SettableBeanProperty[] creatorProps = _valueInstantiator.getFromObjectArguments(ctxt.getConfig());
_propertyBasedCreator = PropertyBasedCreator.construct(ctxt, _valueInstantiator, creatorProps);
// also: need to try to resolve 'external' type ids...
for (SettableBeanProperty prop : {
if (prop.hasValueTypeDeserializer()) {
TypeDeserializer typeDeser = prop.getValueTypeDeserializer();
if (typeDeser.getTypeInclusion() == JsonTypeInfo.As.EXTERNAL_PROPERTY) {
if (extTypes == null) {
extTypes = new ExternalTypeHandler.Builder();
extTypes.addExternal(prop, typeDeser);
UnwrappedPropertyHandler unwrapped = null;
for (SettableBeanProperty origProp : _beanProperties) {
SettableBeanProperty prop = origProp;
// May already have deserializer from annotations, if so, skip:
if (!prop.hasValueDeserializer()) {
// [Issue#125]: allow use of converters
JsonDeserializer<?> deser = findConvertingDeserializer(ctxt, prop);
if (deser == null) {
deser = findDeserializer(ctxt, prop.getType(), prop);
prop = prop.withValueDeserializer(deser);
} else { // may need contextual version
JsonDeserializer<Object> deser = prop.getValueDeserializer();
/* Important! This is the only place where actually handle "primary"
* property deserializers -- call is different from other places.
JsonDeserializer<?> cd = ctxt.handlePrimaryContextualization(deser, prop);
if (cd != deser) {
prop = prop.withValueDeserializer(cd);
// [JACKSON-235]: need to link managed references with matching back references
prop = _resolveManagedReferenceProperty(ctxt, prop);
// issue #351: need to wrap properties that require object id resolution.
if (!(prop instanceof ManagedReferenceProperty)) {
prop = _resolvedObjectIdProperty(ctxt, prop);
// [JACKSON-132]: support unwrapped values (via @JsonUnwrapped)
SettableBeanProperty u = _resolveUnwrappedProperty(ctxt, prop);
if (u != null) {
prop = u;
if (unwrapped == null) {
unwrapped = new UnwrappedPropertyHandler();
// 10-Apr-2014, tatu: Looks like we should also do this? (no observed diff tho)
if (prop != origProp) {
// [JACKSON-594]: non-static inner classes too:
prop = _resolveInnerClassValuedProperty(ctxt, prop);
if (prop != origProp) {
/* one more thing: if this property uses "external property" type inclusion
* (see [JACKSON-453]), it needs different handling altogether
if (prop.hasValueTypeDeserializer()) {
TypeDeserializer typeDeser = prop.getValueTypeDeserializer();
if (typeDeser.getTypeInclusion() == JsonTypeInfo.As.EXTERNAL_PROPERTY) {
if (extTypes == null) {
extTypes = new ExternalTypeHandler.Builder();
extTypes.addExternal(prop, typeDeser);
// In fact, remove from list of known properties to simplify later handling
// "any setter" may also need to be resolved now
if (_anySetter != null && !_anySetter.hasValueDeserializer()) {
_anySetter = _anySetter.withValueDeserializer(findDeserializer(ctxt,
_anySetter.getType(), _anySetter.getProperty()));
// as well as delegate-based constructor:
if (_valueInstantiator.canCreateUsingDelegate()) {
JavaType delegateType = _valueInstantiator.getDelegateType(ctxt.getConfig());
if (delegateType == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid delegate-creator definition for "+_beanType
+": value instantiator ("+_valueInstantiator.getClass().getName()
+") returned true for 'canCreateUsingDelegate()', but null for 'getDelegateType()'");
AnnotatedWithParams delegateCreator = _valueInstantiator.getDelegateCreator();
// Need to create a temporary property to allow contextual deserializers:
BeanProperty.Std property = new BeanProperty.Std(TEMP_PROPERTY_NAME,
delegateType, null, _classAnnotations, delegateCreator,
TypeDeserializer td = delegateType.getTypeHandler();
if (td == null) {
td = ctxt.getConfig().findTypeDeserializer(delegateType);
JsonDeserializer<Object> dd = findDeserializer(ctxt, delegateType, property);
if (td != null) {
td = td.forProperty(property);
dd = new TypeWrappedDeserializer(td, dd);
_delegateDeserializer = dd;