Package com.facebook.presto.util

Examples of com.facebook.presto.util.MaterializedResult$Builder

    public void testTableSampleSystemBoundaryValues()
            throws Exception
        MaterializedResult fullSample = computeActual("SELECT orderkey FROM orders TABLESAMPLE SYSTEM (100)");
        MaterializedResult emptySample = computeActual("SELECT orderkey FROM orders TABLESAMPLE SYSTEM (0)");
        MaterializedResult all = computeActual("SELECT orderkey FROM orders");

        assertEquals(emptySample.getMaterializedTuples().size(), 0);
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            if (!client.isFailed()) {
                return new MaterializedResult(, types);

            QueryError error = client.finalResults().getError();
            assert error != null;
            if (error.getFailureInfo() != null) {
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    public void testApproxPercentile()
            throws Exception
        MaterializedResult raw = computeActual("SELECT orderstatus, orderkey, totalprice FROM ORDERS");

        Multimap<String, Long> orderKeyByStatus = ArrayListMultimap.create();
        Multimap<String, Double> totalPriceByStatus = ArrayListMultimap.create();
        for (MaterializedTuple tuple : raw.getMaterializedTuples()) {
            orderKeyByStatus.put((String) tuple.getField(0), (Long) tuple.getField(1));
            totalPriceByStatus.put((String) tuple.getField(0), (Double) tuple.getField(2));

        MaterializedResult actual = computeActual("" +
                "SELECT orderstatus, " +
                "   approx_percentile(orderkey, 0.5), " +
                "   approx_percentile(totalprice, 0.5)," +
                "   approx_percentile(orderkey, 2, 0.5)," +
                "   approx_percentile(totalprice, 2, 0.5)\n" +
                "FROM ORDERS\n" +
                "GROUP BY orderstatus");

        for (MaterializedTuple tuple : actual.getMaterializedTuples()) {
            String status = (String) tuple.getField(0);
            Long orderKey = (Long) tuple.getField(1);
            Double totalPrice = (Double) tuple.getField(2);
            Long orderKeyWeighted = (Long) tuple.getField(3);
            Double totalPriceWeighted = (Double) tuple.getField(4);
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    public void testComplexQuery()
            throws Exception
        MaterializedResult actual = computeActual("SELECT sum(orderkey), row_number() OVER (ORDER BY orderkey)\n" +
                "FROM orders\n" +
                "WHERE orderkey <= 10\n" +
                "GROUP BY orderkey\n" +
                "HAVING sum(orderkey) >= 3\n" +
                "ORDER BY orderkey DESC\n" +
                "LIMIT 3");

        MaterializedResult expected = resultBuilder(FIXED_INT_64, FIXED_INT_64)
                .row(7, 5)
                .row(6, 4)
                .row(5, 3)
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    public void testApproximateCountDistinct()
            throws Exception
        MaterializedResult actual = computeActual("SELECT approx_distinct(custkey) FROM orders");

        MaterializedResult expected = resultBuilder(FIXED_INT_64)

        assertEqualsIgnoreOrder(actual.getMaterializedTuples(), expected.getMaterializedTuples());
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    public void testApproximateCountDistinctGroupBy()
            throws Exception
        MaterializedResult actual = computeActual("SELECT orderstatus, approx_distinct(custkey) FROM orders GROUP BY orderstatus");
        MaterializedResult expected = resultBuilder(actual.getTupleInfo())
                .row("O", 969)
                .row("F", 964)
                .row("P", 301)

        assertEqualsIgnoreOrder(actual.getMaterializedTuples(), expected.getMaterializedTuples());
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    public void testLimit()
            throws Exception
        MaterializedResult actual = computeActual("SELECT orderkey FROM ORDERS LIMIT 10");
        MaterializedResult all = computeExpected("SELECT orderkey FROM ORDERS", actual.getTupleInfo());

        assertEquals(actual.getMaterializedTuples().size(), 10);
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    public void testAggregationWithLimit()
            throws Exception
        MaterializedResult actual = computeActual("SELECT custkey, SUM(totalprice) FROM ORDERS GROUP BY custkey LIMIT 10");
        MaterializedResult all = computeExpected("SELECT custkey, SUM(totalprice) FROM ORDERS GROUP BY custkey", actual.getTupleInfo());

        assertEquals(actual.getMaterializedTuples().size(), 10);
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    public void testLimitInInlineView()
            throws Exception
        MaterializedResult actual = computeActual("SELECT orderkey FROM (SELECT orderkey FROM ORDERS LIMIT 100) T LIMIT 10");
        MaterializedResult all = computeExpected("SELECT orderkey FROM ORDERS", actual.getTupleInfo());

        assertEquals(actual.getMaterializedTuples().size(), 10);
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    public void testWindowFunctionsExpressions()
        MaterializedResult actual = computeActual("" +
                "SELECT orderkey, orderstatus\n" +
                ", row_number() OVER (ORDER BY orderkey * 2) *\n" +
                "  row_number() OVER (ORDER BY orderkey DESC) + 100\n" +
                "FROM (SELECT * FROM orders ORDER BY orderkey LIMIT 10) x\n" +
                "ORDER BY orderkey LIMIT 5");

        MaterializedResult expected = resultBuilder(FIXED_INT_64, VARIABLE_BINARY, FIXED_INT_64)
                .row(1, "O", (1 * 10) + 100)
                .row(2, "O", (2 * 9) + 100)
                .row(3, "F", (3 * 8) + 100)
                .row(4, "O", (4 * 7) + 100)
                .row(5, "F", (5 * 6) + 100)
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Related Classes of com.facebook.presto.util.MaterializedResult$Builder

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