
Examples of

   * @throws RemoteException thrown if there was a problem retrieving ad units
  private static AdUnit findRootAdUnit(DfpUser user)
      throws ServiceException, RemoteException {
    // Get InventoryService.
    InventoryServiceInterface inventoryService =

    // Create a statement to only select the root ad unit.
    Statement filterStatement = new Statement("WHERE parentId IS NULL LIMIT 500", null);

    // Get ad units by statement.
    AdUnitPage page = inventoryService.getAdUnitsByStatement(filterStatement);

    if (page.getResults() != null) {
      return page.getResults()[0];

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      // Get DfpUser from "~/".
      DfpUser user = new DfpUser();

      // Get the InventoryService.
      InventoryServiceInterface inventoryService =

      // Get the NetworkService.
      NetworkServiceInterface networkService =

      // Set the parent ad unit's ID for all ad units to be created under.
      String effectiveRootAdUnitId = networkService.getCurrentNetwork().getEffectiveRootAdUnitId();

      // Create an array to store local ad unit objects.
      AdUnit[] adUnits = new AdUnit[5];

      for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        AdUnit adUnit = new AdUnit();
        adUnit.setName("Ad_Unit_" + i);
        adUnit.setDescription("Ad unit description.");

        // Create ad unit size.
        AdUnitSize adUnitSize = new AdUnitSize();
        adUnitSize.setSize(new Size(300, 250, false));

        // Set the size of possible creatives that can match this ad unit.
        adUnit.setAdUnitSizes(new AdUnitSize[] {adUnitSize});

        adUnits[i] = adUnit;

      // Create the ad units on the server.
      adUnits = inventoryService.createAdUnits(adUnits);

      if (adUnits != null) {
        for (AdUnit adUnit : adUnits) {
          System.out.println("An ad unit with ID \"" + adUnit.getId()
              + "\" was created under parent with ID \"" + adUnit.getParentId()
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      // Get DfpUser from "~/".
      DfpUser user = new DfpUser();

      // Get the InventoryService.
      InventoryServiceInterface inventoryService =

      // Get the NetworkService.
      NetworkServiceInterface networkService = user.getService(DfpService.V201208.NETWORK_SERVICE);

      // Set the parent ad unit's ID for all ad units to be created under.
      String effectiveRootAdUnitId = networkService.getCurrentNetwork().getEffectiveRootAdUnitId();

      // Create local ad unit object.
      AdUnit adUnit = new AdUnit();
      adUnit.setDescription("Ad unit description.");

      // Create ad unit size.
      AdUnitSize adUnitSize = new AdUnitSize();
      adUnitSize.setSize(new Size(400, 300, false));

      // Set the size of possible creatives that can match this ad unit.
      adUnit.setAdUnitSizes(new AdUnitSize[] {adUnitSize});

      // Create the ad unit on the server.
      adUnit = inventoryService.createAdUnit(adUnit);

      if (adUnit != null) {
        System.out.println("An ad unit with ID \"" + adUnit.getId()
            + "\" was created under parent with ID \"" + adUnit.getParentId()
            + "\".");
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      // Get DfpUser from "~/".
      DfpUser user = new DfpUser();

      // Get the InventoryService.
      InventoryServiceInterface inventoryService =

      // Create statement text to select active ad units.
      String statementText = "WHERE status = :status LIMIT 500";
      Statement filterStatement =
          new StatementBuilder("")
              .putValue("status", InventoryStatus.ACTIVE.toString())

      // Set defaults for page and offset.
      AdUnitPage page = new AdUnitPage();
      int offset = 0;
      List<String> adUnitIds = new ArrayList<String>();

      do {
        // Create a statement to page through active ad units.
        filterStatement.setQuery(statementText + " OFFSET " + offset);

        // Get ad units by statement.
        page = inventoryService.getAdUnitsByStatement(filterStatement);

        if (page.getResults() != null) {
          int i = page.getStartIndex();
          for (AdUnit adUnit : page.getResults()) {
            System.out.println(i + ") Ad unit with ID \"" + adUnit.getId()
                + "\", name \"" + adUnit.getName()
                + "\", and status \"" + adUnit.getStatus() + "\" will be deactivated.");

        offset += 500;
      } while (offset < page.getTotalResultSetSize());

      System.out.println("Number of ad units to be deactivated: " + adUnitIds.size());

      if (adUnitIds.size() > 0) {
        // Modify statement for action.
        filterStatement.setQuery("WHERE id IN (" + StringUtils.join(adUnitIds, ",") + ")");

        // Create action.
        DeactivateAdUnits action = new DeactivateAdUnits();

        // Perform action.
        UpdateResult result = inventoryService.performAdUnitAction(action, filterStatement);

        // Display results.
        if (result != null && result.getNumChanges() > 0) {
          System.out.println("Number of ad units deactivated: " + result.getNumChanges());
        } else {
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      // Get DfpUser from "~/".
      DfpUser user = new DfpUser();

      // Get InventoryService.
      InventoryServiceInterface inventoryService =

      // Sets defaults for page and filterStatement.
      AdUnitPage page = new AdUnitPage();
      Statement filterStatement = new Statement();
      int offset = 0;

      do {
        // Create a filter to get all ad units.
        filterStatement.setQuery("LIMIT 500 OFFSET " + offset);

        // Get ad units by statement.
        page = inventoryService.getAdUnitsByStatement(filterStatement);

        if (page.getResults() != null) {
          int i = page.getStartIndex();
          for (AdUnit adUnit : page.getResults()) {
            System.out.println(i + ") Ad unit with ID \"" + adUnit.getId()
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      // Get DfpUser from "~/".
      DfpUser user = new DfpUser();

      // Get the InventoryService.
      InventoryServiceInterface inventoryService =

      // Get the NetworkService.
      NetworkServiceInterface networkService = user.getService(DfpService.V201208.NETWORK_SERVICE);

      // Set the parent ad unit's ID for all ad units to be created under.
      String effectiveRootAdUnitId = networkService.getCurrentNetwork().getEffectiveRootAdUnitId();

      // Create local ad unit object.
      AdUnit adUnit = new AdUnit();
      adUnit.setDescription("Ad unit description.");

      // Create master ad unit size.
      AdUnitSize masterAdUnitSize = new AdUnitSize();
      masterAdUnitSize.setSize(new Size(400, 300, false));

      // Create companion sizes.
      AdUnitSize companionAdUnitSize1 = new AdUnitSize();
      companionAdUnitSize1.setSize(new Size(300, 250, false));

      AdUnitSize companionAdUnitSize2 = new AdUnitSize();
      companionAdUnitSize2.setSize(new Size(728, 90, false));

      // Add companions to master ad unit size.
      masterAdUnitSize.setCompanions(new AdUnitSize[] {companionAdUnitSize1, companionAdUnitSize2});

      // Set the size of possible creatives that can match this ad unit.
      adUnit.setAdUnitSizes(new AdUnitSize[] {masterAdUnitSize});

      // Create the ad unit on the server.
      adUnit = inventoryService.createAdUnit(adUnit);

      if (adUnit != null) {
        System.out.println("An ad unit with ID \"" + adUnit.getId()
            + "\" was created under parent with ID \"" + adUnit.getParentId()
            + "\".");
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      // Get DfpUser from "~/".
      DfpUser user = new DfpUser();

      // Get InventoryService.
      InventoryServiceInterface inventoryService =

      // Create statement object to only select web ad unit sizes.
      Statement filterStatement = new StatementBuilder("WHERE targetPlatform = :targetPlatform")
          .putValue("targetPlatform", TargetPlatform.WEB.toString()).toStatement();

      // Get all ad unit sizes.
      AdUnitSize[] adUnitSizes = inventoryService.getAdUnitSizesByStatement(filterStatement);

      // Display results.
      if (adUnitSizes != null) {
        for (int i = 0; i < adUnitSizes.length; i++) {
          AdUnitSize adUnitSize = adUnitSizes[i];
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      // Get DfpUser from "~/".
      DfpUser user = new DfpUser();

      // Get the InventoryService.
      InventoryServiceInterface inventoryService =

      // Set the ID of the ad unit to get.
      String adUnitId = "INSERT_AD_UNIT_ID_HERE";

      // Get the ad unit.
      AdUnit adUnit = inventoryService.getAdUnit(adUnitId);

      if (adUnit != null) {
        System.out.println("Ad unit with ID \"" + adUnit.getId()
            + "\", name \"" + adUnit.getName()
            + "\", and status \"" + adUnit.getStatus() + "\" was found.");
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      // Get DfpUser from "~/".
      DfpUser user = new DfpUser();

      // Get the InventoryService.
      InventoryServiceInterface inventoryService =

      // Get the PlacementService.
      PlacementServiceInterface placementService =

      // Create local placement object to store skyscraper ad units.
      Placement skyscraperAdUnitPlacement = new Placement();
      skyscraperAdUnitPlacement.setName("Skyscraper AdUnit Placement #"
          + System.currentTimeMillis());
          "Contains ad units that can hold creatives of size 120x600");
      skyscraperAdUnitPlacement.setTargetedAdUnitIds(new String[] {});

      // Create local placement object to store medium square ad units.
      Placement mediumSquareAdUnitPlacement = new Placement();
      mediumSquareAdUnitPlacement.setName("Medium Square AdUnit Placement #"
          + System.currentTimeMillis());
          "Contains ad units that can hold creatives of size 300x250");
      mediumSquareAdUnitPlacement.setTargetedAdUnitIds(new String[] {});

      // Create local placement object to store banner ad units.
      Placement bannerAdUnitPlacement = new Placement();
      bannerAdUnitPlacement.setName("Banner AdUnit Placement #"
          + System.currentTimeMillis());
          "Contains ad units that can hold creatives of size 468x60");
      bannerAdUnitPlacement.setTargetedAdUnitIds(new String[] {});

      List<Placement> placementList = new ArrayList<Placement>();

      // Get the first 500 ad units.
      AdUnitPage page = inventoryService.getAdUnitsByStatement(new Statement("LIMIT 500", null));

      // Separate the ad units by size.
      if (page.getResults() != null) {
        for (AdUnit adUnit : page.getResults()) {
          if (adUnit.getParentId() != null && adUnit.getAdUnitSizes() != null) {
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      // Get DfpUser from "~/".
      DfpUser user = new DfpUser();

      // Get the InventoryService.
      InventoryServiceInterface inventoryService =

      // Get the NetworkService.
      NetworkServiceInterface networkService = user.getService(DfpService.V201211.NETWORK_SERVICE);

      // Set the parent ad unit's ID for all ad units to be created under.
      String effectiveRootAdUnitId = networkService.getCurrentNetwork().getEffectiveRootAdUnitId();

      // Create local ad unit object.
      AdUnit adUnit = new AdUnit();
      adUnit.setDescription("Ad unit description.");

      // Create master ad unit size.
      AdUnitSize masterAdUnitSize = new AdUnitSize();
      masterAdUnitSize.setSize(new Size(400, 300, false));

      // Create companion sizes.
      AdUnitSize companionAdUnitSize1 = new AdUnitSize();
      companionAdUnitSize1.setSize(new Size(300, 250, false));

      AdUnitSize companionAdUnitSize2 = new AdUnitSize();
      companionAdUnitSize2.setSize(new Size(728, 90, false));

      // Add companions to master ad unit size.
      masterAdUnitSize.setCompanions(new AdUnitSize[] {companionAdUnitSize1, companionAdUnitSize2});

      // Set the size of possible creatives that can match this ad unit.
      adUnit.setAdUnitSizes(new AdUnitSize[] {masterAdUnitSize});

      // Create the ad unit on the server.
      adUnit = inventoryService.createAdUnit(adUnit);

      if (adUnit != null) {
        System.out.println("An ad unit with ID \"" + adUnit.getId()
            + "\" was created under parent with ID \"" + adUnit.getParentId()
            + "\".");
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