
Examples of

      SuggestedAdUnitServiceInterface suggestedAdUnitService =

      // Set defaults for page and filterStatement.
      SuggestedAdUnitPage page = new SuggestedAdUnitPage();
      Statement filterStatement = new Statement();
      int offset = 0;

      do {
        // Create a statement to get all suggested ad units.
        filterStatement.setQuery("LIMIT 500 OFFSET " + offset);

        // Get suggested ad units by statement.
        page = suggestedAdUnitService.getSuggestedAdUnitsByStatement(filterStatement);

        if (page.getResults() != null) {
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      // Get UserService.
      UserServiceInterface userService =

      // Create a statement to get all users sorted by name.
      Statement filterStatement = new Statement("ORDER BY name LIMIT 500", null);

      // Get users by statement.
      UserPage page = userService.getUsersByStatement(filterStatement);

      if (page.getResults() != null) {
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      // Get the LabelService.
      LabelServiceInterface labelService = user.getService(DfpService.V201306.LABEL_SERVICE);

      // Create statement text to select active labels.
      String statementText = "WHERE isActive = :isActive LIMIT 500";
      Statement filterStatement =
          new StatementBuilder("").putValue("isActive", true).toStatement();

      // Set defaults for page and offset.
      LabelPage page = new LabelPage();
      int offset = 0;
      List<Long> labelIds = new ArrayList<Long>();

      do {
        // Create a statement to page through active labels.
        filterStatement.setQuery(statementText + " OFFSET " + offset);

        // Get labels by statement.
        page = labelService.getLabelsByStatement(filterStatement);

        if (page.getResults() != null) {
          int i = page.getStartIndex();
          for (Label label : page.getResults()) {
            System.out.println(i + ") Label with ID \"" + label.getId()
                + "\" and name \"" + label.getName()
                + "\" will be deactivated.");

        offset += 500;
      } while (offset < page.getTotalResultSetSize());

      System.out.println("Number of labels to be deactivated: " + labelIds.size());

      if (labelIds.size() > 0) {
        // Modify statement for action.
        filterStatement.setQuery("WHERE id IN (" + StringUtils.join(labelIds, ",") + ")");

        // Create action.
        DeactivateLabels action = new DeactivateLabels();

        // Perform action.
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      UserTeamAssociationServiceInterface userTeamAssociationService =

      // Set defaults for page and filterStatement.
      UserTeamAssociationPage page = new UserTeamAssociationPage();
      Statement filterStatement = new Statement();
      int offset = 0;

      do {
        // Create a statement to get all user team associations.
        filterStatement.setQuery("LIMIT 500 OFFSET " + offset);

        // Get user team associations by statement.
        page = userTeamAssociationService.getUserTeamAssociationsByStatement(filterStatement);

        if (page.getResults() != null) {
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      CreativeTemplateServiceInterface creativeTemplateService =

      // Set defaults for page and filterStatement.
      CreativeTemplatePage page = new CreativeTemplatePage();
      Statement filterStatement = new Statement();
      int offset = 0;

      do {
        // Create a statement to get all creative templates.
        filterStatement.setQuery("LIMIT 500 OFFSET " + offset);

        // Get creative templates by statement.
        page = creativeTemplateService.getCreativeTemplatesByStatement(filterStatement);

        if (page.getResults() != null) {
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      // Set the user to set to read only access within its teams.
      Long userId = Long.parseLong("INSERT_USER_ID_HERE");

      // Create filter text to select user team associations by the user ID.
      String statementText = "WHERE userId = :userId LIMIT 500";
      Statement filterStatement =
        new StatementBuilder("")
            .putValue("userId", userId)

      // Get user team associations by statement.
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      // Get the LabelService.
      LabelServiceInterface labelService = user.getService(DfpService.V201306.LABEL_SERVICE);

      // Set defaults for page and filterStatement.
      LabelPage page = new LabelPage();
      Statement filterStatement = new Statement();
      int offset = 0;

      do {
        // Create a statement to get all labels.
        filterStatement.setQuery("LIMIT 500 OFFSET " + offset);

        // Get labels by statement.
        page = labelService.getLabelsByStatement(filterStatement);

        if (page.getResults() != null) {
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      // Get the current user.
      long currentUserId = userService.getCurrentUser().getId();

      // Create filter text to select user team associations by the user ID.
      String statementText = "WHERE userId = :userId LIMIT 500";
      Statement filterStatement =
        new StatementBuilder("")
            .putValue("userId", currentUserId)

      // Get user team associations by statement.
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      // Get the CreativeTemplateService.
      CreativeTemplateServiceInterface creativeTemplateService =

      // Create a statement to only select system defined creative templates.
      Statement filterStatement =
          new StatementBuilder("WHERE type = :creativeTemplateType LIMIT 500").putValue(
              "creativeTemplateType", CreativeTemplateType.SYSTEM_DEFINED.toString()).toStatement();

      // Get creative templates by statement.
      CreativeTemplatePage page =
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      // Get the LabelService.
      LabelServiceInterface labelService = user.getService(DfpService.V201306.LABEL_SERVICE);

      // Create statement text to select active labels.
      Statement filterStatement = new StatementBuilder("WHERE isActive = :isActive LIMIT 500")
          .putValue("isActive", true).toStatement();

      // Get the labels by statement.
      LabelPage page =
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