this.getGraphics2D().setPaint( this.getChartProperties().getTitleFont().getPaint() );
//---draw each title line. Subtract padding from each side for printable width.
float wrappingWidth= this.getImageWidth() - ( this.getChartProperties().getEdgePadding() * 2 );
TextLayout titleTextLayout= null;
while( ( titleTextLayout = measurer.nextLayout( wrappingWidth ) ) != null )
//---set the current line to where the title will be written
currentLine += titleTextLayout.getAscent();
titleTextLayout.draw( this.getGraphics2D(),
( ( this.getImageWidth() - titleTextLayout.getAdvance() ) / 2 ),
currentLine );
//---keep track of total height of all the title lines
height += titleTextLayout.getAscent() + titleTextLayout.getDescent();
//---add in the padding between the title and the top of the chart.
height += this.getChartProperties().getTitlePadding();