This cache can be used as either a recall cache, or a loading cache if a CacheLoader was supplied to its constructor at build time. Before creating an entry the in-memory cache is checked for the item, then the database is checked, and finally the CacheLoader is used to construct the item. This is mostly useful for CacheLoaders that are computationally intensive, such as the PatchListCache.
Cache stores and invalidations are performed on a background thread, hiding the latency associated with serializing the key and value pairs and writing them to the database log.
A BloomFilter is used around the database to reduce the number of SELECTs issued against the database for new cache items that have not been seen before, a common operation for the PatchListCache. The BloomFilter is sized when the cache starts to be 64,000 entries or double the number of items currently in the database table.
This cache does not export its items as a ConcurrentMap. @see H2CacheFactory