// Get the prices and archive them
query = "SELECT FROM " + Contract.class.getName() + " WHERE expiryDate>0 && archived==false ORDER BY expiryDate";
PersistenceManager pm = PMF.get().getPersistenceManager();
Query q = pm.newQuery(query);
Queue queue = QueueFactory.getDefaultQueue();
List<Contract> results = (List<Contract>) q.execute();
print("Putting in queue for processing " + results.size() + " contracts.");
for (Contract c : results) {
String contractid = c.getId();
// print("Adding contract "+contractid+
// " in the queue. Will not archive.");
queue.add(Builder.withUrl("/processContractClosingPrices").param("contract", contractid).param("archive", "y")
.param("time_threshold_minutes", threshold.toString()).method(TaskOptions.Method.GET));
queue.add(Builder.withUrl("/processContractTrades").param("contract", contractid)
.param("time_threshold_minutes", "1").method(TaskOptions.Method.GET));
// Now get the remaining active contracts (that have not been
// archived yet)
// Do no archive yet.
long now = (new Date()).getTime();
query = "SELECT FROM " + Contract.class.getName() + " WHERE laststoredCSV<" + (now - Contract.time_threshold())
+ " && expiryDate==0 && archived==false ORDER BY laststoredCSV";
pm = PMF.get().getPersistenceManager();
q = pm.newQuery(query);
List<Contract> results_remaining = (List<Contract>) q.execute();
print("Putting in queue for processing " + results_remaining.size() + " contracts.");
for (Contract c : results_remaining) {
String contractid = c.getId();
// print("Adding contract "+contractid+
// " in the queue. Will not archive.");
queue.add(Builder.withUrl("/processContractClosingPrices").param("contract", contractid).param("archive", "n")
.param("time_threshold_minutes", threshold.toString()).method(TaskOptions.Method.GET));
queue.add(Builder.withUrl("/processContractTrades").param("contract", contractid)
.param("time_threshold_minutes", "1").method(TaskOptions.Method.GET));