protected XFormDialog buildDialog( WsdlProject modelItem )
if( modelItem == null )
return null;
XFormDialogBuilder builder = XFormFactory.createDialogBuilder( "Launch Security TestRunner" );
mainForm = builder.createForm( "Basic" );
mainForm.addComboBox( TESTSUITE, new String[] {}, "The TestSuite to run" ).addFormFieldListener(
new XFormFieldListener()
public void valueChanged( XFormField sourceField, String newValue, String oldValue )
List<String> testCases = new ArrayList<String>();
String tc = mainForm.getComponentValue( TESTCASE );
if( newValue.equals( ALL_VALUE ) )
for( TestSuite testSuite : testSuites )
for( TestCase testCase : testSuite.getTestCaseList() )
if( !testCases.contains( testCase.getName() ) )
testCases.add( testCase.getName() );
TestSuite testSuite = getModelItem().getTestSuiteByName( newValue );
if( testSuite != null )
testCases.addAll( Arrays.asList( ModelSupport.getNames( testSuite.getTestCaseList() ) ) );
testCases.add( 0, ALL_VALUE );
mainForm.setOptions( TESTCASE, testCases.toArray() );
if( testCases.contains( tc ) )
mainForm.getFormField( TESTCASE ).setValue( tc );
} );
mainForm.addComboBox( TESTCASE, new String[] {}, "TestCase" ).addFormFieldListener( new XFormFieldListener()
public void valueChanged( XFormField sourceField, String newValue, String oldValue )
List<String> securityTests = new ArrayList<String>();
String st = mainForm.getComponentValue( SECURITY_TEST_NAME );
if( newValue.equals( ALL_VALUE ) )
for( TestSuite testSuite : testSuites )
for( TestCase testCase : testSuite.getTestCaseList() )
for( SecurityTest securityTest : testCase.getSecurityTestList() )
if( !securityTests.contains( securityTest.getName() ) )
securityTests.add( securityTest.getName() );
TestCase testCase = null;
testCase = getModelItem().getTestSuiteByName( mainForm.getComponentValue( TESTSUITE ) )
.getTestCaseByName( mainForm.getComponentValue( TESTCASE ) );
catch( NullPointerException npe )
if( testCase != null )
securityTests.addAll( Arrays.asList( ModelSupport.getNames( testCase.getSecurityTestList() ) ) );
securityTests.add( 0, ALL_VALUE );
mainForm.setOptions( SECURITY_TEST_NAME, securityTests.toArray() );
if( securityTests.contains( st ) )
mainForm.getFormField( SECURITY_TEST_NAME ).setValue( st );
} );
mainForm.addComboBox( SECURITY_TEST_NAME, new String[] {}, "The Security Test to run" );
mainForm.addCheckBox( SAVEPROJECT, "Saves project before running" ).setEnabled( !modelItem.isRemote() );
mainForm.addTextField( TESTRUNNERPATH, "Folder containing SecurityTestRunner.bat to use", XForm.FieldType.FOLDER );
setToolsSettingsAction( null );
buildArgsForm( builder, false, "TestRunner" );
return builder.buildDialog( buildDefaultActions( HelpUrls.TESTRUNNER_HELP_URL, modelItem ),
"Specify arguments for launching soapUI Security TestRunner", UISupport.TOOL_ICON );