for (Field field : fields) {
if ((field.getModifiers() & Modifier.TRANSIENT) != 0) {
continue; // skip transient fields
SerializedName serializedName = field.getAnnotation(SerializedName.class);
if (serializedName == null) {
continue; // skip fields w/o serialized name
Object fieldValue = null;
try {
fieldValue = field.get(obj);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new CloudRuntimeException("how illegal is it?", e);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new CloudRuntimeException("come on...we set accessible already", e);
if (fieldValue != null) {
if (fieldValue instanceof ResponseObject) {
ResponseObject subObj = (ResponseObject) fieldValue;
if (isAsync) {
serializeResponseObjXML(sb, subObj);
if (isAsync) {
} else if (fieldValue instanceof Collection<?>) {
Collection<?> subResponseList = (Collection<?>) fieldValue;
boolean usedUuidList = false;
for (Object value : subResponseList) {
if (value instanceof ResponseObject) {
ResponseObject subObj = (ResponseObject) value;
if (serializedName != null) {
serializeResponseObjXML(sb, subObj);
} else if (value instanceof ExceptionProxyObject) {
// Only exception reponses carry a list of
// ExceptionProxyObject objects.
ExceptionProxyObject idProxy = (ExceptionProxyObject) value;
// If this is the first IdentityProxy field
// encountered, put in a uuidList tag.
if (!usedUuidList) {
sb.append("<" + serializedName.value() + ">");
usedUuidList = true;
sb.append("<" + "uuid" + ">" + idProxy.getUuid() + "</" + "uuid" + ">");
// Append the new descriptive property also.
String idFieldName = idProxy.getDescription();
if (idFieldName != null) {
sb.append("<" + "uuidProperty" + ">" + idFieldName + "</" + "uuidProperty" + ">");
if (usedUuidList) {
// close the uuidList.
} else if (fieldValue instanceof Date) {
sb.append("<").append(serializedName.value()).append(">").append(BaseCmd.getDateString((Date) fieldValue)).
} else {
String resultString = escapeSpecialXmlChars(fieldValue.toString());
if (!(obj instanceof ExceptionResponse)) {
resultString = encodeParam(resultString);