private void buildDialog()
XFormDialogBuilder builder = XFormFactory.createDialogBuilder( "Step Average Assertion" );
XForm form = builder.createForm( "Basic" );
form.addTextField( NAME_FIELD, "Name of this assertion", FieldType.TEXT );
form.addTextField( MINIMUM_REQUESTS_FIELD, "Minimum number of steps before asserting", FieldType.TEXT );
form.addTextField( MAX_AVERAGE_FIELD, "Maximum allowed average step time", FieldType.TEXT );
form.addTextField( MAX_ERRORS_FIELD, "Maximum number of allowed errors before failing loadtest (-1 = unlimited)",
FieldType.TEXT );
form.addTextField( SAMPLE_INTERVAL_FIELD, "Step count interval between sampling", FieldType.TEXT );
form.addComboBox( TEST_STEP_FIELD, new String[0], "TestStep to assert" );
dialog = builder.buildDialog(
builder.buildOkCancelHelpActions( HelpUrls.STEP_AVERAGE_LOAD_TEST_ASSERTION_HELP_URL ),
"Specify options for this Step Average Assertion", UISupport.OPTIONS_ICON );