
Examples of

    if (numVertices < 2000) {
      for (int i = 0; i < numVertices; i++) {
        inside ^= crosser.edgeOrVertexCrossing(vertices[i]);
    } else {
      DataEdgeIterator it = getEdgeIterator(numVertices);
      int previousIndex = -2;
      for (it.getCandidates(origin, p); it.hasNext(); {
        int ai = it.index();
        if (previousIndex != ai - 1) {
        previousIndex = ai;
        inside ^= crosser.edgeOrVertexCrossing(vertex(ai + 1));
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    // Non-adjacent edges are not allowed to intersect.
    boolean crosses = false;
    DataEdgeIterator it = getEdgeIterator(numVertices);
    for (int a1 = 0; a1 < numVertices; a1++) {
      int a2 = (a1 + 1) % numVertices;
      EdgeCrosser crosser = new EdgeCrosser(vertex(a1), vertex(a2), vertex(0));
      int previousIndex = -2;
      for (it.getCandidates(vertex(a1), vertex(a2)); it.hasNext(); {
        int b1 = it.index();
        int b2 = (b1 + 1) % numVertices;
        // If either 'a' index equals either 'b' index, then these two edges
        // share a vertex. If a1==b1 then it must be the case that a2==b2, e.g.
        // the two edges are the same. In that case, we skip the test, since we
        // don't want to test an edge against itself. If a1==b2 or b1==a2 then
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   * returns the minimum value of the given WedgeRelation for all such vertices
   * (returning immediately if any wedge returns -1). Returns +1 if there are no
   * intersections and no shared vertices.
  private int checkEdgeCrossings(S2Loop b, S2EdgeUtil.WedgeRelation relation) {
    DataEdgeIterator it = getEdgeIterator(b.numVertices);
    int result = 1;
    // since 'this' usually has many more vertices than 'b', use the index on
    // 'this' and loop over 'b'
    for (int j = 0; j < b.numVertices(); ++j) {
      S2EdgeUtil.EdgeCrosser crosser =
        new S2EdgeUtil.EdgeCrosser(b.vertex(j), b.vertex(j + 1), vertex(0));
      int previousIndex = -2;
      for (it.getCandidates(b.vertex(j), b.vertex(j + 1)); it.hasNext(); {
        int i = it.index();
        if (previousIndex != i - 1) {
        previousIndex = i;
        int crossing = crosser.robustCrossing(vertex(i + 1));
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