public void testNonDeterministicJoinPredicatePushdown()
throws Exception
MaterializedResult materializedResult = computeActual("" +
"FROM (\n" +
" FROM (\n" +
" SELECT 'abc' as col1a, 500 as col1b FROM lineitem limit 1\n" +
" ) table1\n" +
" JOIN (\n" +
" SELECT 'abc' as col2a FROM lineitem limit 1000000\n" +
" ) table2\n" +
" ON table1.col1a = table2.col2a\n" +
" WHERE rand() * 1000 > table1.col1b\n" +
MaterializedRow row = Iterables.getOnlyElement(materializedResult.getMaterializedRows());
assertEquals(row.getFieldCount(), 1);
long count = (Long) row.getField(0);
// Technically non-deterministic unit test but has essentially a next to impossible chance of a false positive
assertTrue(count > 0 && count < 1000000);