Package com.facebook.presto.util

Examples of com.facebook.presto.util.MaterializedResult$Builder

    public void testDistributedExplainGraphvizFormat()
        String query = "SELECT 123 FROM dual";
        MaterializedResult result = computeActual("EXPLAIN (TYPE DISTRIBUTED, FORMAT GRAPHVIZ) " + query);
        String actual = Iterables.getOnlyElement(transform(result.getMaterializedTuples(), onlyColumnGetter()));
        assertEquals(actual, getGraphvizExplainPlan(query, DISTRIBUTED));
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    public void testShowSchemas()
            throws Exception
        MaterializedResult result = computeActual("SHOW SCHEMAS");
        ImmutableSet<String> schemaNames = ImmutableSet.copyOf(transform(result.getMaterializedTuples(), onlyColumnGetter()));
        assertEquals(schemaNames, ImmutableSet.of(TPCH_SCHEMA_NAME, INFORMATION_SCHEMA, "sys"));
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    public void testShowTables()
            throws Exception
        MaterializedResult result = computeActual("SHOW TABLES");
        ImmutableSet<String> tableNames = ImmutableSet.copyOf(transform(result.getMaterializedTuples(), onlyColumnGetter()));
        assertEquals(tableNames, ImmutableSet.of(TPCH_ORDERS_NAME, TPCH_LINEITEM_NAME));
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    public void testShowTablesFrom()
            throws Exception
        MaterializedResult result = computeActual("SHOW TABLES FROM DEFAULT");
        ImmutableSet<String> tableNames = ImmutableSet.copyOf(transform(result.getMaterializedTuples(), onlyColumnGetter()));
        assertEquals(tableNames, ImmutableSet.of(TPCH_ORDERS_NAME, TPCH_LINEITEM_NAME));

        result = computeActual("SHOW TABLES FROM TPCH.DEFAULT");
        tableNames = ImmutableSet.copyOf(transform(result.getMaterializedTuples(), onlyColumnGetter()));
        assertEquals(tableNames, ImmutableSet.of(TPCH_ORDERS_NAME, TPCH_LINEITEM_NAME));

        result = computeActual("SHOW TABLES FROM UNKNOWN");
        tableNames = ImmutableSet.copyOf(transform(result.getMaterializedTuples(), onlyColumnGetter()));
        assertEquals(tableNames, ImmutableSet.of());
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    public void testShowTablesLike()
            throws Exception
        MaterializedResult result = computeActual("SHOW TABLES LIKE 'or%'");
        ImmutableSet<String> tableNames = ImmutableSet.copyOf(transform(result.getMaterializedTuples(), onlyColumnGetter()));
        assertEquals(tableNames, ImmutableSet.of(TPCH_ORDERS_NAME));
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    public void testShowColumns()
            throws Exception
        MaterializedResult actual = computeActual("SHOW COLUMNS FROM orders");

        MaterializedResult expected = resultBuilder(VARIABLE_BINARY, VARIABLE_BINARY, BOOLEAN, BOOLEAN)
                .row("orderkey", "bigint", true, false)
                .row("custkey", "bigint", true, false)
                .row("orderstatus", "varchar", true, false)
                .row("totalprice", "double", true, false)
                .row("orderdate", "varchar", true, false)
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    public void testShowPartitions()
            throws Exception
        MaterializedResult result = computeActual("SHOW PARTITIONS FROM orders");
        // table is not partitioned
        // TODO: add a partitioned table for tests and test where/order/limit
        assertEquals(result.getMaterializedTuples().size(), 0);
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    public void testShowFunctions()
            throws Exception
        MaterializedResult result = computeActual("SHOW FUNCTIONS");
        ImmutableMultimap<String, MaterializedTuple> functions = Multimaps.index(result.getMaterializedTuples(), new Function<MaterializedTuple, String>()
            public String apply(MaterializedTuple input)
                assertEquals(input.getFieldCount(), 5);
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    public void testLimitPushDown()
            throws Exception
        MaterializedResult actual = computeActual(
                "(TABLE orders ORDER BY orderkey) UNION ALL " +
                        "SELECT * FROM orders WHERE orderstatus = 'F' UNION ALL " +
                        "(TABLE orders ORDER BY orderkey LIMIT 20) UNION ALL " +
                        "(TABLE orders LIMIT 5) UNION ALL " +
                        "TABLE orders LIMIT 10");
        MaterializedResult all = computeExpected("SELECT * FROM ORDERS", actual.getTupleInfo());

        assertEquals(actual.getMaterializedTuples().size(), 10);
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    public void testNonDeterministicJoinPredicatePushdown()
            throws Exception
        MaterializedResult materializedResult = computeActual("" +
                "SELECT COUNT(*)\n" +
                "FROM (\n" +
                "  SELECT DISTINCT *\n" +
                "  FROM (\n" +
                "    SELECT 'abc' as col1a, 500 as col1b FROM lineitem limit 1\n" +
                "  ) table1\n" +
                "  JOIN (\n" +
                "    SELECT 'abc' as col2a FROM lineitem limit 1000000\n" +
                "  ) table2\n" +
                "  ON table1.col1a = table2.col2a\n" +
                "  WHERE rand() * 1000 > table1.col1b\n" +
        MaterializedTuple tuple = Iterables.getOnlyElement(materializedResult.getMaterializedTuples());
        Assert.assertEquals(tuple.getFieldCount(), 1);
        long count = (Long) tuple.getField(0);
        // Technically non-deterministic unit test but has essentially a next to impossible chance of a false positive
        Assert.assertTrue(count > 0 && count < 1000000);
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Related Classes of com.facebook.presto.util.MaterializedResult$Builder

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