
Examples of$HelpInfo

  protected void service(HttpServletRequest request,
      HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {

    TreeLogger logger = getLogger();
    int id = allocateRequestId();
    if (logger.isLoggable(TreeLogger.TRACE)) {
      StringBuffer url = request.getRequestURL();

      // Branch the logger in case we decide to log more below.
      logger = logger.branch(TreeLogger.TRACE, "Request " + id + ": " + url,

    String servletClassName = null;
    ModuleDef moduleDef = null;

    try {
      // Attempt to split the URL into module/path, which we'll use to see
      // if we can map the request to a module's servlet.
      RequestParts parts = new RequestParts(request);

      if ("favicon.ico".equalsIgnoreCase(parts.moduleName)) {
        sendErrorResponse(response, HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND,
            "Icon not available");

      // See if the request references a module we know.
      moduleDef = getModuleDef(logger, parts.moduleName);
      if (moduleDef != null) {
        // Okay, we know this module. Do we know this servlet path?
        // It is right to prepend the slash because (1) ModuleDefSchema requires
        // every servlet path to begin with a slash and (2) RequestParts always
        // rips off the leading slash.
        String servletPath = "/" + parts.partialPath;
        servletClassName = moduleDef.findServletForPath(servletPath);

        // Fall-through below, where we check servletClassName.
      } else {
        // Fall-through below, where we check servletClassName.
    } catch (UnableToCompleteException e) {
      // Do nothing, since it was speculative anyway.

    if (servletClassName == null) {
      // Try to map a bare path that isn't preceded by the module name.
      // This is no longer the recommended practice, so we warn.
      String path = request.getPathInfo();
      moduleDef = modulesByServletPath.get(path);
      if (moduleDef != null) {
        // See if there is a servlet we can delegate to for the given url.
        servletClassName = moduleDef.findServletForPath(path);

        if (servletClassName != null) {
          TreeLogger branch = logger.branch(TreeLogger.WARN,
              "Use of deprecated hosted mode servlet path mapping", null);
              "The client code is invoking the servlet with a URL that is not module-relative: "
                  + path, null);
              "Prepend GWT.getModuleBaseURL() to the URL in client code to create a module-relative URL: /"
                  + moduleDef.getName() + path, null);
              "Using module-relative URLs ensures correct URL-independent behavior in external servlet containers",
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      throws LifecycleException {
    if (topLogger == null) {
      throw new NullPointerException("No logger specified");

    final TreeLogger logger = topLogger.branch(TreeLogger.INFO,
        "Starting HTTP on port " + listeningPort, null);

    startupBranchLogger = logger;

    // Make myself the one static instance.
    // NOTE: there is only one small implementation reason that this has
    // to be a singleton, which is that the commons logger LogFactory insists
    // on creating your logger class which must have a constructor with
    // exactly one String argument, and since we want LoggerAdapter to delegate
    // to the logger instance available through instance host, there is no
    // way I can think of to delegate without accessing a static field.
    // An inner class is almost right, except there's no outer instance.
    sTomcat = this;

    // Assume the working directory is simply the user's current directory.
    File topWorkDir = new File(System.getProperty("user.dir"));

    // Tell Tomcat its base directory so that it won't complain.
    String catBase = System.getProperty("catalina.base");
    if (catBase == null) {
      // we (briefly) supported catalina.base.create, so let's not cut support
      // until the deprecated sunset
      catBase = System.getProperty("catalina.base.create");
      if (catBase != null) {
        logger.log(TreeLogger.WARN, "catalina.base.create is deprecated.  " +
            "Use catalina.base, and it will be created if necessary.");
        topWorkDir = new File(catBase);
      catBase = generateDefaultCatalinaBase(logger, topWorkDir);
      System.setProperty("catalina.base", catBase);

    // Some debug messages for ourselves.
    logger.log(TreeLogger.DEBUG, "catalina.base = " + catBase, null);

    // Set up the logger that will be returned by the Commons logging factory.
    String adapterClassName = CommonsLoggerAdapter.class.getName();
    System.setProperty("org.apache.commons.logging.Log", adapterClassName);

    // And set up an adapter that will work with the Catalina logger family.
    Logger catalinaLogger = new CatalinaLoggerAdapter(topLogger);

    // Create an embedded server.
    catEmbedded = new Embedded();

    // The embedded engine is called "gwt".
    catEngine = catEmbedded.createEngine();

    // It answers localhost requests.
    // String appBase = fCatalinaBaseDir.getAbsolutePath();
    String appBase = catBase + "/webapps";
    catHost = (StandardHost) catEmbedded.createHost("localhost", appBase);

    // Hook up a host config to search for and pull in webapps.
    HostConfig hostConfig = new HostConfig();

    // Hook pre-install events so that we can add attributes to allow loaded
    // instances to find their development instance host.
    catHost.addContainerListener(new ContainerListener() {
      public void containerEvent(ContainerEvent event) {
        if (StandardHost.PRE_INSTALL_EVENT.equals(event.getType())) {
          StandardContext webapp = (StandardContext) event.getData();
          publishShellLoggerAttribute(logger, topLogger, webapp);
          publishShellWorkDirsAttribute(logger, workDirs, webapp);
              shouldAutoGenerateResources, webapp);

    // Tell the engine about the host.

    // Tell the embedded manager about the engine.
    InetAddress nullAddr = null;
    Connector connector = catEmbedded.createConnector(nullAddr, listeningPort,

    // start up!
    port = computeLocalPort(connector);

    if (port != listeningPort) {
      logger.log(TreeLogger.INFO, "HTTP listening on port " + port, null);
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   * @param header the treelogger under which these messages will be put
   * @param msgType either a caution or an error
  public static void notifyBlacklistedHost(String blacklistRuleFound,
      String url, TreeLogger header, TreeLogger.Type msgType) {
    TreeLogger reason = header.branch(msgType, "reason: " + url
        + " is blacklisted", null);
    reason.log(msgType, "To fix: remove \"" + blacklistRuleFound
        + "\" from system property gwt.hosts.blacklist", null);
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  public static void notifyUntrustedHost(String url, TreeLogger header,
      TreeLogger.Type msgType) {
    String whiteListStr = oldWhiteList;
    String blackListStr = oldBlackList;
    String hostRegex = computeHostRegex(url);
    TreeLogger reason = header.branch(msgType, "reason: " + url
        + " is not in the whitelist", null);
    reason.log(msgType, "whitelist: " + whiteListStr, null);
    reason.log(msgType, "blacklist: " + blackListStr, null);
    TreeLogger fix = header.branch(msgType, "To fix: add regex matching "
        + "URL to -whitelist command line argument", null);
    fix.log(msgType, "Example: -whitelist \"" + whiteListStr + " " + hostRegex
        + "\"", null);
    TreeLogger reject = header.branch(msgType,
        "To reject automatically: add regex matching "
            + "URL to -blacklist command line argument", null);
    reject.log(msgType, "Example: -blacklist \"" + blackListStr + " "
        + hostRegex + "\"", null);
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  public static void reportErrors(TreeLogger logger,
      CompilationUnitDeclaration cud, String sourceForDump) {
    CategorizedProblem[] problems = cud.compilationResult().getProblems();
    String fileName = String.valueOf(cud.getFileName());
    boolean isError = cud.compilationResult().hasErrors();
    TreeLogger branch = reportErrors(logger, problems, fileName, isError);
    if (branch != null) {
      Util.maybeDumpSource(branch, fileName, sourceForDump,
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  private static TreeLogger reportErrors(TreeLogger logger,
      CategorizedProblem[] problems, String fileName, boolean isError) {
    if (problems == null || problems.length == 0) {
      return null;
    TreeLogger branch = null;
    // Log the errors and GWT warnings.
    for (CategorizedProblem problem : problems) {
      TreeLogger.Type logLevel;
      if (problem.isError()) {
        // Log errors.
        logLevel = TreeLogger.ERROR;
        // Only log GWT-specific warnings.
      } else if (problem.isWarning() && problem instanceof GWTProblem) {
        logLevel = TreeLogger.WARN;
      } else {
        // Ignore all other problems.
      // Append 'Line #: msg' to the error message.
      StringBuffer msgBuf = new StringBuffer();
      int line = problem.getSourceLineNumber();
      if (line > 0) {
        msgBuf.append("Line ");
        msgBuf.append(": ");

      HelpInfo helpInfo = null;
      if (problem instanceof GWTProblem) {
        GWTProblem gwtProblem = (GWTProblem) problem;
        helpInfo = gwtProblem.getHelpInfo();
      if (branch == null) {
        Type branchType = isError ? TreeLogger.ERROR : TreeLogger.WARN;
        String branchString = isError ? "Errors" : "Warnings";
        branch = logger.branch(branchType, branchString + " in '" + fileName
            + "'", null);
      branch.log(logLevel, msgBuf.toString(), null, helpInfo);
    return branch;
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    // Process pending generated types.
    List<String> genTypeNames = new ArrayList<String>();

    try {
      TreeLogger branch;
      if (!committedGeneratedCups.isEmpty()) {
        // Assimilate the new types into the type oracle.
        String msg = "Assimilating generated source";
        branch = logger.branch(TreeLogger.DEBUG, msg, null);

        TreeLogger subBranch = null;
        if (branch.isLoggable(TreeLogger.DEBUG)) {
          subBranch = branch.branch(TreeLogger.DEBUG,
              "Generated source files...", null);

        for (GeneratedUnit gcup : committedGeneratedCups) {
          String qualifiedTypeName = gcup.getTypeName();
          if (subBranch != null) {
            subBranch.log(TreeLogger.DEBUG, qualifiedTypeName, null);

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    AbstractTreeLogger uiLogger = new SwingTreeLogger(this);
    TreeLogger bestLogger = uiLogger;
    if (logFile != null) {
      try {
        PrintWriterTreeLogger fileLogger = new PrintWriterTreeLogger(logFile);
        bestLogger = new CompositeTreeLogger(bestLogger, fileLogger);
      } catch (IOException ex) {
        bestLogger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Can't log to file "
            + logFile.getAbsolutePath(), ex);
    logger = bestLogger;
    KeyStroke key = getCommandKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_F, false);
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      for (Iterator<Rule> iter = rules.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
        Rule rule =;

        // Branch the logger.
        TreeLogger branch = Messages.TRACE_CHECKING_RULE.branch(logger, rule,

        if (rule.isApplicable(branch, genCtx, typeName)) {
          // See if this rule has already been used. This is needed to prevent
          // infinite loops with 'when-assignable' conditions.
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   * Rescans the associated paths to recompute the available resources.
   * @param logger status and error details are written here
  public void refresh(TreeLogger logger) {
    TreeLogger refreshBranch = Messages.REFRESHING_RESOURCES.branch(logger,

     * Allocate fresh data structures in anticipation of needing to honor the
     * "new identity for the collections if anything changes" guarantee. Use a
     * LinkedHashMap because we do not want the order to change.
    Map<String, ResourceData> newInternalMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, ResourceData>();

     * Walk across path roots (i.e. classpath entries) in priority order. This
     * is a "reverse painter's algorithm", relying on being careful never to add
     * a resource that has already been added to the new map under construction
     * to create the effect that resources founder earlier on the classpath take
     * precedence.
     * Exceptions: super has priority over non-super; and if there are two super
     * resources with the same path, the one with the higher-priority path
     * prefix wins.
    for (ClassPathEntry pathRoot : classPath) {
      TreeLogger branchForClassPathEntry = Messages.EXAMINING_PATH_ROOT.branch(
          refreshBranch, pathRoot.getLocation(), null);

      Map<AbstractResource, PathPrefix> resourceToPrefixMap = pathRoot.findApplicableResources(
          branchForClassPathEntry, pathPrefixSet);
      for (Entry<AbstractResource, PathPrefix> entry : resourceToPrefixMap.entrySet()) {
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