* We have found an existing static large object, so grab the manifest data that
* details the existing segments - delete any later that we don't need any more
boolean isSLO = "true".equals(existingMetadata.getMetaData().get(Constants.X_STATIC_LARGE_OBJECT).toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH));
if(isSLO) {
final JsonParser parser = new JsonParser();
URIBuilder urlBuild = new URIBuilder(region.getStorageUrl(container, name));
urlBuild.setParameter("multipart-manifest", "get");
URI url = urlBuild.build();
HttpGet method = new HttpGet(url);
Response response = this.execute(method);
if(response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
String manifest = response.getResponseBodyAsString();
JsonArray segments = parser.parse(manifest).getAsJsonArray();
for(JsonElement o : segments) {
* Parse each JSON object in the list and create a list of Storage Objects
JsonObject segment = o.getAsJsonObject();