
Examples of

      int totalResultsCounter = 0;

      for (Integer activityGroupId : activityGroupIds) {
        // Set defaults for page.
        ActivityPage page = new ActivityPage();
        int offset = 0;

        // Default for total result set size and offset.
        int totalResultSetSize = 0;

        // Set the activity group ID to select from.
        statementBuilder.putValue("activityGroupId", activityGroupId);

        do {
          // Create a statement to get all activities from an activity group.
          statementBuilder.setQuery(filterStatementString + offset);

          // Get activities by statement.
          page = activityService.getActivitiesByStatement(statementBuilder.toStatement());

          if (page.getResults() != null) {
            totalResultSetSize = page.getTotalResultSetSize();
            for (Activity activity : page.getResults()) {
                  "%s) Activity with ID \"%d\", name \"%s\", and type \"%s\" was found.\n",
                  totalResultsCounter++, activity.getId(), activity.getName(), activity.getType());

          offset += 500;
        } while (offset < page.getTotalResultSetSize());

      System.out.printf("Number of results found: %s\n", totalResultsCounter);
    } catch (Exception e) {
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              "WHERE activityGroupId = :activityGroupId and status = :status LIMIT 500")
              .putValue("activityGroupId", activityGroupId)
              .putValue("status", ActivityStatus.ACTIVE.toString()).toStatement();

      // Get activities by statement.
      ActivityPage page = activityService.getActivitiesByStatement(filterStatement);

      if (page.getResults() != null) {
        int i = page.getStartIndex();
        for (Activity activity : page.getResults()) {
              "%s) Activity with ID \"%d\", name \"%s\", and type \"%s\" was found.\n", i++,
              activity.getId(), activity.getName(), activity.getType());

      System.out.println("Number of results found: " + page.getTotalResultSetSize());
    } catch (Exception e) {
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      // Get DfpUser from "~/".
      DfpUser user = new DfpUser();

      // Get the ActivityService.
      ActivityServiceInterface activityService =

      // Set the ID of the activity to update.
      Integer activityId = Integer.parseInt("INSERT_ACTIVITY_ID_HERE");

      // Get the activity.
      Activity activity = activityService.getActivity(activityId);

      // Update the expected URL.

      // Update the activity on the server.
      Activity[] activities = activityService.updateActivities(new Activity[] {activity});

      for (Activity updatedActivity : activities) {
            "Activity with ID \"%d\" and name \"%s\" was updated.\n",
            updatedActivity.getId(), updatedActivity.getName());
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      // Get DfpUser from "~/".
      DfpUser user = new DfpUser();

      // Get the ActivityService.
      ActivityServiceInterface activityService =

      // Get all activity group IDs.
      List<Integer> activityGroupIds = getAllActivityGroupIds(user);

      // Create a statement to get all activities for an activity group.
      String filterStatementString = "WHERE activityGroupId = :activityGroupId LIMIT 500 OFFSET ";
      StatementBuilder statementBuilder = new StatementBuilder(filterStatementString);

      int totalResultsCounter = 0;

      for (Integer activityGroupId : activityGroupIds) {
        // Set defaults for page.
        ActivityPage page = new ActivityPage();
        int offset = 0;

        // Default for total result set size and offset.
        int totalResultSetSize = 0;

        // Set the activity group ID to select from.
        statementBuilder.putValue("activityGroupId", activityGroupId);

        do {
          // Create a statement to get all activities from an activity group.
          statementBuilder.setQuery(filterStatementString + offset);

          // Get activities by statement.
          page = activityService.getActivitiesByStatement(statementBuilder.toStatement());

          if (page.getResults() != null) {
            totalResultSetSize = page.getTotalResultSetSize();
            for (Activity activity : page.getResults()) {
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      // Get DfpUser from "~/".
      DfpUser user = new DfpUser();

      // Get the ActivityService.
      ActivityServiceInterface activityService =

      // Set the ID of the activity group to create the activities for.
      Integer activityGroupId = Integer.parseInt("INSERT_ACTIVITY_GROUP_ID_HERE");

      // Create a daily visits activity.
      Activity dailyVisitsActivity = new Activity();
      dailyVisitsActivity.setName("Activity #" + new Random().nextLong());

      // Create a custom activity.
      Activity customActivity = new Activity();
      customActivity.setName("Activity #" + new Random().nextLong());

      // Create the activities on the server.
      Activity[] activities =
          activityService.createActivities(new Activity[] {dailyVisitsActivity, customActivity});

      for (Activity activity : activities) {
        System.out.printf("An activity with ID \"%d\", name \"%s\", and type \"%s\" was created.\n",
            activity.getId(), activity.getName(), activity.getType());
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      // Get DfpUser from "~/".
      DfpUser user = new DfpUser();

      // Get the ActivityService.
      ActivityServiceInterface activityService =

      // Set the ID of the activity group to get the activities for.
      Integer activityGroupId = Integer.parseInt("INSERT_ACTIVITY_GROUP_ID_HERE");

      // Create a statement to only select active activities.
      Statement filterStatement =
          new StatementBuilder(
              "WHERE activityGroupId = :activityGroupId and status = :status LIMIT 500")
              .putValue("activityGroupId", activityGroupId)
              .putValue("status", ActivityStatus.ACTIVE.toString()).toStatement();

      // Get activities by statement.
      ActivityPage page = activityService.getActivitiesByStatement(filterStatement);

      if (page.getResults() != null) {
        int i = page.getStartIndex();
        for (Activity activity : page.getResults()) {
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      // Set the ID of the ad unit to get.
      String adUnitId = "INSERT_AD_UNIT_ID_HERE";

      // Get the ad unit.
      AdUnit adUnit = inventoryService.getAdUnit(adUnitId);

      if (adUnit != null) {
        System.out.println("Ad unit with ID \"" + adUnit.getId()
            + "\", name \"" + adUnit.getName()
            + "\", and status \"" + adUnit.getStatus() + "\" was found.");
      } else {
        System.out.println("No ad unit found for this ID.");
    } catch (Exception e) {
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      // Find the root ad unit. rootAdUnit can also be set to child unit to
      // only build and display a portion of the tree.
      // i.e. AdUnit adUnit =
      //          inventoryService.getAdUnit("INSERT_AD_UNIT_HERE")
      AdUnit rootAdUnit = findRootAdUnit(user);

      if (rootAdUnit == null) {
        System.out.println("Could not build tree. No root ad unit found.");
      } else {
        buildAndDisplayAdUnitTree(rootAdUnit, allAdUnits);
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      // Create an array to store local ad unit objects.
      AdUnit[] adUnits = new AdUnit[5];

      for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        AdUnit adUnit = new AdUnit();
        adUnit.setName("Ad_Unit_" + i);
        adUnit.setDescription("Ad unit description.");

        // Create ad unit size.
        AdUnitSize adUnitSize = new AdUnitSize();
        adUnitSize.setSize(new Size(300, 250, false));

        // Set the size of possible creatives that can match this ad unit.
        adUnit.setAdUnitSizes(new AdUnitSize[] {adUnitSize});

        adUnits[i] = adUnit;

      // Create the ad units on the server.
      adUnits = inventoryService.createAdUnits(adUnits);

      if (adUnits != null) {
        for (AdUnit adUnit : adUnits) {
          System.out.println("An ad unit with ID \"" + adUnit.getId()
              + "\" was created under parent with ID \"" + adUnit.getParentId()
              + "\".");
      } else {
        System.out.println("No ad units created.");
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      // Set the parent ad unit's ID for all ad units to be created under.
      String effectiveRootAdUnitId = networkService.getCurrentNetwork().getEffectiveRootAdUnitId();

      // Create local ad unit object.
      AdUnit adUnit = new AdUnit();
      adUnit.setDescription("Ad unit description.");

      // Create ad unit size.
      AdUnitSize adUnitSize = new AdUnitSize();
      adUnitSize.setSize(new Size(400, 300, false));

      // Set the size of possible creatives that can match this ad unit.
      adUnit.setAdUnitSizes(new AdUnitSize[] {adUnitSize});

      // Create the ad unit on the server.
      adUnit = inventoryService.createAdUnit(adUnit);

      if (adUnit != null) {
        System.out.println("An ad unit with ID \"" + adUnit.getId()
            + "\" was created under parent with ID \"" + adUnit.getParentId()
            + "\".");
      } else {
        System.out.println("No ad units created.");
    } catch (Exception e) {
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