Package com.facebook.presto.jdbc.internal.joda.time

Examples of com.facebook.presto.jdbc.internal.joda.time.Chronology

     * @param instant  instant to format, null means now
     * @since 2.0
    public void printTo(Appendable appendable, ReadableInstant instant) throws IOException {
        long millis = DateTimeUtils.getInstantMillis(instant);
        Chronology chrono = DateTimeUtils.getInstantChronology(instant);
        printTo(appendable, millis, chrono);
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        if (instant == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Instant must not be null");
        long instantMillis = instant.getMillis();
        Chronology chrono = instant.getChronology();
        int defaultYear = DateTimeUtils.getChronology(chrono).year().get(instantMillis);
        long instantLocal = instantMillis + chrono.getZone().getOffset(instantMillis);
        chrono = selectChronology(chrono);
        DateTimeParserBucket bucket = new DateTimeParserBucket(
            instantLocal, chrono, iLocale, iPivotYear, defaultYear);
        int newPos = parser.parseInto(bucket, text, position);
        instant.setMillis(bucket.computeMillis(false, text));
        if (iOffsetParsed && bucket.getOffsetInteger() != null) {
            int parsedOffset = bucket.getOffsetInteger();
            DateTimeZone parsedZone = DateTimeZone.forOffsetMillis(parsedOffset);
            chrono = chrono.withZone(parsedZone);
        } else if (bucket.getZone() != null) {
            chrono = chrono.withZone(bucket.getZone());
        if (iZone != null) {
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     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if parsing is not supported
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the text to parse is invalid
    public long parseMillis(String text) {
        InternalParser parser = requireParser();
        Chronology chrono = selectChronology(iChrono);
        DateTimeParserBucket bucket = new DateTimeParserBucket(0, chrono, iLocale, iPivotYear, iDefaultYear);
        return bucket.doParseMillis(parser, text);
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     * @since 2.0
    public LocalDateTime parseLocalDateTime(String text) {
        InternalParser parser = requireParser();
        Chronology chrono = selectChronology(null).withUTC()// always use UTC, avoiding DST gaps
        DateTimeParserBucket bucket = new DateTimeParserBucket(0, chrono, iLocale, iPivotYear, iDefaultYear);
        int newPos = parser.parseInto(bucket, text, 0);
        if (newPos >= 0) {
            if (newPos >= text.length()) {
                long millis = bucket.computeMillis(true, text);
                if (bucket.getOffsetInteger() != null) {  // treat withOffsetParsed() as being true
                    int parsedOffset = bucket.getOffsetInteger();
                    DateTimeZone parsedZone = DateTimeZone.forOffsetMillis(parsedOffset);
                    chrono = chrono.withZone(parsedZone);
                } else if (bucket.getZone() != null) {
                    chrono = chrono.withZone(bucket.getZone());
                return new LocalDateTime(millis, chrono);
        } else {
            newPos = ~newPos;
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     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the text to parse is invalid
    public DateTime parseDateTime(String text) {
        InternalParser parser = requireParser();
        Chronology chrono = selectChronology(null);
        DateTimeParserBucket bucket = new DateTimeParserBucket(0, chrono, iLocale, iPivotYear, iDefaultYear);
        int newPos = parser.parseInto(bucket, text, 0);
        if (newPos >= 0) {
            if (newPos >= text.length()) {
                long millis = bucket.computeMillis(true, text);
                if (iOffsetParsed && bucket.getOffsetInteger() != null) {
                    int parsedOffset = bucket.getOffsetInteger();
                    DateTimeZone parsedZone = DateTimeZone.forOffsetMillis(parsedOffset);
                    chrono = chrono.withZone(parsedZone);
                } else if (bucket.getZone() != null) {
                    chrono = chrono.withZone(bucket.getZone());
                DateTime dt = new DateTime(millis, chrono);
                if (iZone != null) {
                    dt = dt.withZone(iZone);
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     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the text to parse is invalid
    public MutableDateTime parseMutableDateTime(String text) {
        InternalParser parser = requireParser();
        Chronology chrono = selectChronology(null);
        DateTimeParserBucket bucket = new DateTimeParserBucket(0, chrono, iLocale, iPivotYear, iDefaultYear);
        int newPos = parser.parseInto(bucket, text, 0);
        if (newPos >= 0) {
            if (newPos >= text.length()) {
                long millis = bucket.computeMillis(true, text);
                if (iOffsetParsed && bucket.getOffsetInteger() != null) {
                    int parsedOffset = bucket.getOffsetInteger();
                    DateTimeZone parsedZone = DateTimeZone.forOffsetMillis(parsedOffset);
                    chrono = chrono.withZone(parsedZone);
                } else if (bucket.getZone() != null) {
                    chrono = chrono.withZone(bucket.getZone());
                MutableDateTime dt = new MutableDateTime(millis, chrono);
                if (iZone != null) {
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                offset = standardOffset;
            } else {
                offset = 0;

            Chronology chrono = ISOChronology.getInstanceUTC();
            long millis = chrono.year().set(0, year);
            millis = chrono.monthOfYear().set(millis, iMonthOfYear);
            millis = chrono.millisOfDay().set(millis, iMillisOfDay);
            millis = setDayOfMonth(chrono, millis);

            if (iDayOfWeek != 0) {
                millis = setDayOfWeek(chrono, millis);
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            // Convert from UTC to local time.
            instant += offset;

            Chronology chrono = ISOChronology.getInstanceUTC();
            long next = chrono.monthOfYear().set(instant, iMonthOfYear);
            // Be lenient with millisOfDay.
            next = chrono.millisOfDay().set(next, 0);
            next = chrono.millisOfDay().add(next, iMillisOfDay);
            next = setDayOfMonthNext(chrono, next);

            if (iDayOfWeek == 0) {
                if (next <= instant) {
                    next = chrono.year().add(next, 1);
                    next = setDayOfMonthNext(chrono, next);
            } else {
                next = setDayOfWeek(chrono, next);
                if (next <= instant) {
                    next = chrono.year().add(next, 1);
                    next = chrono.monthOfYear().set(next, iMonthOfYear);
                    next = setDayOfMonthNext(chrono, next);
                    next = setDayOfWeek(chrono, next);
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            // Convert from UTC to local time.
            instant += offset;

            Chronology chrono = ISOChronology.getInstanceUTC();
            long prev = chrono.monthOfYear().set(instant, iMonthOfYear);
            // Be lenient with millisOfDay.
            prev = chrono.millisOfDay().set(prev, 0);
            prev = chrono.millisOfDay().add(prev, iMillisOfDay);
            prev = setDayOfMonthPrevious(chrono, prev);

            if (iDayOfWeek == 0) {
                if (prev >= instant) {
                    prev = chrono.year().add(prev, -1);
                    prev = setDayOfMonthPrevious(chrono, prev);
            } else {
                prev = setDayOfWeek(chrono, prev);
                if (prev >= instant) {
                    prev = chrono.year().add(prev, -1);
                    prev = chrono.monthOfYear().set(prev, iMonthOfYear);
                    prev = setDayOfMonthPrevious(chrono, prev);
                    prev = setDayOfWeek(chrono, prev);
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     * @param zone time zone to apply, or default if null
     * @return a DateTime using the same millis
    public DateTime toDateTime(DateTimeZone zone) {
        Chronology chrono = DateTimeUtils.getChronology(getChronology());
        chrono = chrono.withZone(zone);
        return new DateTime(getMillis(), chrono);
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Related Classes of com.facebook.presto.jdbc.internal.joda.time.Chronology

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