A LayoutContainer that fills the browser window and monitors window resizing. Viewports are best used for applications that will fill the browser without window scrolling. Children of the viewport can allow scrolling. Code snippet:
Viewport viewport = new Viewport(); viewport.add(new ContentPanel(), new MarginData(10)); RootPanel.get().add(viewport);
The viewport is not added to the root panel automatically. Is is not necessary to call {@link #layout()} after adding the viewport to theRootPanel. Layout will be called after being added to the root panel.
- Inherited Events:
- LayoutContainer AfterLayout
- ScrollContainer Scroll
- Container BeforeAdd
- Container Add
- Container BeforeRemove
- Container Remove
- BoxComponent Move
- BoxComponent Resize
- Component Enable
- Component Disable
- Component BeforeHide
- Component Hide
- Component BeforeShow
- Component Show
- Component Attach
- Component Detach
- Component BeforeRender
- Component Render
- Component BrowserEvent
- Component BeforeStateRestore
- Component StateRestore
- Component BeforeStateSave
- Component SaveState