
Examples of


    public StorageNodeLoadComposite getLoad(Subject subject, StorageNode node, long beginTime, long endTime) {
        Stopwatch stopwatch = stopwatchStart();
        try {
            if (!storageClientManager.isClusterAvailable()) {
                return new StorageNodeLoadComposite(node, beginTime, endTime);
            int storageNodeResourceId;
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    public ListenableFuture<List<StorageNodeLoadComposite>> getLoadAsync(Subject subject, StorageNode node,
        long beginTime, long endTime) {
        Stopwatch stopwatch = stopwatchStart();
        final StorageNodeLoadComposite result = new StorageNodeLoadComposite(node, beginTime, endTime);
        try {
            if (!storageClientManager.isClusterAvailable()) {
                return Futures.successfulAsList(Lists.newArrayList(Futures.immediateFuture(result)));
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    public PageList<StorageNodeLoadComposite> getStorageNodeComposites(Subject subject) {
        Stopwatch stopwatch = stopwatchStart();
        List<StorageNode> nodes = getStorageNodes();
        final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(nodes.size());
        final PageList<StorageNodeLoadComposite> result = new PageList<StorageNodeLoadComposite>();
        try {
            long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
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    public PageList<Alert> findNotAcknowledgedStorageNodeAlerts(Subject subject, StorageNode storageNode) {
        Stopwatch stopwatch = stopwatchStart();
        try {
            return findStorageNodeAlerts(subject, false, storageNode);
        } finally {
            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                stopwatchEnd(stopwatch, "Retrieved unacked alerts for " + storageNode + " in ");
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        return alerts;

    private Map<Integer, Integer> findUnackedAlertCounts(List<StorageNode> storageNodes) {
        Stopwatch stopwatch = stopwatchStart();
        try {
            Map<Integer, StorageNode> resourceIdToStorageNodeMap = new TreeMap<Integer, StorageNode>();
            for (StorageNode storageNode : storageNodes) {
                if (storageNode.getResource() != null) { // handling the case before the s.n. autoimport
                    resourceIdToStorageNodeMap.put(storageNode.getResource().getId(), storageNode);
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        return new Integer[0];

    private Map<Integer, Integer> findResourcesWithAlertsToStorageNodeMap(StorageNode storageNode) {
        Stopwatch stopwatch = stopwatchStart();
        List<StorageNode> initialStorageNodes = getStorageNodes();
        try {
            if (storageNode == null) {
                initialStorageNodes = getStorageNodes();
            } else {
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        return successResultFound;

    private Stopwatch stopwatchStart() {
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            return new Stopwatch().start();
        return null;
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    public int execute(DateTime start, DateTime end) throws InterruptedException,
        AbortedException {"Starting " + bucket + " data aggregation");
        Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.createStarted();
        try {
            IndexIterator iterator = new IndexIterator(start, end, bucket, dao, configuration);
            Batch batch = new Batch();
            while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                IndexEntry indexEntry =;
                if (batch.getStartTime() == null) {
                    batch.setEndTime(new DateTime(indexEntry.getTimestamp()).plus(timeSliceDuration));
                if (batch.getStartTime().getMillis() == indexEntry.getTimestamp()) {
                    if (batch.size() == batchSize) {
                        batch = new Batch();
                } else {
                    batch = new Batch()
                        .setEndTime(new DateTime(indexEntry.getTimestamp()).plus(timeSliceDuration))
            if (batch.size() > 0) {
            iterator = null;
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            log.warn("There was an interrupt while scheduling aggregation tasks.", e);
            taskTracker.abort("There was an interrupt while scheduling aggregation tasks.");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.warn("There was an unexpected error scheduling aggregation tasks", e);
            taskTracker.abort("There was an unexpected error scheduling aggregation tasks: " + e.getMessage());
        } finally {
  "Finished " + schedulesCount + " " + bucket + " data aggregations in " +
                stopwatch.elapsed(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) + " ms");
        return schedulesCount.get();
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        return totalAggregationTime.get();

    public Set<AggregateNumericMetric> run() {"Starting metrics data aggregation");
        Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.createStarted();
        Semaphore permits = new Semaphore(batchSize * parallelism);

        log.debug("Allocating " + permits.availablePermits() + " permits");

        int num1Hour = 0;
        int num6Hour = 0;
        int num24Hour = 0;
        try {
            PersistFunctions persistFunctions = new PersistFunctions(dao, dtService);
            final Set<AggregateNumericMetric> oneHourData = new ConcurrentSkipListSet<AggregateNumericMetric>(
            DateTime endTime = dtService.currentHour();
            DateTime end = endTime;
            // We set the start time to the retention period minus 1 hour, or 6 days and 23
            // hours ago instead of 7 days ago because if we set the start time to the full
            // 7 days, then we could end up in a situation where data has expired and
            // aggregate metric get overwritten with partial data.
            DateTime start = end.minus(configuration.getRawRetention().toPeriod().minusHours(1));
            DataAggregator rawAggregator = createRawAggregator(persistFunctions, permits);
            rawAggregator.setBatchFinishedListener(new DataAggregator.BatchFinishedListener() {
                public void onFinish(List<AggregateNumericMetric> metrics) {
            num1Hour = rawAggregator.execute(start, end);

            end = dtService.get6HourTimeSlice(endTime);
            start = dtService.get6HourTimeSlice(endTime).minus(configuration.getRawRetention());
            num6Hour = create1HourAggregator(persistFunctions, permits).execute(start, end);

            end = dtService.get24HourTimeSlice(endTime);
            start = dtService.get24HourTimeSlice(endTime).minus(configuration.getRawRetention());
            num24Hour = create6HourAggregator(persistFunctions, permits).execute(start, end);

            return oneHourData;
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
  "There was an interrupt while waiting for aggregation to finish. Aggregation will be aborted.");
            return Collections.emptySet();
        catch (AbortedException e) {
            log.warn("Aggregation has been aborted: " + e.getMessage());
            return Collections.emptySet();
        } finally {
  "Finished aggregation of {\"raw schedules\": " + num1Hour + ", \"1 hour schedules\": " + num6Hour +
                ", \"6 hour schedules\": " + num24Hour + "} in " + stopwatch.elapsed(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) + " ms");
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        return new org.rhq.enterprise.server.measurement.MeasurementAggregate(summary.getMin(), summary.getAvg(), summary.getMax());

    public MeasurementAggregate getMeasurementAggregate(Subject subject, int scheduleId, long startTime, long endTime) {
        Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch().start();
        try {
            MeasurementScheduleCriteria criteria = new MeasurementScheduleCriteria();

            PageList<MeasurementSchedule> schedules = measurementScheduleManager.findSchedulesByCriteria(
                subjectManager.getOverlord(), criteria);
            if (schedules.isEmpty()) {
                throw new MeasurementException("Could not fine MeasurementSchedule with the id[" + scheduleId + "]");
            MeasurementSchedule schedule = schedules.get(0);

            if (authorizationManager.canViewResource(subject, schedule.getResource().getId()) == false) {
                throw new PermissionException("User[" + subject.getName()
                    + "] does not have permission to view schedule[id=" + scheduleId + "]");

            if (schedule.getDefinition().getDataType() != DataType.MEASUREMENT) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(schedule + " is not about numerical values. Can't compute aggregates");

            if (startTime > endTime) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Start date " + startTime + " is not before " + endTime);

            MetricsServer metricsServer = storageClientManager.getMetricsServer();
            AggregateNumericMetric summary = metricsServer.getSummaryAggregate(scheduleId, startTime, endTime);

            return new MeasurementAggregate(summary.getMin(), summary.getAvg(), summary.getMax());
        } finally {
            log.debug("Finished loading measurement aggregate in " + stopwatch.elapsed(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
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