+ "', make sure the class is public and has a public default constructor", e);
private String getAssetPath (GeneratorContext context) {
ConfigurationProperty assetPathProperty = null;
try {
assetPathProperty = context.getPropertyOracle().getConfigurationProperty("gdx.assetpath");
} catch (BadPropertyValueException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(
"No gdx.assetpath defined. Add <set-configuration-property name=\"gdx.assetpath\" value=\"relative/path/to/assets/\"/> to your GWT projects gwt.xml file");
if (assetPathProperty.getValues().size() == 0) {
throw new RuntimeException(
"No gdx.assetpath defined. Add <set-configuration-property name=\"gdx.assetpath\" value=\"relative/path/to/assets/\"/> to your GWT projects gwt.xml file");
String paths = assetPathProperty.getValues().get(0);
if(paths == null) {
throw new RuntimeException(
"No gdx.assetpath defined. Add <set-configuration-property name=\"gdx.assetpath\" value=\"relative/path/to/assets/\"/> to your GWT projects gwt.xml file");
} else {
ArrayList<String> existingPaths = new ArrayList<String>();