private final LayoutContainer arrangeCaptionTreeAndButtons(LayoutContainer headerButtons, String caption,
LayoutContainer treePanel, LayoutContainer eButtons, LayoutContainer buttonRow, LayoutContainer regex) {
LayoutContainer content = new LayoutContainer();
content.setLayout(new RowLayout());
RowData layoutData = new RowData();
layoutData.setMargins(new Margins(5, 0, 0, 0));
if (headerButtons != null) {
content.add(new Label(caption));
content.add(treePanel, layoutData);
if (eButtons != null) {
content.add(eButtons, layoutData);
content.add(buttonRow, layoutData);
if (regex != null) {
content.add(regex, layoutData);
} else {
LayoutContainer panel = new LayoutContainer();
panel.setLayout(new RowLayout(Orientation.HORIZONTAL));
panel.setSize(230, 50); //have to hard code to make it visible in FF...
RowData lData = new RowData();
lData.setMargins(new Margins(5, 5, 0, 0));
LabelField l = new LabelField();