protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException {
long beginTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
boolean debugMode = false;
XMPPService xmpp = XMPPServiceFactory.getXMPPService();
Message message = null;
try {
/* Step 1 : Get the message */
message = xmpp.parseMessage(req);
/* Step 2 : Check the message body */
// The body cannot be empty
if (StringUtil.isEmpty(message.getBody())) {
sendResponseToSender(xmpp, message.getFromJid(), "Bad request message format ;(");
// This is the case where help about command is asked
if (message.getBody().trim().equalsIgnoreCase("help")) {
String msg = "_Send a message containing a list (separated by a space) of the driveways you want to get trips informations._\n\n*The available driveways are "
+ Arrays.asList(Driveway.values()) + ".*\n\nExample of message (without \") : \"A1 A6 A3\" or \"A1\"\n\n;)";
sendResponseToSender(xmpp, message.getFromJid(), msg);
/* Step 3 : Get the trips informations and send the response */
// Get all trips informations from CITA
List<Duration> tripsCitaInfos = InfoGetter.getCitaInfo();
// Prepare response message body for the driveways specified into
// the message
StringBuilder xmlppReponseBody = new StringBuilder("\n");
// Extract the list of specified driveways and parse it, building
// the response in the same time...
String[] driveways = message.getBody().trim().split(" ");
for (String driveway : driveways) {
// No processing if the driveway is not filled
if (driveway == null) {
// turn debug mode on if requested
if ("D".equalsIgnoreCase(driveway)) {
debugMode = true;
// Check that the driveway is in the available list, if not send
// an response and quit...
if (!Driveway.isMember(driveway.trim().toUpperCase())) {
sendResponseToSender(xmpp, message.getFromJid(), "The driveway '" + driveway.trim().toUpperCase() + "' is unknown. ;)\n Please type 'help' for more information on how to use this bot.");
// Get the list of trips for the current driveway
List<Trip> trips = Trip.fromDriveway(Driveway.valueOf(driveway.trim().toUpperCase()));
if (trips == null) {
// Parse list of trips for the current driveway
xmlppReponseBody.append("*").append(driveway.toUpperCase().trim()).append("* :\n");
for (Duration duration : tripsCitaInfos) {
if (trips.contains(duration.getTrip())) {
xmlppReponseBody.append("'").append(duration.getTrip().getStartPoint()).append("' To '").append(duration.getTrip().getEndinPoint()).append("' : ");
if (duration.getDuration() == -1) {
xmlppReponseBody.append(" _FLUID_\n");
} else {
xmlppReponseBody.append(duration.getDuration()).append(" minute(s)\n");
if (debugMode) {
xmlppReponseBody.append("Debug mode:\nResponse generated in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - beginTime) + "ms.\n\n");
/* Step 4 : Send the response to the sender buddy */
boolean sent = sendResponseToSender(xmpp, message.getFromJid(), xmlppReponseBody.toString());
if (sent) {"Message to " + message.getFromJid().getId() + " successfully sent !");
} else {"Message to " + message.getFromJid().getId() + " send failed !");
} catch (Exception e) {
// We trace the error
LOGGER.severe("Error from XMPP BOT : " + e.getMessage());
// In case of error we return a message response indicating that an
// error occur...
try {
sendResponseToSender(xmpp, message.getFromJid(), "Oups an error occured!");
} catch (Exception e1) {
LOGGER.severe("Error from XMPP BOT : " + e1.getMessage());