* These could return different values from the implementations so just assert the basics.
public void testMiscProperties() throws Exception {
RequestLogs logs = getRequestLogs1();
assertNotNull("App Engine Release, e.g. 1.8.0, or empty string.", logs.getAppEngineRelease());
assertTrue("Estimated cost of this request, in dollars.", logs.getCost() >= 0.0);
assertTrue("Time required to process this request in microseconds.", logs.getLatencyUsec() >= 0);
assertTrue("Microseconds request spent in pending request queue, if was pending at all.", logs.getPendingTimeUsec() >= 0);
assertFalse("This should never be a loading request: " + logs.toString(), logs.isLoadingRequest());
String appId = SystemProperty.applicationId.get(); // appIds have a prefix according to datacenter.
assertTrue("The application ID that handled this request.", logs.getAppId().endsWith(appId));
long cycles = logs.getMcycles();
assertTrue("Number of machine cycles used to process this request: " + cycles, cycles >= 0);
String getOffsetMsg = "Base64-encoded offset used with subsequent LogQuery to continue reading logs at the point in time immediately following this request.";
assertNotNull(getOffsetMsg, logs.getOffset());
assertTrue("Should be Base64: " + logs.getOffset(), Base64.isBase64(logs.getOffset().getBytes()));
String mapEntryMsg = "File or class within the URL mapping used for this request: " + logs.getUrlMapEntry();
assertNotNull(mapEntryMsg, logs.getUrlMapEntry());