Package com.facebook.presto.operator

Examples of com.facebook.presto.operator.Driver$DriverLockResult

            // multiple times and out of order because sources contain full record of
            // the unpartitioned splits
            for (TaskSource source : updatedUnpartitionedSources.values()) {
                // tell all the existing drivers this source is finished
                for (WeakReference<Driver> driverReference : drivers) {
                    Driver driver = driverReference.get();
                    // the driver can be GCed due to a failure or a limit
                    if (driver != null) {
                    } else {
                        // remove the weak reference from the list to avoid a memory leak
                        // NOTE: this is a concurrent safe operation on a CopyOnWriteArrayList
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    private Driver createDriver(DriverFactory driverFactory, DriverContext driverContext, ScheduledSplit partitionedSplit)
        checkState(!Thread.holdsLock(this), "Can not crete a driver while holding a lock on the %s", getClass().getSimpleName());

        Driver driver = driverFactory.createDriver(driverContext);

        if (partitionedSplit != null) {
            // TableScanOperator requires partitioned split to be added before task is started
            driver.updateSource(new TaskSource(partitionedSourceId, ImmutableSet.of(partitionedSplit), true));

        // record driver so other threads add unpartitioned sources can see the driver
        // NOTE: this MUST be done before reading unpartitionedSources, so we see a consistent view of the unpartitioned sources
        drivers.add(new WeakReference<>(driver));

        // add unpartitioned sources
        for (TaskSource source : unpartitionedSources.values()) {

        return driver;
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            // multiple times and out of order because sources contain full record of
            // the unpartitioned splits
            for (TaskSource source : updatedUnpartitionedSources.values()) {
                // tell all the existing drivers this source is finished
                for (WeakReference<Driver> driverReference : drivers) {
                    Driver driver = driverReference.get();
                    // the driver can be GCed due to a failure or a limit
                    if (driver != null) {
                    else {
                        // remove the weak reference from the list to avoid a memory leak
                        // NOTE: this is a concurrent safe operation on a CopyOnWriteArrayList
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            return new DriverSplitRunner(this, partitionedSplit);

        private Driver createDriver(@Nullable ScheduledSplit partitionedSplit)
            Driver driver = driverFactory.createDriver(pipelineContext.addDriverContext());

            // record driver so other threads add unpartitioned sources can see the driver
            // NOTE: this MUST be done before reading unpartitionedSources, so we see a consistent view of the unpartitioned sources
            drivers.add(new WeakReference<>(driver));

            if (partitionedSplit != null) {
                // TableScanOperator requires partitioned split to be added before the first call to process
                driver.updateSource(new TaskSource(partitionedSourceId, ImmutableSet.of(partitionedSplit), true));

            // add unpartitioned sources
            for (TaskSource source : unpartitionedSources.values()) {

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            return new DriverSplitRunner(this, driverContext, partitionedSplit);

        private Driver createDriver(DriverContext driverContext, @Nullable ScheduledSplit partitionedSplit)
            Driver driver = driverFactory.createDriver(driverContext);

            // record driver so other threads add unpartitioned sources can see the driver
            // NOTE: this MUST be done before reading unpartitionedSources, so we see a consistent view of the unpartitioned sources
            drivers.add(new WeakReference<>(driver));

            if (partitionedSplit != null) {
                // TableScanOperator requires partitioned split to be added before the first call to process
                driver.updateSource(new TaskSource(partitionedSourceId, ImmutableSet.of(partitionedSplit), true));

            // add unpartitioned sources
            for (TaskSource source : unpartitionedSources.values()) {

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        if (lookupSourceSupplier == null) {
            OperatorFactory ordersTableScan = createTableScanOperator(0, "orders", "orderkey", "totalprice");
            HashBuilderOperatorFactory hashBuilder = new HashBuilderOperatorFactory(1, ordersTableScan.getTypes(), Ints.asList(0), 1_500_000);

            DriverContext driverContext = taskContext.addPipelineContext(false, false).addDriverContext();
            Driver driver = new DriverFactory(false, false, ordersTableScan, hashBuilder).createDriver(driverContext);
            while (!driver.isFinished()) {
            lookupSourceSupplier = hashBuilder.getLookupSourceSupplier();

        OperatorFactory lineItemTableScan = createTableScanOperator(0, "lineitem", "orderkey", "quantity");

        OperatorFactory joinOperator = LookupJoinOperators.innerJoin(1, lookupSourceSupplier, lineItemTableScan.getTypes(), Ints.asList(0));

        NullOutputOperatorFactory output = new NullOutputOperatorFactory(2, joinOperator.getTypes());

        DriverFactory driverFactory = new DriverFactory(true, true, lineItemTableScan, joinOperator, output);
        DriverContext driverContext = taskContext.addPipelineContext(true, true).addDriverContext();
        Driver driver = driverFactory.createDriver(driverContext);
        return ImmutableList.of(driver);
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        // create drivers
        List<Driver> drivers = new ArrayList<>();
        Map<PlanNodeId, Driver> driversBySource = new HashMap<>();
        for (DriverFactory driverFactory : localExecutionPlan.getDriverFactories()) {
            DriverContext driverContext = taskContext.addPipelineContext(driverFactory.isInputDriver(), driverFactory.isOutputDriver()).addDriverContext();
            Driver driver = driverFactory.createDriver(driverContext);
            for (PlanNodeId sourceId : driver.getSourceIds()) {
                driversBySource.put(sourceId, driver);

        // add sources to the drivers
        for (TaskSource source : sources) {
            for (Driver driver : driversBySource.values()) {

        return ImmutableList.copyOf(drivers);
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        private IndexSnapshot batchLoadRequests(UnloadedIndexKeyRecordSet unloadedKeysRecordSet)
            // Drive index lookup to produce the output (landing in pagesIndexOutput)
            Driver driver = driverFactory.createDriver(pipelineContext.addDriverContext());
            driver.updateSource(new TaskSource(sourcePlanNodeId, ImmutableSet.of(new ScheduledSplit(0, new Split("index", new IndexSplit(unloadedKeysRecordSet)))), true));
            while (!driver.isFinished()) {
                ListenableFuture<?> process = driver.process();
                checkState(process.isDone(), "Driver should never block");

            // Create lookup source with new data
            LookupSource lookupSource = pagesIndex.createLookupSource(indexChannels);
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        if (lookupSourceSupplier == null) {
            OperatorFactory ordersTableScan = createTableScanOperator(0, "orders", "orderkey", "totalprice");
            HashBuilderOperatorFactory hashBuilder = new HashBuilderOperatorFactory(1, ordersTableScan.getTypes(), Ints.asList(0), 1_500_000);

            DriverContext driverContext = taskContext.addPipelineContext(false, false).addDriverContext();
            Driver driver = new DriverFactory(false, false, ordersTableScan, hashBuilder).createDriver(driverContext);
            while (!driver.isFinished()) {
            lookupSourceSupplier = hashBuilder.getLookupSourceSupplier();

        OperatorFactory lineItemTableScan = createTableScanOperator(0, "lineitem", "orderkey", "quantity");

        OperatorFactory joinOperator = LookupJoinOperators.innerJoin(1, lookupSourceSupplier, lineItemTableScan.getTypes(), Ints.asList(0));

        NullOutputOperatorFactory output = new NullOutputOperatorFactory(2, joinOperator.getTypes());

        DriverFactory driverFactory = new DriverFactory(true, true, lineItemTableScan, joinOperator, output);
        DriverContext driverContext = taskContext.addPipelineContext(true, true).addDriverContext();
        Driver driver = driverFactory.createDriver(driverContext);
        return ImmutableList.of(driver);
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        OperatorFactory ordersTableScan = createTableScanOperator(0, "orders", "orderkey", "totalprice");
        HashBuilderOperatorFactory hashBuilder = new HashBuilderOperatorFactory(1, ordersTableScan.getTypes(), Ints.asList(0), 1_500_000);

        DriverFactory driverFactory = new DriverFactory(true, true, ordersTableScan, hashBuilder);
        Driver driver = driverFactory.createDriver(taskContext.addPipelineContext(true, true).addDriverContext());
        return ImmutableList.of(driver);
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Related Classes of com.facebook.presto.operator.Driver$DriverLockResult

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