Package com.eviware.x.form

Examples of com.eviware.x.form.XForm

  protected XFormDialog buildDialog( Interface modelItem )
    XFormDialogBuilder builder = XFormFactory.createDialogBuilder( messages.get( "Dialog.Title" ) );

    XForm mainForm = builder.createForm( messages.get( "Dialog.Basic.Label" ) );
    addWSDLFields( mainForm, modelItem );

    mainForm.addTextField( OUTPUT, messages.get( "Dialog.Basic.Output" ), XForm.FieldType.PROJECT_FOLDER );
    mainForm.addCheckBox( SERVER_SIDE, messages.get( "Dialog.Basic.ServerSide" ) );
    mainForm.addCheckBox( ALL, messages.get( "Dialog.Basic.All" ) );

    mainForm.addComboBox( DEPLOY_SCOPE, new String[] { "none", "Application", "Session", "Request" },
        messages.get( "Axis1XWSDL2JavaAction.Dialog.Basic.AddScope" ) );

    mainForm.addComboBox( SKELETON_DEPLOY, new String[] { "none", "true", "false" },
        messages.get( "Dialog.Basic.DeploySkeleton" ) );

    mainForm.addCheckBox( NO_IMPORTS, messages.get( "Dialog.Basic.NoImports" ) );
    mainForm.addCheckBox( NO_WRAPPED, messages.get( "Dialog.Basic.NoWrapped" ) );
    mainForm.addCheckBox( TEST_CASE, messages.get( "Dialog.Basic.TestCase" ) );
    mainForm.addCheckBox( HELPER_GEN, messages.get( "Dialog.Basic.HelperGen" ) );
    mainForm.addCheckBox( WRAP_ARRAYS, messages.get( "Dialog.Basic.WrapArrays" ) );

    XForm advForm = builder.createForm( messages.get( "Dialog.Advanced.Label" ) );
    advForm.addComboBox( TYPE_MAPPING_VERSION, new String[] { "1.2", "1.1" },
        messages.get( "Dialog.Advanced.TypeMappingVersion" ) );

    advForm.addTextField( IMPLCLASS, messages.get( "Dialog.Advanced.ImplClass" ), XForm.FieldType.JAVA_CLASS );
    advForm.addTextField( FACTORY, messages.get( "Dialog.Advanced.Factory" ), XForm.FieldType.JAVA_CLASS );

    advForm.addTextField( PACKAGE, messages.get( "Dialog.Advanced.Package" ), XForm.FieldType.JAVA_PACKAGE );
    advForm.addNameSpaceTable( NAMESPACE_MAPPING, modelItem );

    advForm.addTextField( USERNAME, messages.get( "Dialog.Advanced.Username" ), XForm.FieldType.TEXT );
    advForm.addTextField( PASSWORD, messages.get( "Dialog.Advanced.Password" ), XForm.FieldType.PASSWORD );

    buildArgsForm( builder, true, "WSDL2Java" ); //$NON-NLS-1$

    return builder.buildDialog( buildDefaultActions( HelpUrls.AXIS1X_HELP_URL, modelItem ),
        messages.get( "Dialog.Description" ), UISupport.TOOL_ICON );
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    MessageSupport messages = MessageSupport.getMessages( formClass );

    XFormDialogBuilder builder = XFormFactory.createDialogBuilder( messages.get( ) );
    XForm form = builder.createForm( "Basic" );

    for( Field field : formClass.getFields() )
      AField fieldAnnotation = field.getAnnotation( AField.class );
      if( fieldAnnotation != null )
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    MessageSupport messages = MessageSupport.getMessages( formClass );

    XFormDialogBuilder builder = XFormFactory.createDialogBuilder( messages.get( ) );
    XForm form = builder.createForm( "Basic" );

    for( Field field : formClass.getFields() )
      AField fieldAnnotation = field.getAnnotation( AField.class );
      if( fieldAnnotation != null )
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    return dialog;

  private static void buildForm( XFormDialogBuilder builder, String name, Class<?> formClass, MessageSupport messages )
    XForm form = builder.createForm( name );
    for( Field formField : formClass.getFields() )
      AField formFieldAnnotation = formField.getAnnotation( AField.class );
      if( formFieldAnnotation != null )
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  protected XFormDialog buildDialog( WsdlProject project )
    XFormDialogBuilder builder = XFormFactory.createDialogBuilder( "Generate JBossWS WSDL Artifacts" );

    XForm mainForm = builder.createForm( "Basic" );

    mainForm.addTextField( ENDPOINT, "Serice Endpoint Interface", XForm.FieldType.JAVA_CLASS );
    mainForm.addTextField( SERVICE_NAME, "The name of the generated Service", XForm.FieldType.TEXT );
        .addComboBox( STYLE, new String[] { Style.DOCUMENT.toString(), Style.RPC.toString() }, "The style to use" );
    mainForm.addComboBox( PARAMETER_STYLE,
        new String[] { ParameterStyle.BARE.toString(), ParameterStyle.WRAPPED.toString() }, "The style to use" );
    mainForm.addTextField( CLASSPATH, "Classpath to use", XForm.FieldType.PROJECT_FOLDER );
    mainForm.addTextField( OUTPUT, "The root directory for all emitted files.", XForm.FieldType.PROJECT_FOLDER );
    mainForm.addTextField( MAPPING, "mapping file to generate", XForm.FieldType.PROJECT_FILE );
    mainForm.addTextField( TARGET_NAMESPACE, "The target namespace for the generated WSDL", XForm.FieldType.TEXT );
    mainForm.addTextField( TYPES_NAMESPACE, "The namespace for the generated types", XForm.FieldType.TEXT );
    mainForm.addTextField( EJB_LINK, "The name of the source EJB to link to", XForm.FieldType.TEXT );
    mainForm.addTextField( SERVLET_LINK, "The name of the source Servlet to link to", XForm.FieldType.TEXT );

    buildArgsForm( builder, false, "wstools" );

    ActionList actions = buildDefaultActions( HelpUrls.WSTOOLS_HELP_URL, project );
    actions.addAction( new ShowConfigFileAction( "JBossWS Java2Wsdl", "Contents of generated wsconfig.xml file" )
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  protected XFormDialog buildDialog( Interface modelItem )
    XFormDialogBuilder builder = XFormFactory.createDialogBuilder( "Axis2 artifacts" );
    XForm mainForm = builder.createForm( "Basic" );

    addWSDLFields( mainForm, modelItem );

    mainForm.addTextField( OUTPUT, "root directory for generated files.", XForm.FieldType.PROJECT_FOLDER );
    mainForm.addTextField( PACKAGE, "target package nam", XForm.FieldType.JAVA_PACKAGE );

    XFormField dbComboBox = mainForm.addComboBox( DATABINDING, new String[] { "xmlbeans", "adb", "jibx", "jaxme" },
        "Specifies the Databinding framework." );

    mainForm.addCheckBox( ASYNC, "(generate code only for async style)" );
    mainForm.addCheckBox( SYNC, "(generate code only for sync style)" );
    mainForm.addCheckBox( TESTCASE, "(Generate a test case)" );

    XFormField serverSideCB = mainForm.addCheckBox( SERVERSIDE, "(Generate server side code (i.e. skeletons))" );

    XFormField ssiCB = mainForm.addCheckBox( SERVERSIDEINTERFACE, "(Generate interface for server side)" );
    XFormField sdCB = mainForm.addCheckBox( SERICEDESCRIPTOR, "(Generate the service descriptor (i.e. server.xml).)" );
    serverSideCB.addComponentEnabler( ssiCB, "true" );
    serverSideCB.addComponentEnabler( sdCB, "true" );

    XForm advForm = builder.createForm( "Advanced" );

    advForm.addCheckBox( GENERATEALL, "(Genrates all the classes)" );
    advForm.addCheckBox( UNPACK, "(Unpacks the databinding classes)" );

    advForm.addTextField( SERVICE_NAME, "the service name to be code generated", XForm.FieldType.TEXT );
    advForm.addTextField( PORT_NAME, "the port name to be code generated", XForm.FieldType.TEXT );

    advForm.addComponent( NAMESPACE_MAPPING, new NamespaceTable( ( WsdlInterface )modelItem ) );

    XFormField adbWrapCB = advForm.addCheckBox( ADB_WRAP,
        "(Sets the packing flag. if true the classes will be packed.)" );
    XFormField adbWriteCB = advForm.addCheckBox( ADB_WRITE,
        "(Sets the write flag. If set to true the classes will be written by ADB)" );
    XFormTextField jibxCB = advForm.addTextField( JIBX_BINDING_FILE, "The JIBX binding file to use",
        XForm.FieldType.PROJECT_FILE );
    dbComboBox.addComponentEnabler( adbWrapCB, "adb" );
    dbComboBox.addComponentEnabler( adbWriteCB, "adb" );
    dbComboBox.addComponentEnabler( jibxCB, "jibx" );
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  private void buildDialog()
    XFormDialogBuilder builder = XFormFactory.createDialogBuilder( "Add Request to TestCase" );
    XForm mainForm = builder.createForm( "Basic" );

    mainForm.addTextField( STEP_NAME, "Name of TestStep", XForm.FieldType.URL ).setWidth( 30 );

    mainForm.addCheckBox( ADD_SOAP_RESPONSE_ASSERTION, "(adds validation that response is a SOAP message)" );
    mainForm.addCheckBox( ADD_SCHEMA_ASSERTION, "(adds validation that response complies with its schema)" );
    mainForm.addCheckBox( ADD_SOAP_FAULT_ASSERTION, "(adds validation that response is not a SOAP Fault)" );
    closeRequestCheckBox = mainForm.addCheckBox( CLOSE_REQUEST, "(closes the current window for this request)" );
    mainForm.addCheckBox( SHOW_TESTCASE, "(opens the TestCase editor for the target TestCase)" );
    mainForm.addCheckBox( COPY_ATTACHMENTS, "(copies the requests attachments to the TestRequest)" );
    mainForm.addCheckBox( COPY_HTTPHEADERS, "(copies the requests HTTP-Headers to the TestRequest)" );

    dialog = builder.buildDialog( builder.buildOkCancelActions(),
        "Specify options for adding the request to a TestCase", UISupport.OPTIONS_ICON );

    dialogValues.put( ADD_SOAP_RESPONSE_ASSERTION, Boolean.TRUE.toString() );
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  protected XFormDialog buildDialog( Interface modelItem )
    XFormDialogBuilder builder = XFormFactory.createDialogBuilder( "Apache CXF Stubs" );

    XForm mainForm = builder.createForm( "Basic" );
    addWSDLFields( mainForm, modelItem );

    mainForm.addTextField( OUTPUT, "Root directory for all emitted files.", XForm.FieldType.PROJECT_FOLDER );
    mainForm.addTextField( PACKAGE, "Default Package for generated classes", XForm.FieldType.JAVA_PACKAGE );
    mainForm.addNameSpaceTable( NAMESPACE_MAPPING, modelItem );

    mainForm.addCheckBox( CLIENT_STUBS, "Generates starting point code for a client mainline" );
    mainForm.addCheckBox( SERVER_STUBS, "Generates starting point code for a server mainline" );
    mainForm.addCheckBox( IMPL_STUBS, "Generates starting point code for an implementation object" );
    mainForm.addCheckBox( ANT_FILE, "Generates the Ant build.xml file" );
    mainForm.addCheckBox( GENERATE_ALL,
        "<html>Generates all starting point code: types, <br>service proxy, service interface, server mainline, "
            + "<br>client mainline, implementation object, and an Ant build.xml file</html>" );

    XForm advForm = builder.createForm( "Advanced" );

    advForm.addTextField( BINDING_FILES, "Space-separated list of JAXWS or JAXB binding files", XForm.FieldType.TEXT );
    advForm.addCheckBox( COMPILE, "Compiles generated Java files" );
    advForm.addTextField( CLASSDIR, "The directory into which the compiled class files are written",
        XForm.FieldType.FOLDER );

    advForm.addTextField( CATALOG_FILE, "The catalog file to map the imported wsdl/schema", XForm.FieldType.FILE );

    advForm.addNameSpaceTable( EXCLUDE_NAMESPACES, modelItem );
    advForm.addCheckBox( EXSH, "Enables processing of extended soap header message binding" );
    advForm.addCheckBox( DNS, "Enables loading of the default namespace package name mapping" );
    advForm.addCheckBox( DEX, "Enables loading of the default excludes namespace mapping" );
    advForm.addCheckBox( VALIDATE, "Enables validating the WSDL before generating the code" );

    buildArgsForm( builder, true, "wsdl2java" );

    return builder.buildDialog( buildDefaultActions( HelpUrls.CXFWSDL2JAVA_HELP_URL, modelItem ),
        "Specify arguments for Apache CXF wsdl2java", UISupport.TOOL_ICON );
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  protected XFormDialog buildDialog( Interface modelItem )
    XFormDialogBuilder builder = XFormFactory.createDialogBuilder( "XmlBeans Classes" );

    XForm mainForm = builder.createForm( "Basic" );
    addWSDLFields( mainForm, modelItem );

    mainForm.addTextField( XSBTARGET, "Target directory for CLASS and XSB files", XForm.FieldType.PROJECT_FOLDER );
    mainForm.addTextField( SRCTARGET, "Target directory for generated JAVA files", XForm.FieldType.PROJECT_FOLDER );
    mainForm.addTextField( JARFILE, "The name of the output JAR that will contain the result of compilation",
        XForm.FieldType.PROJECT_FILE );

    mainForm.addCheckBox( SRCONLY, "(Do not compile JAVA files or jar the output)" );
    mainForm.addCheckBox( DOWNLOADS, "(Permit network downloads for imports and includes)" );
    mainForm.addCheckBox( NOUPA, "(Do not enforce the unique particle attribution rule)" );
    mainForm.addCheckBox( NOPVR, "(Do not enforce the particle valid (restriction) rule)" );
    mainForm.addCheckBox( NOANN, "(Ignore annotations)" );
    mainForm.addCheckBox( NOVDOC, "(Do not validate contents of <documentation> elements)" );
    mainForm.addCheckBox( DEBUG, "(Compile with debug symbols)" );

    mainForm.addComboBox( JAVASOURCE, new String[] { "1.5", "1.4" },
        "Generate Java source compatible for the specified Java version" );

    mainForm.addTextField( ALLOWMDEF,
        "Ignore multiple defs in given namespaces. Use  ##local  to specify the no-namespace in that list",
        XForm.FieldType.TEXT );
    mainForm.addTextField( CATALOG, "Catalog file to use for resolving external entities",
        XForm.FieldType.PROJECT_FILE );
    mainForm.addTextField( XSDCONFIG, "Path to .xsdconfig file containing type-mapping information",
        XForm.FieldType.PROJECT_FILE );

    mainForm.addCheckBox( VERBOSE, "(Print more informational messages)" );

    buildArgsForm( builder, false, "scomp" );

    return builder.buildDialog( buildDefaultActions( HelpUrls.XMLBEANS_HELP_URL, modelItem ),
        "Specify arguments for XmlBeans 2.X scomp", UISupport.TOOL_ICON );
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      builder.addArgs( toolArgs );

  protected XForm buildArgsForm( XFormDialogBuilder builder, boolean addJavaArgs, String toolName )
    XForm argsForm = builder.createForm( "Custom Args" );
    if( addJavaArgs )
      argsForm.addTextField( JAVA_ARGS, "additional arguments to java", XForm.FieldType.TEXT );

    argsForm.addTextField( TOOL_ARGS, "additional arguments to " + toolName, XForm.FieldType.TEXT );
    return argsForm;
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Related Classes of com.eviware.x.form.XForm

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