
Examples of

    campaignEstimateRequest.setCriteria(new Criterion[] {unitedStates, english});

    // Create selector.
    TrafficEstimatorSelector selector = new TrafficEstimatorSelector();
        .toArray(new CampaignEstimateRequest[] {}));

    // Get traffic estimates.
    TrafficEstimatorResult result = trafficEstimatorService.get(selector);
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  public static void runExample(
      AdWordsServices adWordsServices, AdWordsSession session) throws Exception {
    // Get the TrafficEstimatorService.
    TrafficEstimatorServiceInterface trafficEstimatorService =
        adWordsServices.get(session, TrafficEstimatorServiceInterface.class);

    // Create keywords. Up to 2000 keywords can be passed in a single request.
    List<Keyword> keywords = new ArrayList<Keyword>();
    keywords.add(new Keyword(null, null, null, "mars cruise", KeywordMatchType.BROAD));
    keywords.add(new Keyword(null, null, null, "cheap cruise", KeywordMatchType.PHRASE));
    keywords.add(new Keyword(null, null, null, "cruise", KeywordMatchType.EXACT));

    // Create a keyword estimate request for each keyword.
    List<KeywordEstimateRequest> keywordEstimateRequests = new ArrayList<KeywordEstimateRequest>();
    for (Keyword keyword : keywords) {
      KeywordEstimateRequest keywordEstimateRequest = new KeywordEstimateRequest();

    // Add a negative keyword to the traffic estimate.
    KeywordEstimateRequest negativeKeywordEstimateRequest = new KeywordEstimateRequest();
    negativeKeywordEstimateRequest.setKeyword(new Keyword(null, null, null, "hiking tour",

    // Create ad group estimate requests.
    List<AdGroupEstimateRequest> adGroupEstimateRequests = new ArrayList<AdGroupEstimateRequest>();
    AdGroupEstimateRequest adGroupEstimateRequest = new AdGroupEstimateRequest();
        .toArray(new KeywordEstimateRequest[] {}));
    adGroupEstimateRequest.setMaxCpc(new Money(null, 1000000L));

    // Create campaign estimate requests.
    List<CampaignEstimateRequest> campaignEstimateRequests =
        new ArrayList<CampaignEstimateRequest>();
    CampaignEstimateRequest campaignEstimateRequest = new CampaignEstimateRequest();
        .toArray(new AdGroupEstimateRequest[] {}));
    Location unitedStates = new Location();
    Language english = new Language();
    campaignEstimateRequest.setCriteria(new Criterion[] {unitedStates, english});

    // Create selector.
    TrafficEstimatorSelector selector = new TrafficEstimatorSelector();
        .toArray(new CampaignEstimateRequest[] {}));

    // Get traffic estimates.
    TrafficEstimatorResult result = trafficEstimatorService.get(selector);

    // Display traffic estimates.
    if (result != null && result.getCampaignEstimates() != null) {
      KeywordEstimate[] keywordEstimates =
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    long jobId = response.getId();
    System.out.printf("Job with ID %d was successfully created.\n", jobId);

    // Create selector to retrieve job status and wait for it to complete.
    BulkMutateJobSelector selector = new BulkMutateJobSelector();
    selector.setJobIds(new long[] {jobId});

    // Poll for job status until it's finished.
    System.out.println("Retrieving job status...");
    SimpleMutateJob jobStatusResponse = null;
    BasicJobStatus status = null;
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    long jobId = response.getId();
    System.out.printf("Job with ID %d was successfully created.\n", jobId);

    // Create selector to retrieve job status and wait for it to complete.
    BulkMutateJobSelector selector = new BulkMutateJobSelector();
    selector.setJobIds(new long[] {jobId});

    // Poll for job status until it's finished.
    System.out.println("Retrieving job status...");
    SimpleMutateJob jobStatusResponse = null;
    BasicJobStatus status = null;
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    long jobId = response.getId();
    System.out.printf("Job with ID %d was successfully created.\n", jobId);

    // Create selector to retrieve job status and wait for it to complete.
    BulkMutateJobSelector selector = new BulkMutateJobSelector();
    selector.setJobIds(new long[] {jobId});

    // Poll for job status until it's finished.
    System.out.println("Retrieving job status...");
    SimpleMutateJob jobStatusResponse = null;
    BasicJobStatus status = null;
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    long jobId = response.getId();
    System.out.printf("Job with ID %d was successfully created.\n", jobId);

    // Create selector to retrieve job status and wait for it to complete.
    BulkMutateJobSelector selector = new BulkMutateJobSelector();
    selector.setJobIds(new long[] {jobId});

    // Poll for job status until it's finished.
    System.out.println("Retrieving job status...");
    SimpleMutateJob jobStatusResponse = null;
    BasicJobStatus status = null;
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      long jobId = response.getId();
      System.out.printf("Job with ID %d was successfully created.\n", jobId);

      // Create selector to retrieve job status and wait for it to complete.
      BulkMutateJobSelector selector = new BulkMutateJobSelector();
      selector.setJobIds(new long[] {jobId});

      // Poll for job status until it's finished.
      System.out.println("Retrieving job status...");
      SimpleMutateJob jobStatusResponse = null;
      BasicJobStatus status = null;
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      long jobId = response.getId();
      System.out.printf("Job with ID %d was successfully created.\n", jobId);

      // Create selector to retrieve job status and wait for it to complete.
      BulkMutateJobSelector selector = new BulkMutateJobSelector();
      selector.setJobIds(new long[] {jobId});

      // Poll for job status until it's finished.
      System.out.println("Retrieving job status...");
      SimpleMutateJob jobStatusResponse = null;
      BasicJobStatus status = null;
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      long jobId = response.getId();
      System.out.printf("Job with ID %d was successfully created.\n", jobId);

      // Create selector to retrieve job status and wait for it to complete.
      BulkMutateJobSelector selector = new BulkMutateJobSelector();
      selector.setJobIds(new long[] {jobId});

      // Poll for job status until it's finished.
      System.out.println("Retrieving job status...");
      SimpleMutateJob jobStatusResponse = null;
      BasicJobStatus status = null;
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      long jobId = response.getId();
      System.out.printf("Job with ID %d was successfully created.\n", jobId);

      // Create selector to retrieve job status and wait for it to complete.
      BulkMutateJobSelector selector = new BulkMutateJobSelector();
      selector.setJobIds(new long[] {jobId});

      // Poll for job status until it's finished.
      System.out.println("Retrieving job status...");
      SimpleMutateJob jobStatusResponse = null;
      BasicJobStatus status = null;
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