A {@link SearchParameter} for both {@code PLACEMENT} and {@code KEYWORD}{@link IdeaType}s used to indicate the locations being targeted. This can be used, for example, to search for {@code KEYWORD} {@link IdeaType}s that are best for Japan and Los Angeles.
This parameter replaces the {@code CountryTargetSearchParameter}.
Warning: Not all back-ends support sub-country precision.
The service allows up to 10 locations to be targeted for KEYWORD requests and 50 locations for PLACEMENT requests.
This search parameter can be used in bulk keyword requests through the {@link com.google.ads.api.services.targetingideas.TargetingIdeaService#getBulkKeywordIdeas(TargetingIdeaSelector)}method. It must be single-valued when used in a call to that method.
This element is supported by following {@link IdeaType}s: KEYWORD, PLACEMENT.
This element is supported by following {@link RequestType}s: IDEAS, STATS.