new DefaultSpdyRstStreamFrame(streamId, SpdyStreamStatus.INTERNAL_ERROR);
Channels.write(ctx, Channels.future(channel), spdyRstStreamFrame);
try {
HttpResponse httpResponse = createHttpResponse(spdyVersion, spdySynStreamFrame);
// Set the Stream-ID, Associated-To-Stream-ID, Priority, and URL as headers
SpdyHttpHeaders.setStreamId(httpResponse, streamId);
SpdyHttpHeaders.setAssociatedToStreamId(httpResponse, associatedToStreamId);
SpdyHttpHeaders.setPriority(httpResponse, spdySynStreamFrame.getPriority());
SpdyHttpHeaders.setUrl(httpResponse, URL);
if (spdySynStreamFrame.isLast()) {
HttpHeaders.setContentLength(httpResponse, 0);
return httpResponse;
} else {
// Response body will follow in a series of Data Frames
putMessage(streamId, httpResponse);
} catch (Exception e) {
SpdyRstStreamFrame spdyRstStreamFrame =
new DefaultSpdyRstStreamFrame(streamId, SpdyStreamStatus.PROTOCOL_ERROR);
Channels.write(ctx, Channels.future(channel), spdyRstStreamFrame);
} else {
// SYN_STREAM frames initiated by the client are HTTP requests
// If a client sends a request with a truncated header block, the server must
// reply with a HTTP 431 REQUEST HEADER FIELDS TOO LARGE reply.
if (spdySynStreamFrame.isTruncated()) {
SpdySynReplyFrame spdySynReplyFrame = new DefaultSpdySynReplyFrame(streamId);
SpdyHeaders.setVersion(spdyVersion, spdySynReplyFrame, HttpVersion.HTTP_1_0);
Channels.write(ctx, Channels.future(channel), spdySynReplyFrame);
try {
HttpRequest httpRequest = createHttpRequest(spdyVersion, spdySynStreamFrame);
// Set the Stream-ID as a header
SpdyHttpHeaders.setStreamId(httpRequest, streamId);
if (spdySynStreamFrame.isLast()) {
return httpRequest;
} else {
// Request body will follow in a series of Data Frames
putMessage(streamId, httpRequest);
} catch (Exception e) {
// If a client sends a SYN_STREAM without all of the method, url (host and path),
// scheme, and version headers the server must reply with a HTTP 400 BAD REQUEST reply.
// Also sends HTTP 400 BAD REQUEST reply if header name/value pairs are invalid
SpdySynReplyFrame spdySynReplyFrame = new DefaultSpdySynReplyFrame(streamId);
SpdyHeaders.setStatus(spdyVersion, spdySynReplyFrame, HttpResponseStatus.BAD_REQUEST);
SpdyHeaders.setVersion(spdyVersion, spdySynReplyFrame, HttpVersion.HTTP_1_0);
Channels.write(ctx, Channels.future(channel), spdySynReplyFrame);
} else if (msg instanceof SpdySynReplyFrame) {
SpdySynReplyFrame spdySynReplyFrame = (SpdySynReplyFrame) msg;
int streamId = spdySynReplyFrame.getStreamId();
// If a client receives a SYN_REPLY with a truncated header block,
// reply with a RST_STREAM frame with error code INTERNAL_ERROR.
if (spdySynReplyFrame.isTruncated()) {
SpdyRstStreamFrame spdyRstStreamFrame =
new DefaultSpdyRstStreamFrame(streamId, SpdyStreamStatus.INTERNAL_ERROR);
Channels.write(ctx, Channels.future(channel), spdyRstStreamFrame);
try {
HttpResponse httpResponse = createHttpResponse(spdyVersion, spdySynReplyFrame);
// Set the Stream-ID as a header
SpdyHttpHeaders.setStreamId(httpResponse, streamId);
if (spdySynReplyFrame.isLast()) {