}result in a webpage being displayed? In the past, this test was frequently done by determining whether the domain ended with a {@linkplain #isPublicSuffix() public suffix} but was not itself a public suffix. However,this test is no longer accurate. There are many domains which are both public suffixes and addressable as hosts; {@code "uk.com"} is one example. As aresult, the only useful test to determine if a domain is a plausible web host is {@link #hasPublicSuffix()}. This will return {@code true} for many domainswhich (currently) are not hosts, such as {@code "com"}), but given that any public suffix may become a host without warning, it is better to err on the side of permissiveness and thus avoid spurious rejection of valid sites.
During construction, names are normalized in two ways:
- ASCII uppercase characters are converted to lowercase.
- Unicode dot separators other than the ASCII period ( {@code '.'}) are converted to the ASCII period.
The normalized values will be returned from {@link #name()} and{@link #parts()}, and will be reflected in the result of {@link #equals(Object)}.
internationalized domain names such as {@code 网络.cn} are supported, asare the equivalent IDNA Punycode-encoded versions.
@author Craig Berry
@since Guava release 05