
Examples of

       try {
           dataFile = NetcdfFileWriteable.createNew(filename, false);

           // Create netCDF dimensions,
            Dimension xDim = dataFile.addDimension("x", NX );
            Dimension yDim = dataFile.addDimension("y", NY );

            ArrayList dims =  new ArrayList();

            // define dimensions
            dims.add( xDim);
            dims.add( yDim);

           // Define a netCDF variable. The type of the variable in this case
           // is ncInt (32-bit integer).
           dataFile.addVariable("data", DataType.INT, dims);
           // create the file

            // This is the data array we will write. It will just be filled
            // with a progression of numbers for this example.
           ArrayInt.D2 dataOut = new ArrayInt.D2( xDim.getLength(), yDim.getLength());

           // Create some pretend data. If this wasn't an example program, we
           // would have some real data to write, for example, model output.
           int i,j;

           for (i=0; i<xDim.getLength(); i++) {
                for (j=0; j<yDim.getLength(); j++) {
                    dataOut.set(i,j, i * NY + j);

           // Write the pretend data to the file. Although netCDF supports
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    if ( ! gribInit_1_8() ) return false;

    netcdfObj = openNc( ncObjType, gribIospVer );

    int timeDimLengthExpected = 8;
    Dimension timeDim = netcdfObj.findDimension( "time" );
    assertEquals( "Length of time dimension [" + timeDim.getLength() + "] not as expected [" + timeDimLengthExpected + "].",
                  timeDimLengthExpected );

    // Setup 2: data file (1-18, CHANGE), index (1-12, CHANGE).
    if ( ! gribAppend9_12() ) return false;
    if ( ! indexSetup1_12() ) return false;
    if ( ! gribAppend13_18()) return false;

    if ( ! syncNc( netcdfObj ) ) return false;

    timeDimLengthExpected = 12;
    timeDim = netcdfObj.findDimension( "time" );
    assertEquals( "Length of time dimension [" + timeDim.getLength() + "] not as expected [" + timeDimLengthExpected + "].",
                  timeDimLengthExpected );

    // Setup 3: data file (1-18), index (1-18, CHANGE)
    if ( ! indexSetup1_18() ) return false;
    if ( ! syncNc( netcdfObj ) ) return false;

    timeDimLengthExpected = 18;
    timeDim = netcdfObj.findDimension( "time" );
    assertEquals( "Length of time dimension [" + timeDim.getLength() + "] not as expected [" + timeDimLengthExpected + "].",
                  timeDimLengthExpected );

    // Setup 3: data file (1-21, CHANGE), index (1-21, CHANGE)
    if ( ! gribAppend19_21() ) return false;
    if ( ! indexSetup1_21() ) return false;
    if ( ! syncNc( netcdfObj ) ) return false;

    timeDimLengthExpected = 21;
    timeDim = netcdfObj.findDimension( "time" );
    assertEquals( "Length of time dimension [" + timeDim.getLength() + "] not as expected [" + timeDimLengthExpected + "].",
                  timeDimLengthExpected );

    DiskCache.simulateUnwritableDir = false;

    return true;
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    if ( ! gribInit_1_8() ) return false;

    netcdfObj = openNc( ncObjType, gribIospVer );

    int timeDimLengthExpected = 8;
    Dimension timeDim = netcdfObj.findDimension( "time" );
    assertEquals( "Length of time dimension [" + timeDim.getLength() + "] not as expected [" + timeDimLengthExpected + "].",
                  timeDimLengthExpected );

    // Setup 2: data file (1-8), index file (1-8, CHANGE).
    //          [Sync should not use index in cache. HOW TO TEST?]
    if ( ! indexSetup1_8() ) return false;

    if ( ! syncNc( netcdfObj ) ) return false;

    timeDim = netcdfObj.findDimension( "time" );
    assertEquals( "Length of time dimension [" + timeDim.getLength() + "] not as expected [" + timeDimLengthExpected + "].",
                  timeDimLengthExpected );

    // Setup 3: data file (1-12, CHANGE), index file (1-8).
    if ( ! gribAppend9_12()) return false;

    if ( ! syncNc( netcdfObj ) ) return false;

    timeDim = netcdfObj.findDimension( "time" );
    assertEquals( "Length of time dimension [" + timeDim.getLength() + "] not as expected [" + timeDimLengthExpected + "].",
                  timeDimLengthExpected );

    // Setup 4: data file (1-12), index file (1-12, CHANGE).
    if ( ! indexSetup1_12()) return false;

    if ( ! syncNc( netcdfObj ) ) return false;

    timeDimLengthExpected = 12;
    timeDim = netcdfObj.findDimension( "time" );
    assertEquals( "Length of time dimension [" + timeDim.getLength() + "] not as expected [" + timeDimLengthExpected + "].",
                  timeDimLengthExpected );

    // Setup 5: data file (1-18, CHANGE), index file (1-12).
    if ( ! gribAppend13_18()) return false;

    if ( ! syncNc( netcdfObj ) ) return false;

    timeDim = netcdfObj.findDimension( "time" );
    assertEquals( "Length of time dimension [" + timeDim.getLength() + "] not as expected [" + timeDimLengthExpected + "].",
                  timeDimLengthExpected );

    // Setup 6: data file (1-18), index file (1-18, CHANGE).
    if ( ! indexSetup1_18()) return false;

    if ( ! syncNc( netcdfObj ) ) return false;

    timeDimLengthExpected = 18;
    timeDim = netcdfObj.findDimension( "time" );
    assertEquals( "Length of time dimension [" + timeDim.getLength() + "] not as expected [" + timeDimLengthExpected + "].",
                  timeDimLengthExpected );

    // Setup 7: data file (1-21, CHANGE), index file (1-21, CHANGE).
    if ( ! gribAppend19_21()) return false;
    if ( ! indexSetup1_21()) return false;

    if ( ! syncNc( netcdfObj ) ) return false;

    timeDimLengthExpected = 21;
    timeDim = netcdfObj.findDimension( "time" );
    assertEquals( "Length of time dimension [" + timeDim.getLength() + "] not as expected [" + timeDimLengthExpected + "].",
                  timeDimLengthExpected );

    DiskCache.simulateUnwritableDir = false;

    return true;
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    catch ( IOException e )
      fail( "exception opening");

    Dimension timePartial = netcdfObj.findDimension( "time" );

    assertTrue( "Time dimension ["+ timePartial.getLength()+"] not as expected [4].", timePartial.getLength() == 4 );

    // Switch to use the complete GRIB file.
    if ( ! switchToCompleteGrib() )

    if ( ! switchToCompleteGribIndex() )

    // sync() the dataset with new index.
    catch ( IOException e )
      fail( "Failed to sync() data file [" + dataFile.getPath() + "]: " + e.getMessage() );

    Dimension timeNew = netcdfObj.findDimension( "time" );

    assertTrue( "Time dimension [" + timeNew.getLength() + "] not as expected [21].", timeNew.getLength() == 21 );
    DiskCache.simulateUnwritableDir = false;
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      catch ( IOException e )
        fail( "exception opening");

      Dimension timePartial = netcdfObj.findDimension( "time" );

      assertTrue( "Time dimension ["+ timePartial.getLength()+"] not as expected [4].", timePartial.getLength() == 4 );

      // Switch to use the complete GRIB file.
      if ( ! switchToCompleteGrib() )

      catch ( IOException e )
        fail( "Failed to sync() data file [" + dataFile.getPath() + "]: " + e.getMessage() );

      Dimension timeNew = netcdfObj.findDimension( "time" );

      assertTrue( "Time dimension [" + timeNew.getLength() + "] not as expected [21].", timeNew.getLength() == 21 );
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    catch ( IOException e )
      fail( "exception opening");

    Dimension timeComplete = netcdfObj.findDimension( "time" );

    assertTrue( "Time dimension ["+ timeComplete.getLength()+"] not as expected [21].", timeComplete.getLength() == 21 );

    // sync() the dataset with  index.
    catch ( IOException e )
      fail( "Failed to sync() data file [" + dataFile.getPath() + "]: " + e.getMessage() );

    Dimension timeNew = netcdfObj.findDimension( "time" );

    assertTrue( "Time dimension [" + timeNew.getLength() + "] not as expected [21].", timeNew.getLength() == 21 );

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      try {
        System.out.println("Open "+grib);
        NetcdfFile ncf = grib );
        Variable var = ncf.findVariable( parameter );
        Dimension dim = var.getDimension( 0 );
        String bounds = dim.getName() +"_bounds";
        Variable interval = ncf.findVariable( bounds );
        Array data =;
        IndexIterator iter = data.getIndexIterator();
        int idx = 0;
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
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      assert (Hybrida.getNameAndDimensions().equals("hybrida(hybrid=91)"));
      Variable Hybridb = ncfile.findVariable("hybridb");
      assert (Hybridb.getNameAndDimensions().equals("hybridb(hybrid=91)"));

      int idx = Hybrid.findDimensionIndex("hybrid");
      Dimension dim = Hybrid.getDimension(idx);

    } else if (filename.equals("07010418_arw_d01.GrbF01500")) {
      Variable Hybrid = ncfile.findVariable("hybrid");
      assert (Hybrid.getNameAndDimensions().equals("hybrid(hybrid=2)"));
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    if ( ! indexSetup1_8() ) return false;

    netcdfObj = openNc( ncObjType, gribIospVer );

    int timeDimLengthExpected = 8;
    Dimension timeDim = netcdfObj.findDimension( "time" );
    assertEquals( "Length of time dimension [" + timeDim.getLength() + "] not as expected [" + timeDimLengthExpected + "].",
                  timeDimLengthExpected );

    // Setup 2: data file (1-12, CHANGE), index file (1-8).
    if ( ! gribAppend9_12() ) return false;
    if ( ! syncNc( netcdfObj ) ) return false;

    timeDim = netcdfObj.findDimension( "time" );
    assertEquals( "Length of time dimension [" + timeDim.getLength() + "] not as expected [" + timeDimLengthExpected + "].",
                  timeDimLengthExpected );

    // Setup 2: data file (1-12), index file (1-12, CHANGE).
    if ( ! indexSetup1_12() ) return false;
    if ( ! syncNc( netcdfObj ) ) return false;

    timeDimLengthExpected = 12;
    timeDim = netcdfObj.findDimension( "time" );
    assertEquals( "Length of time dimension [" + timeDim.getLength() + "] not as expected [" + timeDimLengthExpected + "].",
                  timeDimLengthExpected );

    // Setup 2: data file (1-18, CHANGE), index file (1-18, CHANGE).
    if ( ! gribAppend13_18() ) return false;
    if ( ! indexSetup1_18() ) return false;
    if ( ! syncNc( netcdfObj ) ) return false;

    timeDimLengthExpected = 18;
    timeDim = netcdfObj.findDimension( "time" );
    assertEquals( "Length of time dimension [" + timeDim.getLength() + "] not as expected [" + timeDimLengthExpected + "].",
                  timeDimLengthExpected );

    // Setup 2: data file (1-21, CHANGE), index file (1-21, CHANGE).
    if ( ! gribAppend19_21() ) return false;
    if ( ! indexSetup1_21() ) return false;

    if ( ! syncNc( netcdfObj ) ) return false;

    timeDimLengthExpected = 21;
    timeDim = netcdfObj.findDimension( "time" );
    assertEquals( "Length of time dimension [" + timeDim.getLength() + "] not as expected [" + timeDimLengthExpected + "].",
                  timeDimLengthExpected );

    return true;
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    if ( ! gribAppend9_12() ) return false;

    netcdfObj = openNc( ncObjType, gribIospVer );

    int timeDimLengthExpected = 8;
    Dimension timeDim = netcdfObj.findDimension( "time" );
    assertEquals( "Length of time dimension [" + timeDim.getLength() + "] not as expected [" + timeDimLengthExpected + "].",
                  timeDimLengthExpected );

    // Setup 2: data file (1-12), index file (1-12, CHANGE).
    if ( ! indexSetup1_12() ) return false;
    if ( ! syncNc( netcdfObj ) ) return false;

    timeDimLengthExpected = 12;
    timeDim = netcdfObj.findDimension( "time" );
    assertEquals( "Length of time dimension [" + timeDim.getLength() + "] not as expected [" + timeDimLengthExpected + "].",
                  timeDimLengthExpected );

    // Setup 3: data file (1-18, CHANGE), index file (1-18, CHANGE).
    if ( ! gribAppend13_18() ) return false;
    if ( ! indexSetup1_18() ) return false;
    if ( ! syncNc( netcdfObj ) ) return false;

    timeDimLengthExpected = 18;
    timeDim = netcdfObj.findDimension( "time" );
    assertEquals( "Length of time dimension [" + timeDim.getLength() + "] not as expected [" + timeDimLengthExpected + "].",
                  timeDimLengthExpected );

    return true;
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