} catch (IOException e) {
throw new MustacheException();
Mustache mustache = mb.compile(template + ".txt");
DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
XPathFactory xpf = XPathFactory.newInstance();
final DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();
final XPathExpression replyX = xpf.newXPath().compile("//a");
final Properties cache = new Properties();
File cacheFile = new File("cache");
if (cacheFile.exists()) {
cache.load(new FileInputStream(cacheFile));
Set<String> ungenerated = new HashSet<String>(
"MULTI", "EXEC", "DISCARD", // Transactions
"AUTH" // authentication
final Set<String> genericReply = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(
"SORT", // Can return an integer reply
"ZRANK", "ZREVRANK", // Two different return values
"SRANDMEMBER", // Can return a bulk or multibulk reply depending on count
"BRPOPLPUSH" // If the timeout occurs it returns a Nil multi-bulk reply instead of a bulk reply
final Set<String> multiples = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(
JsonFactory jf = new MappingJsonFactory();
JsonParser jsonParser = jf.createJsonParser(new URL("https://raw.github.com/antirez/redis-doc/master/commands.json"));
final JsonNode commandNodes = jsonParser.readValueAsTree();
Iterator<String> fieldNames = commandNodes.getFieldNames();
ImmutableListMultimap<String,String> group = Multimaps.index(fieldNames,
new Function<String, String>() {
public String apply(String s) {
return commandNodes.get(s).get("group").asText();
List<Object> commands = new ArrayList<Object>();
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : group.entries()) {
String key = entry.getKey();
final String groupName = key.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + key.substring(1);
final String command = entry.getValue();
if (ungenerated.contains(command)) continue;
final boolean splitCommand = command.contains(" ");
final String safeCommand = command.replace(" ", "_");
String cacheReply = cache.getProperty(command.toLowerCase());
if (cacheReply == null) {
final Document detail = db.parse("http://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql/javarants/redisreply?url=" + URLEncoder.encode("http://redis.io/commands/" + safeCommand.toLowerCase(), "utf-8"));
cacheReply = replyX.evaluate(detail).replaceAll("[- ]", "").replaceAll("reply", "Reply").replaceAll("bulk", "Bulk").replaceAll("Statuscode", "Status");
cache.setProperty(safeCommand.toLowerCase(), cacheReply);
cache.store(new FileWriter(cacheFile), "# Updated " + new Date());
final String finalReply = cacheReply;
final JsonNode commandNode = commandNodes.get(command);
commands.add(new Object() {
String group = groupName;
boolean split_command = splitCommand;
String name = safeCommand;
String name1 = splitCommand ? name.substring(0, name.indexOf("_")) : name;
String name2 = splitCommand ? name.substring(name.indexOf("_") + 1) : "";
String comment = commandNode.get("summary").getTextValue();
boolean generic = finalReply.equals("") || genericReply.contains(name);
String reply = generic ? "Reply" : finalReply;
String version = commandNode.get("since").getTextValue();
boolean hasOptional = false;
boolean hasMultiple = false;
List<String> skipped = new ArrayList<String>();
boolean varargs() {
return (hasMultiple || hasOptional);
boolean usearray = false;
List<Object> arguments = new ArrayList<Object>();
int base_length() {
return arguments.size() - (hasMultiple ? 1 : 0);
JsonNode argumentArray = commandNode.get("arguments");
if (argumentArray != null) {
if (argumentArray.size() > 3) {
usearray = true;
boolean first = true;
int argNum = 0;
if (multiples.contains(name)) {
arguments.add(new Object() {
boolean first = true;
boolean multiple = true;
String typename = "Object";
String name = "args";
} else {
for (final JsonNode argumentNode : argumentArray) {
JsonNode nameNodes = argumentNode.get("name");
final String argName;
if (nameNodes.isArray()) {
boolean f = true;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (JsonNode nameNode : nameNodes) {
if (!f) {
f = false;
String textValue = nameNode.getTextValue();
argName = sb.toString();
} else {
argName = nameNodes.getTextValue();
final boolean finalFirst = first;
final int finalArgNum = argNum;
final boolean isMultiple = argumentNode.get("multiple") != null || argumentNode.get("command") != null;
final boolean isOptional = argumentNode.get("optional") != null;
if (isOptional) hasOptional = true;
if (isMultiple) hasMultiple = true;
final int finalArgNum1 = argNum;
arguments.add(new Object() {
int arg_num = finalArgNum1;
boolean first = finalFirst;
boolean multiple = isMultiple;
String typename = "Object";
String name() {
String name = (argName + finalArgNum).replaceAll("[- :]", "_");
for (String s : skipped) {
name = s + "_" + name;
return name;
Boolean optional = isOptional;
boolean skip() {
boolean skip = hasMultiple && isOptional && !isMultiple;
if (skip) {
return skip;
if (isMultiple) {
usearray = true;
first = false;
if (isMultiple) break;
String methodname = safeCommand.toLowerCase();
String quote = keywords.contains(methodname) ? "`" : "";
Map<String, Object> ctx = new HashMap<String, Object>();
ctx.put("commands", commands);
File base = new File(dest, pkg.replace(".", "/"));
mustache.execute(new FileWriter(new File(base, className + "." + language)), ctx).close();