,
          classBytes, anonymousClassMap);
      if (CLASS_DUMP) {
        if (!Arrays.equals(classBytes, newBytes)) {
          classDump(className, newBytes);
      classBytes = newBytes;

    if (unit != null && unit.isError()) {
      // Compile worked, but the unit had some kind of error (JSNI?)
      CompilationProblemReporter.reportErrors(logger, unit, false);

    return classBytes;
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        // Get and return it.
        CompiledClass compiledClass = compiledClassesBySourceName.get(sourceTypeName);
        return findType(compiledClass.getUnit().getTypes(), sourceTypeName);
      // Otherwise if the type is available in a loaded library.
      CompilationUnit compilationUnit =
      if (compilationUnit != null) {
        // Get and return it.
        return findType(compilationUnit.getTypes(), sourceTypeName);
      return null;
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        // cache the fact that the type isn't available on disk.
        compilationUnitsByTypeBinaryName.put(typeBinaryName, null);
        return null;
      // otherwise read and cache the type.
      CompilationUnit compilationUnit =
      compilationUnitsByTypeBinaryName.put(typeBinaryName, compilationUnit);
    return compilationUnitsByTypeBinaryName.get(typeBinaryName);
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        return null;

      InputStream compilationUnitInputStream = getInputStream(compilationUnitEntry);

      CompilationUnit compilationUnit;
      try {
        ObjectInputStream objectInputStream =
            new StringInterningObjectInputStream(compilationUnitInputStream);
        compilationUnit = (CompilationUnit) objectInputStream.readObject();
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     * assignment is based around reflection on Class objects. Don't inject JSNI
     * when loading a JSO interface class; just wait until the implementation
     * class is loaded.
    if (!classRewriter.isJsoIntf(className)) {
      CompilationUnit unit = getUnitForClassName(canonicalizeClassName(className));
      if (unit != null) {

    if (localInjection) {
      try {
         * Can't use an iterator here because calling injectJsniFor may cause
         * additional entries to be added.
        while (toInject.size() > 0) {
          CompilationUnit unit = toInject.remove(0);
          if (!alreadyInjected.contains(unit)) {
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    String lookupClassName = canonicalizeClassName(className);

    CompiledClass compiledClass = compilationState.getClassFileMap().get(

    CompilationUnit unit = (compiledClass == null)
        ? getUnitForClassName(lookupClassName) : compiledClass.getUnit();
    if (emmaAvailable) {
       * build the map for anonymous classes. Do so only if unit has anonymous
       * classes, jsni methods, is not super-source and the map has not been
       * built before.
      List<JsniMethod> jsniMethods = (unit == null) ? null
          : unit.getJsniMethods();
      if (unit != null && !unit.isSuperSource() && !unit.isGenerated()
          && unit.hasAnonymousClasses() && jsniMethods != null
          && jsniMethods.size() > 0 && !unit.createdClassMapping()) {
        if (!unit.constructAnonymousClassMappings(logger)) {
              "Our heuristic for mapping anonymous classes between compilers "
                  + "failed. Unsafe to continue because the wrong jsni code "
                  + "could end up running. className = " + className);
          return null;

    byte classBytes[] = null;
    if (compiledClass != null) {
      classBytes = compiledClass.getBytes();
      if (!compiledClass.getUnit().isSuperSource()) {
        classBytes = emmaStrategy.getEmmaClassBytes(classBytes,
            lookupClassName, compiledClass.getUnit().getLastModified());
      } else {
        logger.log(TreeLogger.SPAM, "no emma instrumentation for "
            + lookupClassName + " because it is from super-source");
    } else if (emmaAvailable) {
       * TypeOracle does not know about this class. Most probably, this class
       * was referenced in one of the classes loaded from disk. Check if we can
       * find it on disk. Typically this is a synthetic class added by the
       * compiler.
      if (typeHasCompilationUnit(lookupClassName)
          && CompilationUnit.isClassnameGenerated(className)) {
         * modification time = 0 ensures that whatever is on the disk is always
         * loaded.
        logger.log(TreeLogger.DEBUG, "EmmaStrategy: loading " + lookupClassName
            + " from disk even though TypeOracle does not know about it");
        classBytes = emmaStrategy.getEmmaClassBytes(null, lookupClassName, 0);
    if (classBytes != null && classRewriter != null) {
      Map<String, String> anonymousClassMap = Collections.emptyMap();
      if (unit != null) {
        anonymousClassMap = unit.getAnonymousClassMap();
      byte[] newBytes = classRewriter.rewrite(typeOracle, className,
          classBytes, anonymousClassMap);
      if (CLASS_DUMP) {
        if (!Arrays.equals(classBytes, newBytes)) {
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        seedTypeNames.length + intfTypes.size() + additionalUnits.length);
    Collections.addAll(icus, additionalUnits);

    for (String seedTypeName : seedTypeNames) {
      CompilationUnit unit = getUnitForType(logger, classMapBySource,

      if (unit == null) {
      if (alreadyAdded.add(unit)) {
        icus.add(new CompilationUnitAdapter(unit));
      } else {
        logger.log(TreeLogger.WARN, "Duplicate compilation unit '"
            + unit.getDisplayLocation() + "'in seed types");

     * Add all SingleJsoImpl types that we know about. It's likely that the
     * concrete types are never explicitly referenced from the seed types.
    for (JClassType intf : intfTypes) {
      String implName = oracle.getSingleJsoImpl(intf).getQualifiedSourceName();
      CompilationUnit unit = getUnitForType(logger, classMapBySource, implName);

      if (alreadyAdded.add(unit)) {
        icus.add(new CompilationUnitAdapter(unit));
        logger.log(TreeLogger.SPAM, "Forced compilation of unit '"
            + unit.getDisplayLocation()
            + "' becasue it contains a SingleJsoImpl type");

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        return null;

      // Build the initial set of compilation units.
      Map<String, CompilationUnit> unitMap = outer.compilationState.getCompilationUnitMap();
      CompilationUnit unit = unitMap.get(qname);
      while (unit == null) {
        int pos = qname.lastIndexOf('.');
        if (pos < 0) {
          return null;
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